table options defined in the documentation
list : List Player -> Html msg
list players =
{ options = [ Table.striped ]
, thead = Table.thead []
[ Table.tr []
[ Table.th [] [ text "Id" ]
, Table.th [] [ text "Initials" ]
, Table.th [] [ text "Time" ]
, Table.th [] [ text "Score" ]
, tbody = Table.tbody [] (List.map playerRow players)
playerRow : Player -> Table.Row msg
playerRow player =
Table.tr []
[ Table.td [] [ text player.id ]
, Table.td [] [ text player.initials ]
, Table.td [] [ text (Debug.toString player.time) ]
, Table.td [] [ text (Debug.toString player.score) ]
import Bootstrap.Grid as Grid
import Bootstrap.Table as Table
import Bootstrap.CDN as CDN
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
Grid.container []
[ CDN.stylesheet -- creates an inline style node with the Bootstrap CSS
, Grid.row []
[ Grid.col []
[ list model.players ]
slimmed down Ellie example to play with