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由于未捕获的异常“CALayerInvalidGeometry”而终止应用程序,原因是:“CALayer位置包含NaN:[NaN 40]”

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  • Osama Naeem  · 技术社区  · 6 年前


    First throw call stack:
        0   CoreFoundation                      0x000000010ea2673b __exceptionPreprocess + 331
        1   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x000000010da1b735 objc_exception_throw + 48
        2   CoreFoundation                      0x000000010ea26595 +[NSException raise:format:] + 197
        3   QuartzCore                          0x000000010ef8a923 _ZN2CA5Layer12set_positionERKNS_4Vec2IdEEb + 141
        4   QuartzCore                          0x000000010ef79a13 -[CALayer setPosition:] + 57
        5   QuartzCore                          0x000000010ef7a16f -[CALayer setFrame:] + 561
        6   UIKitCore                           0x0000000117ebf09e -[UIView(Geometry) setFrame:] + 336
        7   List24                              0x000000010d0c4364 $S6List2414ViewControllerC05tableB0_12cellForRowAtSo07UITableB4CellCSo0iB0C_10Foundation9IndexPathVtF + 836
        8   List24                              0x000000010d0c46bb $S6List2414ViewControllerC05tableB0_12cellForRowAtSo07UITableB4CellCSo0iB0C_10Foundation9IndexPathVtFTo + 155
        9   UIKitCore                           0x0000000117d38c1c -[UITableView _createPreparedCellForGlobalRow:withIndexPath:willDisplay:] + 771
        10  UIKitCore                           0x0000000117d391a9 -[UITableView _createPreparedCellForGlobalRow:willDisplay:] + 73
        11  UIKitCore                           0x0000000117d002aa -[UITableView _updateVisibleCellsNow:isRecursive:] + 2863
        12  UIKitCore                           0x0000000117d20f62 -[UITableView layoutSubviews] + 165
        13  UIKitCore                           0x0000000117ede749 -[UIView(CALayerDelegate) layoutSublayersOfLayer:] + 1441
        14  QuartzCore                          0x000000010ef80299 -[CALayer layoutSublayers] + 175
        15  QuartzCore                          0x000000010ef85153 _ZN2CA5Layer16layout_if_neededEPNS_11TransactionE + 395
        16  QuartzCore                          0x000000010eefdbb2 _ZN2CA7Context18commit_transactionEPNS_11TransactionE + 342
        17  QuartzCore                          0x000000010ef34e62 _ZN2CA11Transaction6commitEv + 576
        18  UIKitCore                           0x00000001177e1208 __34-[UIApplication _firstCommitBlock]_block_invoke_2 + 139
        19  CoreFoundation                      0x000000010e98a2bc __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_BLOCK__ + 12
        20  CoreFoundation                      0x000000010e989a70 __CFRunLoopDoBlocks + 336
        21  CoreFoundation                      0x000000010e9842e4 __CFRunLoopRun + 1284
        22  CoreFoundation                      0x000000010e983aa1 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 625
        23  GraphicsServices                    0x00000001142531dd GSEventRunModal + 62
        24  UIKitCore                           0x00000001177c6a4f UIApplicationMain + 140
        25  List24                              0x000000010d0d0f27 main + 71
        26  libdyld.dylib                       0x000000011116dced start + 1
    libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException
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