explain analyze
c.the_company_code ,
tlist t
-- it is questionable why this query become fast when using left join, the most natural query is inner join...
join mlist m using(mlist_rec_id)
join parcel_application ord_app using(parcel_application_rec_id)
join parcel ord using(parcel_rec_id)
join company c on c.company_rec_id = ord.client_rec_id
-- ...questionable
'cadmium' = ''
select *
from mlist_detail md
md.mlist_rec_id = m.mlist_rec_id
and exists
select *
from mlist_detail_parameter mdp
join parameter p using(parameter_rec_id)
where mdp.mlist_detail_rec_id = md.mlist_detail_rec_id
and to_tsvector(extract_words(p.parameter)) @@ plainto_tsquery(extract_words('cadmium'))
group by c.company_rec_id,
c.the_company_code, c.company
"HashAggregate (cost=3791153.43..3791156.38 rows=295 width=71) (actual time=222284.340..222284.357 rows=84 loops=1)"
" -> Nested Loop (cost=0.00..3791139.81 rows=1816 width=71) (actual time=421.412..222282.253 rows=715 loops=1)"
" -> Merge Join (cost=0.00..3790598.03 rows=1816 width=37) (actual time=421.395..222273.876 rows=715 loops=1)"
" Merge Cond: ((ord_app.parcel_rec_id)::text = (ord.parcel_rec_id)::text)"
" -> Nested Loop (cost=0.00..3790229.12 rows=1816 width=37) (actual time=421.371..222264.556 rows=715 loops=1)"
" -> Nested Loop (cost=0.00..3789062.60 rows=1816 width=74) (actual time=421.346..222250.614 rows=715 loops=1)"
" -> Index Scan using fki_parcel_application__parcel on parcel_application ord_app (cost=0.00..508.50 rows=3218 width=74) (actual time=0.019..6.952 rows=3218 loops=1)"
" -> Index Scan using fki_mlist__parcel_application on mlist m (cost=0.00..1177.29 rows=1 width=74) (actual time=66.900..69.060 rows=0 loops=3218)"
" Index Cond: ((m.parcel_application_rec_id)::text = (ord_app.parcel_application_rec_id)::text)"
" Filter: (alternatives: SubPlan 1 or hashed SubPlan 2)"
" SubPlan 1"
" -> Nested Loop Semi Join (cost=3.49..5870.46 rows=5 width=0) (actual time=61.189..61.189 rows=0 loops=3631)"
" Join Filter: ((md.mlist_detail_rec_id)::text = (mdp.mlist_detail_rec_id)::text)"
" -> Index Scan using fki_mlist_detail__mlist on mlist_detail md (cost=0.00..24.31 rows=5 width=37) (actual time=0.014..0.023 rows=4 loops=3631)"
" Index Cond: ((mlist_rec_id)::text = ($0)::text)"
" -> Hash Join (cost=3.49..1163.57 rows=676 width=37) (actual time=0.004..16.045 rows=1865 loops=13473)"
" Hash Cond: ((mdp.parameter_rec_id)::text = (p.parameter_rec_id)::text)"
" -> Seq Scan on mlist_detail_parameter mdp (cost=0.00..1013.87 rows=37187 width=74) (actual time=0.001..5.935 rows=36353 loops=13473)"
" -> Hash (cost=3.48..3.48 rows=1 width=37) (actual time=1.646..1.646 rows=1 loops=1)"
" -> Seq Scan on parameter p (cost=0.00..3.48 rows=1 width=37) (actual time=1.397..1.642 rows=1 loops=1)"
" Filter: (to_tsvector(regexp_replace((parameter)::text, '[\\(\\)\\!\\.\\/,\\-\\?]+'::text, ' '::text, 'g'::text)) @@ plainto_tsquery('cadmium'::text))"
