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  • Bryce Wagner  · 技术社区  · 14 年前


    List<IString> list = new List<IString>();

    Dictionary<IString, string> dict = new Dictionary<IString, string>();
    dict["Help"] = "thanks!";
    Assert.AreEqual("thanks!", dict["hELP"]);


    IString A1 = "A";
    string A2 = "a";
    Assert.AreEqual(A1, A2, "This passes");
    Assert.AreEqual(A2, A1, "This fails");


    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    namespace Util
        /// <summary>
        /// Case insensitive wrapper for the string class
        /// </summary>
        public struct IString :
            private const StringComparison icase = StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase;
            public readonly string Value;
            public IString(string Value)
                this.Value = Value;
            public bool Equals(string Other)
                return string.Equals(Value, Other, icase);
            public bool Equals(IString Other)
                return string.Equals(Value, Other.Value, icase);
            public override bool Equals(object obj)
                if (obj is IString || obj is string)
                    return string.Equals(Value, obj.ToString(), icase);
                    return false;
            public int IndexOf(string Other)
                return Other.IndexOf(Other, icase);
            public bool Contains(string Other)
                return IndexOf(Other) >= 0;
            public override int GetHashCode()
                if (Value == null)
                    return 0;
                    return StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.GetHashCode(Value);
            public override string ToString()
            return Value;
            public int Compare(IString x, IString y)
                return string.Compare(x.Value, y.Value, icase);
            public int Compare(string x, string y)
                return string.Compare(x, y, icase);
            public int CompareTo(object obj)
                if (obj is IString)
                    return Compare(this, (IString)obj);
                else if (obj is string)
                    return Compare(Value, (string)obj);
                else if (Value != null)
                    return Value.CompareTo(obj);
                    return -1;
            public int CompareTo(IString other)
                return Compare(this, other);
            public int CompareTo(string other)
                return Compare(Value, other);
            public static implicit operator string(IString From)
                return From.Value;
            public static implicit operator IString(string From)
                return new IString(From);
            #region IString to IString operators
            public static bool operator ==(IString Str1, IString Str2)
                return string.Equals(Str1.Value, Str2.Value, icase);
            public static bool operator !=(IString Str1, IString Str2)
                return !string.Equals(Str1.Value, Str2.Value, icase);
            public static IString operator +(IString Str1, IString Str2)
                return (IString)(Str1.Value + Str2.Value);
            public static bool operator >(IString Str1, IString Str2)
                return Str1.CompareTo(Str2) > 0;
            public static bool operator >=(IString Str1, IString Str2)
                return Str1.CompareTo(Str2) >= 0;
            public static bool operator <(IString Str1, IString Str2)
                return Str1.CompareTo(Str2) < 0;
            public static bool operator <=(IString Str1, IString Str2)
                return Str1.CompareTo(Str2) <= 0;
            #endregion IString to IString operators
            #region string to IString operators
            public static bool operator ==(string Str1, IString Str2)
                return string.Equals(Str1, Str2.Value, icase);
            public static bool operator !=(string Str1, IString Str2)
                return !string.Equals(Str1, Str2.Value, icase);
            public static IString operator +(string Str1, IString Str2)
                return (IString)(Str1 + Str2.Value);
            public static bool operator >(string Str1, IString Str2)
                return Str2.CompareTo(Str1) < 0;
            public static bool operator >=(string Str1, IString Str2)
                return Str2.CompareTo(Str1) <= 0;
            public static bool operator <(string Str1, IString Str2)
                return Str2.CompareTo(Str1) > 0;
            public static bool operator <=(string Str1, IString Str2)
                return Str2.CompareTo(Str1) >= 0;
            #endregion string to IString operators
            #region IString to string operators
            public static bool operator ==(IString Str1, string Str2)
                return string.Equals(Str1.Value, Str2, icase);
            public static bool operator !=(IString Str1, string Str2)
                return !string.Equals(Str1.Value, Str2, icase);
            public static IString operator +(IString Str1, string Str2)
                return (IString)(Str1.Value + Str2);
            public static bool operator >(IString Str1, string Str2)
                return Str1.CompareTo(Str2) > 0;
            public static bool operator >=(IString Str1, string Str2)
                return Str1.CompareTo(Str2) >= 0;
            public static bool operator <(IString Str1, string Str2)
                return Str1.CompareTo(Str2) < 0;
            public static bool operator <=(IString Str1, string Str2)
                return Str1.CompareTo(Str2) <= 0;
            #endregion IString to string operators


    2 回复  |  直到 14 年前
  •  9
  •   SLaks    14 年前

    相反,您应该使用 StringComparer 上课。


    var dict = new Dictionary<String, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
    dict["Help"] = "thanks!";
    Assert.AreEqual("thanks!", dict["hELP"]);


    List<String> list = new List<String>();
    Assert.IsTrue(list.Contains("Help", StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

    还要注意,它不应该被命名 IString ;只有接口应该以 I .


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  •   JaredPar    14 年前

    不,没有。这个 String.Equals(object) 方法对提供的类型为的值具有硬依赖性 String . 它执行CLR类型检查,该检查不考虑任何用户定义的转换或函数,因此仅适用于 System.String