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Javascript无法在移动浏览器上获取热点lan IP地址?

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  • Kodr.F  · 技术社区  · 6 年前

    我正在尝试同时获取客户端远程ip和Lan ip地址,目前我可以在所有平台上执行此操作,但如果用户连接到移动热点,我无法验证其本地Lan ip,是否可以在用户连接到移动热点时获取用户本地ip地址?



            <meta charset='utf-8' />
            <title>Get Local IP address</title>
                const rtcpip=function( server, callback ){
                    let debug=true;
                    let oList={
                    const getserver=function(){
                        return oList.hasOwnProperty( server ) ? oList[ server ] : oList.mozilla;
                    let duplicates={};
                    let stunsvr=getserver();
                    let RTCPeerConnection=window.RTCPeerConnection || window.mozRTCPeerConnection || window.webkitRTCPeerConnection;
                    let oConstraints={ optional: [ { RtpDataChannels: true } ] };
                    let oServers = { iceServers: [ { urls: 'stun:' + stunsvr } ] };
                    const info=function(m){
                        if( arguments.length==1 && debug )console.info(m);
                        if( arguments.length==2 && debug )console.info(m,arguments[1]);
                    const candidatehandler=function( candidate ){
                        info( candidate );
                        let regex = /([0-9]{1,3}(\.[0-9]{1,3}){3}|[a-f0-9]{1,4}(:[a-f0-9]{1,4}){7})/
                        let addr = regex.exec( candidate )[1];
                        if( duplicates[ addr ] === undefined ) callback( addr );
                        duplicates[ addr ] = true;
                    const icelistener=function( oIce ){
                        if( oIce.candidate ) candidatehandler.call( this, oIce.candidate.candidate );
                    const icedclistener=function(e){
                        let oChan=e.channel;
                            oChan.addEventListener( 'open', function( evt ){ info( evt ) }, false );
                            oChan.addEventListener( 'message', function( evt ){ info( evt.data ) }, false );
                            oChan.addEventListener( 'close', function( evt ){ info( evt ) }, false );
                    const icecslistener=function(e){
                        info( 'connectionstatechange: %o',e );
                    const icenegotiate=function( e ){
                        info( 'icenegotiate: %o',e );
                    const icesignalchange=function(e){
                        info( 'icesignalchange: %o',e );
                    const icetrack=function(e){
                        info( 'icetrack: %o',e );
                    info( 'STUN Server: %s', stunsvr );
                    let rtcp=new RTCPeerConnection( oServers, oConstraints );
                        rtcp.addEventListener( 'icecandidate', icelistener, false );
                        rtcp.addEventListener( 'datachannel', icedclistener, false );
                        rtcp.addEventListener( 'iceconnectionstatechange', icecslistener, false );
                        rtcp.addEventListener( 'negotiationneeded', icenegotiate, false );
                        rtcp.addEventListener( 'signalingstatechange', icesignalchange, false );
                        rtcp.addEventListener( 'track', icetrack, false );
                        rtcp.createDataChannel( 'rtcpip' );         
                        rtcp.createOffer().then( function( offer ){ 
                            return rtcp.setLocalDescription( offer )
                        } ).then( function(){
                            let lines = rtcp.localDescription.sdp.split( String.fromCharCode( 10 ) );
                                lines.forEach( function( line ){
                                    if( ~line.indexOf( 'a=candidate:' ) ) candidatehandler.call( this, line );
                const create=function(t, a, p){
                        var el = ( typeof( t )=='undefined' || t==null ) ? document.createElement( 'div' ) : document.createElement( t );
                        for( var x in a ) if( a.hasOwnProperty( x ) && x!=='innerHTML' ) el.setAttribute( x, a[ x ] );
                        if( a.hasOwnProperty('innerHTML') ) el.innerHTML=a.innerHTML;
                        if( p!=null ) typeof( p )=='object' ? p.appendChild( el ) : document.getElementById( p ).appendChild( el );
                        return el;
                    }catch( err ){
                        console.warn( err.message );
                const ipcallback=function( ip ){
                        let type=false;
                        let ipv4=ip.split('.');
                        let ipv6=ip.split(':');
                        if( ipv4.length==4 ){
                            let local=( ipv4[0] == 10 || ( ipv4[0]==172 && ( ipv4[1]>=16 &&ipv4[1]<=31 ) ) || ( ipv4[0]==192 && ipv4[1]==168 ) );
                            create( null,{ innerHTML:ip + ( local ? ' - Private' : ' - Public' ) }, document.getElementById( 'ip' ) );                  
                        if( ipv6.length > 1 ){
                            switch( ipv6[0] ){
                                case 'FE80':type='Link-Local';break;
                                case 'FEC0':type='site-local';break;
                                case '3FFE':type='global';break;
                                case '2002':type='global 6to4';break;
                            create( null,{ innerHTML:ip + ' ' + type }, document.getElementById( 'ip' ) );
                                you can use this callback to pass the ip address information on to a php script
                                or do something more interesting
                    }catch( err ){
                        console.info( err.message )
                rtcpip.call( this, 'google1', ipcallback );
                #ip{display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center;flex-direction:column;width:50%;min-height:5rem;height:auto;box-sizing:border-box;border:2px dashed rgba(133,133,133,0.25);border-radius:1rem;color:rgba(133,133,133,0.95);box-shadow: 0 10px 25px rgba(133,133,133,0.95);text-align:center;margin:0 auto;float:none;background:whitesmoke}
            <div id='ip'></div>

    Try it here

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