" SubPlan 2"
" -> Hash Join (cost=1180.47..3241.32 rows=15198 width=37) (never executed)"
" Hash Cond: ((md.mlist_detail_rec_id)::text = (mdp.mlist_detail_rec_id)::text)"
" -> Seq Scan on mlist_detail md (cost=0.00..1987.79 rows=17679 width=74) (never executed)"
" -> Hash (cost=1172.02..1172.02 rows=676 width=37) (never executed)"
" -> HashAggregate (cost=1165.26..1172.02 rows=676 width=37) (never executed)"
" -> Hash Join (cost=3.49..1163.57 rows=676 width=37) (never executed)"
" Hash Cond: ((mdp.parameter_rec_id)::text = (p.parameter_rec_id)::text)"
" -> Seq Scan on mlist_detail_parameter mdp (cost=0.00..1013.87 rows=37187 width=74) (never executed)"
" -> Hash (cost=3.48..3.48 rows=1 width=37) (never executed)"
" -> Seq Scan on parameter p (cost=0.00..3.48 rows=1 width=37) (never executed)"
" Filter: (to_tsvector(regexp_replace((parameter)::text, '[\\(\\)\\!\\.\\/,\\-\\?]+'::text, ' '::text, 'g'::text)) @@ plainto_tsquery('cadmium'::text))"
" -> Index Scan using fki_tlist__mlist on tlist t (cost=0.00..0.63 rows=1 width=37) (actual time=0.015..0.015 rows=1 loops=715)"
" Index Cond: ((t.mlist_rec_id)::text = (m.mlist_rec_id)::text)"
" -> Index Scan using pk_parcel on parcel ord (cost=0.00..338.49 rows=3087 width=74) (actual time=0.008..3.312 rows=3146 loops=1)"
" -> Index Scan using pk_company on company c (cost=0.00..0.29 rows=1 width=71) (actual time=0.009..0.009 rows=1 loops=715)"
" Index Cond: ((c.company_rec_id)::text = (ord.client_rec_id)::text)"
"Total runtime: 222284.584 ms"
explain analyze
c.the_company_code ,
tlist t
-- it is questionable why this query become fast when using left join, the most natural query is inner join...
left join mlist m using(mlist_rec_id)
left join parcel_application ord_app using(parcel_application_rec_id)
left join parcel ord using(parcel_rec_id)
left join company c on c.company_rec_id = ord.client_rec_id
-- ...questionable
'cadmium' = ''
select *
from mlist_detail md
md.mlist_rec_id = m.mlist_rec_id
and exists
select *
from mlist_detail_parameter mdp
join parameter p using(parameter_rec_id)
where mdp.mlist_detail_rec_id = md.mlist_detail_rec_id
and to_tsvector(extract_words(p.parameter)) @@ plainto_tsquery(extract_words('cadmium'))
group by c.company_rec_id,
c.the_company_code, c.company
"HashAggregate (cost=4276494.40..4276497.35 rows=295 width=71) (actual time=71.299..71.309 rows=84 loops=1)"
" -> Nested Loop Left Join (cost=0.00..4276480.78 rows=1816 width=71) (actual time=35.271..70.776 rows=715 loops=1)"
" -> Nested Loop Left Join (cost=0.00..4275939.00 rows=1816 width=37) (actual time=35.260..66.157 rows=715 loops=1)"
" -> Nested Loop Left Join (cost=0.00..4275263.92 rows=1816 width=37) (actual time=35.243..60.185 rows=715 loops=1)"
" -> Merge Left Join (cost=0.00..4274523.56 rows=1816 width=37) (actual time=35.226..54.834 rows=715 loops=1)"
