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Infragistics UltraDropDown未显示

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  • Woody1193 Nimmi Rashinika  · 技术社区  · 6 年前


    Me.settingLevelDrpDown.DataSource = MyDict.ToList()
    Me.settingLevelDrpDown.ValueMember = "Key"
    Me.settingLevelDrpDown.DisplayMember = "Value"

    在这种情况下, MyDict 是一个 Dictionary(Of MyEnum, String) 哪里 MyEnum 只是一个枚举。显示这些的代码是:

    settingLevelDrpDown.Visible = True
    settingLevels.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns(1).ValueList = settingLevelDrpDown

    第一个是,当我显示一个下拉列表时,我得到一个表,其中一行是 Key 以及枚举键列表和 Value

    第二是表现。我读了第三节 this 而且,据我所知,我还没有偶然发现列出的任何一点,但是加载时间非常慢,即使在表单加载之后,应用程序也会严重滞后。

    1 回复  |  直到 6 年前
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  •   Steve    6 年前


    假设你的 麦迪克特

    Dim myDict As Dictionary(Of Int32, String) = New Dictionary(Of Int32, String)


    Public Function ToValueList(settings As Dictionary(Of Int32, String)) As ValueList
        Dim result As ValueList = New ValueList()
        For Each kvp As KeyValuePair(Of Int32, String)  In settings
             result.ValueListItems.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value)
        Return result
    End Function

    Dim b as UltraGridBand = settingLevels.DisplayLayout.Bands(0)
    ' Just to avoid the user typing something not expected
    ' Default is an editable DropDown 
    b.Columns(1).Style = ColumnStyle.DropDownList
    b.Columns(1).ValueList = ToValueList(MyDict)