var _currentRunspace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(this);
/* XXX: We need to enable dot-sourcing - unfortunately there is no
* way in code to just enable it in our host, it always goes out to
* the system-wide settings. So instead, we're installing our own
* dummy Auth manager. And since PSh makes us reimplement a ton of
* code to make a custom RunspaceConfiguration that can't even properly
* be done because we only have the public interface, I'm using
* Reflection to hack in the AuthManager into a private field.
* This will most likely come back to haunt me. */
var t = typeof(RunspaceConfiguration);
var f = t.GetField("_authorizationManager", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
f.SetValue(_currentRunspace.RunspaceConfiguration, new DummyAuthorizationManager());
return _currentRunspace;
public class DummyAuthorizationManager : AuthorizationManager
const string constshellId = "Microsoft.PowerShell";
public DummyAuthorizationManager() : this (constshellId) {}
public DummyAuthorizationManager(string shellId) : base(shellId) {}
protected override bool ShouldRun(CommandInfo commandInfo, CommandOrigin origin, PSHost host, out Exception reason)
// Looks good to me!
reason = null;
return true;