" Merge Cond: ((t.mlist_rec_id)::text = (m.mlist_rec_id)::text)"
" Filter: (alternatives: SubPlan 1 or hashed SubPlan 2)"
" -> Index Scan using fki_tlist__mlist on tlist t (cost=0.00..710.72 rows=3631 width=37) (actual time=0.011..1.947 rows=3631 loops=1)"
" -> Index Scan using pk_mlist on mlist m (cost=0.00..482.71 rows=3631 width=74) (actual time=0.008..1.829 rows=3631 loops=1)"
" SubPlan 1"
" -> Nested Loop Semi Join (cost=3.49..5870.46 rows=5 width=0) (never executed)"
" Join Filter: ((md.mlist_detail_rec_id)::text = (mdp.mlist_detail_rec_id)::text)"
" -> Index Scan using fki_mlist_detail__mlist on mlist_detail md (cost=0.00..24.31 rows=5 width=37) (never executed)"
" Index Cond: ((mlist_rec_id)::text = ($0)::text)"
" -> Hash Join (cost=3.49..1163.57 rows=676 width=37) (never executed)"
" Hash Cond: ((mdp.parameter_rec_id)::text = (p.parameter_rec_id)::text)"
" -> Seq Scan on mlist_detail_parameter mdp (cost=0.00..1013.87 rows=37187 width=74) (never executed)"
" -> Hash (cost=3.48..3.48 rows=1 width=37) (never executed)"
" -> Seq Scan on parameter p (cost=0.00..3.48 rows=1 width=37) (never executed)"
" Filter: (to_tsvector(regexp_replace((parameter)::text, '[\\(\\)\\!\\.\\/,\\-\\?]+'::text, ' '::text, 'g'::text)) @@ plainto_tsquery('cadmium'::text))"
" SubPlan 2"
" -> Hash Join (cost=1180.47..3241.32 rows=15198 width=37) (actual time=16.478..34.359 rows=1918 loops=1)"
" Hash Cond: ((md.mlist_detail_rec_id)::text = (mdp.mlist_detail_rec_id)::text)"
" -> Seq Scan on mlist_detail md (cost=0.00..1987.79 rows=17679 width=74) (actual time=0.004..3.013 rows=17679 loops=1)"
" -> Hash (cost=1172.02..1172.02 rows=676 width=37) (actual time=16.461..16.461 rows=1918 loops=1)"
" -> HashAggregate (cost=1165.26..1172.02 rows=676 width=37) (actual time=15.790..16.037 rows=1918 loops=1)"
" -> Hash Join (cost=3.49..1163.57 rows=676 width=37) (actual time=1.613..15.037 rows=1918 loops=1)"
" Hash Cond: ((mdp.parameter_rec_id)::text = (p.parameter_rec_id)::text)"
" -> Seq Scan on mlist_detail_parameter mdp (cost=0.00..1013.87 rows=37187 width=74) (actual time=0.002..4.624 rows=37187 loops=1)"
" -> Hash (cost=3.48..3.48 rows=1 width=37) (actual time=1.593..1.593 rows=1 loops=1)"
" -> Seq Scan on parameter p (cost=0.00..3.48 rows=1 width=37) (actual time=1.311..1.588 rows=1 loops=1)"
" Filter: (to_tsvector(regexp_replace((parameter)::text, '[\\(\\)\\!\\.\\/,\\-\\?]+'::text, ' '::text, 'g'::text)) @@ plainto_tsquery('cadmium'::text))"
" -> Index Scan using pk_parcel_application on parcel_application ord_app (cost=0.00..0.40 rows=1 width=74) (actual time=0.007..0.007 rows=1 loops=715)"
" Index Cond: ((m.parcel_application_rec_id)::text = (ord_app.parcel_application_rec_id)::text)"
" -> Index Scan using pk_parcel on parcel ord (cost=0.00..0.36 rows=1 width=74) (actual time=0.007..0.008 rows=1 loops=715)"
" Index Cond: ((ord_app.parcel_rec_id)::text = (ord.parcel_rec_id)::text)"
