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  • djdd87  · 技术社区  · 14 年前

    curiously recurring template 图案。


    public class DocketType : Enumeration<DocketType, int, string>
        public static DocketType Withdrawal = new DocketType(2, "Withdrawal");
        public static DocketType Installation = new DocketType(3, "Installation");
        private DocketType(int docketTypeId, string description) 
            : base(docketTypeId, description) { }

    Enumeration 班级:

    public abstract class Enumeration<TEnum, X, Y> : IComparable 
        where TEnum : Enumeration<TEnum, X, Y> 
        protected Enumeration(X value, Y displayName)
        public static TEnum Resolve(X value)
            return Cache[value] as TEnum;

    从我的第二个相关问题中,你会发现问题在于 Enumeration<DocketType, int, string>.Resolve(X value); 不会导致 DocketType

    我并不反对完全从头开始重写。我知道这是一个很大的代码气味。目前,为了让它工作,我的基类有一个受保护的静态方法 ChildResolve 我补充说 Resolve 我的每个枚举类。讨厌的东西!



    static Enumeration()
    public static void GetAll()
        var type = typeof(TEnum);
        var fields = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | 
            BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly);
        foreach (var info in fields)
            var locatedValue = info.GetValue(null) as Enumeration<TEnum, X, Y>;
            Cache.Add(locatedValue.Value, locatedValue);


    4 回复  |  直到 7 年前
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  •   LukeH    14 年前


    public class DocketType : Enumeration<DocketType, int, string>
        public static readonly DocketType Withdrawal =
            new DocketType(2, "Withdrawal");
        public static readonly DocketType Installation =
            new DocketType(3, "Installation");
        private DocketType(int docketTypeId, string description)
            : base(docketTypeId, description) { }
    public abstract class Enumeration<TEnum, TId, TDescription> : IComparable
        where TEnum : Enumeration<TEnum, TId, TDescription>
        private static readonly Dictionary<TId, TEnum> _cache;
        static Enumeration()
            Type t = typeof(TEnum);
            _cache = t.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static)
                      .Where(f => f.FieldType == t)
                      .Select(f => (TEnum)f.GetValue(null))
                      .ToDictionary(e => e.Id, e => e);
        public static TEnum Resolve(TId id)
            return _cache[id];
        public TId Id { get; private set; }
        public TDescription Description { get; private set; }
        protected Enumeration(TId id, TDescription description)
            Id = id;
            Description = description;
        // IComparable
        public int CompareTo(object obj)
            // TODO
            throw new NotImplementedException();
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  •   Nicholas M T Elliott    14 年前


    // The Collection of values to be enumerated
    public class DocketEnum : EnumarationCollection<DocketType, int, string>
            // Values are fields on a statically instanced version of this class
        public DocketType Withdrawal = new DocketType(2, "Withdrawal");
        public DocketType Installation = new DocketType(3, "Installation");
        // The publicly accessible static enumeration 
        public static DocketEnum Values = new DocketEnum();
    // The actual value class
    public class DocketType : EnumerationValue<DocketType, int, string>
            // Call through to the helper base constructor
        public DocketType(int docketTypeId, string description) 
            : base(docketTypeId, description) { }
    // Base class for the enumeration
    public abstract class EnumarationCollection<TType, X, Y>
        where TType : EnumerationValue<TType, X, Y> 
                // Resolve looks at the static Dictionary in the base helpers class
        public TType Resolve(X value)
            return Cache[value] as TType;
        public static Dictionary<X, EnumerationValue<TType, X, Y> > Cache = new Dictionary<X, EnumerationValue<TType, X, Y>>();
    // Base class for the value
    public abstract class EnumerationValue<TType, X, Y> 
        where TType : EnumerationValue<TType, X, Y> 
            // helper constructer talks directly the the base helper class for the Enumeration
        protected EnumerationValue(X value, Y displayName)
            EnumarationCollection<TType, X,Y >.Cache.Add(value, this as TType);
    class MainClass
        public static void Main (string[] args)
                        // You can immediately resolve to the enumeration
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  •   Kirk Woll    14 年前



    Type[] subclasses = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()
        .Where(x => Attribute.IsDefined(typeof(MyEnumeartionAssemblyAttribute)))
        .SelectMany(x => x.GetTypes())
        .Where(x => x.BaseType != null && 
               x.BaseType.IsGenericType && 
               x.BaseType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Enumeration<,,>));


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  •   Quartermeister    14 年前

    如果要强制运行另一个类的静态构造函数,可以使用 RuntimeHelpers.RunClassConstructor Enumeration<TEnum, X, Y> 以便在您第一次对泛型类型的任何实例化使用静态方法时运行它:

    static Enumeration()