Private Function ResolveReferrer(ByVal wrRequest As HttpRequest) As Referral
'1) If we don't find a domain, try and get a match on any query strings
If wrRequest.QueryString.Count > 0 Then
For Each item As Referral In Me
For Each sKey As String In wrRequest.QueryString.Keys
If Not sKey Is Nothing AndAlso item.Names.Contains(sKey.ToLower) Then
Return item
End If
Next sKey
Next item
End If
Dim strSubDomain As String = Utility.RequestSubDomain(wrRequest.Url)
'2) If we don't find one on the domain, see if we can find the domain in query string
If Not wrRequest.QueryString.Item("domain") Is Nothing Then
strSubDomain = wrRequest.QueryString.Item("domain")
strSubDomain = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(strSubDomain)
' OK found a "domain" query string, so make up a referrer object to return
' ... just use the domain we've found for all the parameters
Dim oRef As New Referral(strSubDomain, strSubDomain, strSubDomain)
Return oref
End If
'3) If no query string of "domain", then see if the referring field is presented by the browser
If Not wrRequest.UrlReferrer Is Nothing Then
Dim sURL As String = wrRequest.UrlReferrer.ToString
strSubDomain = Utility.RequestSubDomain(wrRequest.UrlReferrer)
Dim oRef As New Referral(sURL, sURL, strSubDomain)
Return oRef
End If
'4) See if we can find the domain defined in the web.config
For Each item As Referral In Me
' See if we can find a referrer from the domain name
If String.Compare(strSubDomain, item.FromDomain, False) = 0 Then
Return item
End If
Next item
'5) If we still can't find one, make one up with a value of "Unknown"
Return New Referral("Unknown", "Unknown", "Unknown", "Unknown")
End Function
Public Shared Function RequestSubDomain(ByVal uri As System.Uri) As String
If uri Is Nothing Then
Return ""
End If