" -> Index Scan using pk_company on company c (cost=0.00..0.29 rows=1 width=71) (actual time=0.006..0.006 rows=1 loops=715)"
" Index Cond: ((c.company_rec_id)::text = (ord.client_rec_id)::text)"
"Total runtime: 71.504 ms"
explain analyze
c.the_company_code ,
tlist t
join mlist m using(mlist_rec_id)
join parcel_application ord_app using(parcel_application_rec_id)
join parcel ord using(parcel_rec_id)
join company c on c.company_rec_id = ord.client_rec_id
'cadmium' = ''
select *
from mlist_detail md
md.mlist_rec_id = m.mlist_rec_id
and exists
select * from mlist_detail_parameter mdp
where mdp.mlist_detail_rec_id = md.mlist_detail_rec_id
-- Notice that there is no joining of parameter TO mlist_detail_parameter; We use EXISTS instead, which looks very superfluous
and exists
select * from parameter p
where parameter_rec_id = mdp.parameter_rec_id
and to_tsvector(extract_words(p.parameter)) @@ plainto_tsquery(extract_words('cadmium'))
group by c.company_rec_id,
c.the_company_code, c.company
"HashAggregate (cost=76424.17..76427.12 rows=295 width=71) (actual time=398.906..398.932 rows=84 loops=1)"
" -> Nested Loop (cost=0.00..76410.55 rows=1816 width=71) (actual time=52.529..398.171 rows=715 loops=1)"
" -> Merge Join (cost=0.00..75868.77 rows=1816 width=37) (actual time=45.106..385.128 rows=715 loops=1)"
" Merge Cond: ((ord_app.parcel_rec_id)::text = (ord.parcel_rec_id)::text)"
" -> Nested Loop (cost=0.00..75499.86 rows=1816 width=37) (actual time=41.745..374.833 rows=715 loops=1)"
" -> Nested Loop (cost=0.00..74333.34 rows=1816 width=74) (actual time=31.483..302.607 rows=715 loops=1)"
" -> Index Scan using fki_parcel_application__parcel on parcel_application ord_app (cost=0.00..508.50 rows=3218 width=74) (actual time=2.459..5.797 rows=3218 loops=1)"
" -> Index Scan using fki_mlist__parcel_application on mlist m (cost=0.00..22.93 rows=1 width=74) (actual time=0.089..0.092 rows=0 loops=3218)"
" Index Cond: ((m.parcel_application_rec_id)::text = (ord_app.parcel_application_rec_id)::text)"
" Filter: (alternatives: SubPlan 3 or hashed SubPlan 6)"
" SubPlan 3"
" -> Nested Loop Semi Join (cost=0.00..112.64 rows=5 width=0) (actual time=0.071..0.071 rows=0 loops=3631)"
" -> Index Scan using fki_mlist_detail__mlist on mlist_detail md (cost=0.00..24.31 rows=5 width=37) (actual time=0.019..0.023 rows=4 loops=3631)"
" Index Cond: ((mlist_rec_id)::text = ($0)::text)"
" -> Index Scan using fki_mlist_detail_parameter__mlist_detail on mlist_detail_parameter mdp (cost=0.00..19.63 rows=1 width=37) (actual time=0.012..0.012 rows=0 loops=13473)"
" Index Cond: ((mdp.mlist_detail_rec_id)::text = (md.mlist_detail_rec_id)::text)"
" Filter: (alternatives: SubPlan 1 or hashed SubPlan 2)"
" SubPlan 1"
" -> Seq Scan on parameter p (cost=0.00..3.67 rows=1 width=0) (never executed)"
" Filter: (((parameter_rec_id)::text = ($1)::text) AND (to_tsvector(regexp_replace((parameter)::text, '[\\(\\)\\!\\.\\/,\\-\\?]+'::text, ' '::text, 'g'::text)) @@ plainto_tsquery('cadmium'::text)))"
" SubPlan 2"
" -> Seq Scan on parameter p (cost=0.00..3.48 rows=1 width=37) (actual time=1.475..1.774 rows=1 loops=1)"
" Filter: (to_tsvector(regexp_replace((parameter)::text, '[\\(\\)\\!\\.\\/,\\-\\?]+'::text, ' '::text, 'g'::text)) @@ plainto_tsquery('cadmium'::text))"
" SubPlan 6"
" -> Nested Loop Semi Join (cost=0.00..128665.02 rows=15198 width=37) (never executed)"
" -> Seq Scan on mlist_detail md (cost=0.00..1987.79 rows=17679 width=74) (never executed)"
" -> Index Scan using fki_mlist_detail_parameter__mlist_detail on mlist_detail_parameter mdp (cost=0.00..7.83 rows=1 width=37) (never executed)"
" Index Cond: ((mdp.mlist_detail_rec_id)::text = (md.mlist_detail_rec_id)::text)"
" Filter: (alternatives: SubPlan 4 or hashed SubPlan 5)"
" SubPlan 4"
" -> Seq Scan on parameter p (cost=0.00..3.67 rows=1 width=0) (never executed)"
" Filter: (((parameter_rec_id)::text = ($1)::text) AND (to_tsvector(regexp_replace((parameter)::text, '[\\(\\)\\!\\.\\/,\\-\\?]+'::text, ' '::text, 'g'::text)) @@ plainto_tsquery('cadmium'::text)))"
" SubPlan 5"
" -> Seq Scan on parameter p (cost=0.00..3.48 rows=1 width=37) (never executed)"
" Filter: (to_tsvector(regexp_replace((parameter)::text, '[\\(\\)\\!\\.\\/,\\-\\?]+'::text, ' '::text, 'g'::text)) @@ plainto_tsquery('cadmium'::text))"
" -> Index Scan using fki_tlist__mlist on tlist t (cost=0.00..0.63 rows=1 width=37) (actual time=0.100..0.100 rows=1 loops=715)"
" Index Cond: ((t.mlist_rec_id)::text = (m.mlist_rec_id)::text)"
" -> Index Scan using pk_parcel on parcel ord (cost=0.00..338.49 rows=3087 width=74) (actual time=3.277..5.920 rows=3146 loops=1)"
" -> Index Scan using pk_company on company c (cost=0.00..0.29 rows=1 width=71) (actual time=0.017..0.017 rows=1 loops=715)"
" Index Cond: ((c.company_rec_id)::text = (ord.client_rec_id)::text)"
"Total runtime: 399.649 ms"
and exists
select * from mlist_detail_parameter mdp
where mdp.mlist_detail_rec_id = md.mlist_detail_rec_id
-- Notice that there is no joining of parameter to mlist_detail_parameter, we use EXISTS instead
and exists -- SUPERFLUOUS
select * from parameter p
where parameter_rec_id = mdp.parameter_rec_id
and to_tsvector(extract_words(p.parameter)) @@ plainto_tsquery(extract_words('cadmium'))
and exists
select *
from mlist_detail_parameter mdp
join parameter p using(parameter_rec_id)
where mdp.mlist_detail_rec_id = md.mlist_detail_rec_id
and to_tsvector(extract_words(p.parameter)) @@ plainto_tsquery(extract_words('cadmium'))
我的问题是为什么最自然的查询(即使用内部连接(而不是左连接))非常慢。我可以选择使用不带左联接的查询,但必须在mlist\u detail\u参数和参数表上使用多余的EXISTS,而不是使用直接联接。
explain analyze
c.the_company_code ,
tlist t
-- it is questionable why this query become fast when using left join, the most natural query is inner join...
join mlist m using(mlist_rec_id)
join parcel_application ord_app using(parcel_application_rec_id)
join parcel ord using(parcel_rec_id)
join company c on c.company_rec_id = ord.client_rec_id
-- ...questionable
'cadmium' = ''
mlist_rec_id in
select mlist_rec_id
from mlist_detail md
mlist_detail_rec_id in
select mlist_detail_rec_id
from mlist_detail_parameter mdp
join parameter p using(parameter_rec_id)
where to_tsvector(extract_words(p.parameter)) @@ plainto_tsquery(extract_words('cadmium'))
group by c.company_rec_id,
c.the_company_code, c.company
"HashAggregate (cost=4045.22..4048.17 rows=295 width=71) (actual time=37.117..37.128 rows=84 loops=1)"
" -> Hash Join (cost=3734.44..4031.60 rows=1816 width=71) (actual time=33.610..36.650 rows=715 loops=1)"
" Hash Cond: ((ord.client_rec_id)::text = (c.company_rec_id)::text)"
" -> Hash Join (cost=3718.80..3990.99 rows=1816 width=37) (actual time=33.448..36.150 rows=715 loops=1)"
" Hash Cond: ((ord_app.parcel_rec_id)::text = (ord.parcel_rec_id)::text)"
" -> Hash Join (cost=3601.34..3844.02 rows=1816 width=37) (actual time=32.096..34.360 rows=715 loops=1)"
" Hash Cond: ((m.parcel_application_rec_id)::text = (ord_app.parcel_application_rec_id)::text)"
" -> Hash Join (cost=3438.94..3652.11 rows=1816 width=37) (actual time=30.578..32.370 rows=715 loops=1)"
" Hash Cond: ((t.mlist_rec_id)::text = (m.mlist_rec_id)::text)"
" -> Seq Scan on tlist t (cost=3278.24..3459.63 rows=1816 width=37) (actual time=28.930..30.219 rows=715 loops=1)"
" Filter: (hashed SubPlan 1)"
" SubPlan 1"
" -> Hash Join (cost=1179.63..3240.24 rows=15201 width=37) (actual time=17.259..27.282 rows=1918 loops=1)"
" Hash Cond: ((md.mlist_detail_rec_id)::text = (mdp.mlist_detail_rec_id)::text)"
" -> Seq Scan on mlist_detail md (cost=0.00..1987.79 rows=17679 width=74) (actual time=0.002..4.160 rows=17679 loops=1)"
" -> Hash (cost=1171.48..1171.48 rows=652 width=37) (actual time=17.236..17.236 rows=1918 loops=1)"
" -> HashAggregate (cost=1164.96..1171.48 rows=652 width=37) (actual time=16.290..16.692 rows=1918 loops=1)"
" -> Hash Join (cost=3.49..1163.33 rows=652 width=37) (actual time=0.868..15.420 rows=1918 loops=1)"
" Hash Cond: ((mdp.parameter_rec_id)::text = (p.parameter_rec_id)::text)"
" -> Seq Scan on mlist_detail_parameter mdp (cost=0.00..1013.87 rows=37187 width=74) (actual time=0.002..5.397 rows=37187 loops=1)"
" -> Hash (cost=3.48..3.48 rows=1 width=37) (actual time=0.850..0.850 rows=1 loops=1)"
" -> Seq Scan on parameter p (cost=0.00..3.48 rows=1 width=37) (actual time=0.719..0.848 rows=1 loops=1)"
" Filter: (to_tsvector(regexp_replace((parameter)::text, '[\\(\\)\\!\\.\\/,\\-\\?]+'::text, ' '::text, 'g'::text)) @@ plainto_tsquery('cadmium'::text))"
" -> Hash (cost=115.31..115.31 rows=3631 width=74) (actual time=1.632..1.632 rows=3631 loops=1)"
" -> Seq Scan on mlist m (cost=0.00..115.31 rows=3631 width=74) (actual time=0.002..0.569 rows=3631 loops=1)"
" -> Hash (cost=122.18..122.18 rows=3218 width=74) (actual time=1.507..1.507 rows=3218 loops=1)"
" -> Seq Scan on parcel_application ord_app (cost=0.00..122.18 rows=3218 width=74) (actual time=0.002..0.531 rows=3218 loops=1)"
" -> Hash (cost=78.87..78.87 rows=3087 width=74) (actual time=1.345..1.345 rows=3087 loops=1)"
" -> Seq Scan on parcel ord (cost=0.00..78.87 rows=3087 width=74) (actual time=0.002..0.469 rows=3087 loops=1)"
" -> Hash (cost=11.95..11.95 rows=295 width=71) (actual time=0.155..0.155 rows=295 loops=1)"
" -> Seq Scan on company c (cost=0.00..11.95 rows=295 width=71) (actual time=0.003..0.063 rows=295 loops=1)"
"Total runtime: 37.240 ms"