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realm on react native:未调试时无法获得结果

  •  1
  • Mujtaba Fadhil  · 技术社区  · 6 年前

    不调试 ,但当 调试



    我在打印 object.constructor.name 查找对象的类型


    let realm = new Realm(config);
    realm.constructor.name --> will print (Realm)
    let dogs = realm2.objects('Dog');
    dogs.constructor.name --> will print (Results)
    (inserting few dogs)
    for (let oneDog of dogs) {
        oneDog.constructor.name --> will print (RealmObject)
    } --> works perfectly


    let realm = new Realm(config);
    realm.constructor.name --> will print (Object)
    let dogs = realm2.objects('Dog');
    dogs.constructor.name --> will print nothing
    (inserting few dogs)
    for (let oneDog of dogs) {
        oneDog.constructor.name --> not compiled
    } --> will give the error below

    enter image description here

    TypeError: undefined is not a function (evaluating ‘_iterator[typeof
    Symbol === “function” ? Symbol.iterator : “@@iterator”]()')



    • realm js-sdk版本:2.10.0
    • 本机反应:0.55.4
    • 客户端操作系统版本:在Android设备8.0上运行
    • 哪个React Native调试器:chrome


    import React, { Component } from 'react';
    import { View, Text } from 'react-native';
    const Realm = require('realm');
    export default class Page3Screen extends Component {
      state = { messege : 'no messege' }
      componentWillMount() {
        const config = {
          schema: [{ name: 'Dog', properties: { name: 'string' } }],
        let realm = new Realm(config);
        this.setState({ messege: realm.constructor.name });
        realm.write(() => {
          realm.create('Dog', { name: 'Zozo' });
        let dogs = realm.objects('Dog');
        // console.log(dogs.constructor.name);
        // this.setState({ messege: dogs.constructor.name });
        // for (let oneDog of dogs) {
        //    console.log(oneDog.constructor.name);
        //    this.setState({ messege: oneDog.constructor.name });
        // }
      render() {
        return (
          <View style={{ alignSelf: 'stretch', flex: 1, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center' }}>
    2 回复  |  直到 6 年前
  •  1
  •   Mujtaba Fadhil    6 年前

    我发现这个问题与 this issue

    不管出于什么原因,安卓上的React原生版都在发布一个旧版本 jsc的一个版本,它不支持语言特性 当前的react版本需要工作

    解决方法是 updating the JSC version that ships with android ,但我使用了jsc版本 216113个 而不是最新的 明斯克版本17 而不是 21岁


    Follow steps below in order for your React Native app to use new version of JSC VM on android:
    1. Add `jsc-android` to the "dependencies" section in your `package.json`:
    dependencies {
    +  "jsc-android": "^216113.0.0",
    then run `npm install` or `yarn` (depending which npm client you use) in order for the new dependency to be installed in `node_modules`
    2. Modify `andorid/build.gradle` file to add new local maven repository packaged in the `jsc-android` package to the search path:
    allprojects {
        repositories {
            maven {
                // All of React Native (JS, Obj-C sources, Android binaries) is installed from npm
                url "$rootDir/../node_modules/react-native/android"
    +       maven {
    +           // Local Maven repo containing AARs with JSC library built for Android
    +           url "$rootDir/../node_modules/jsc-android/android"
    +       }
    3. Update your app's `build.gradle` file located in `android/app/build.gradle` to force app builds to use new version of the JSC library as opposed to the version specified in [react-native gradle module as a dependency](https://github.com/facebook/react-native/blob/e8df8d9fd579ff14224cacdb816f9ff07eef978d/ReactAndroid/build.gradle#L289):
    +configurations.all {
    +    resolutionStrategy {
    +        force 'org.webkit:android-jsc:r216113'
    +    }
    dependencies {
        compile fileTree(dir: "libs", include: ["*.jar"])
    4. You're done, rebuild your app and enjoy updated version of JSC on android!
  •  0
  •   Soorena    6 年前

    当你在里面的时候 debugging 模式下,react native在浏览器中而不是设备中运行js代码。 既然你说它在浏览器上运行良好,但在设备上出现故障,我建议你检查以下内容:

    • 检查设备是否连接到同一网络
    • 运行此: adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081
    • 检查dev server是否正在运行,您可以使用以下命令运行它: $ react-native start
    • 一些js特性需要在react native中使用polyfill,例如 Symbol 是的。因此,将以下内容添加到 index.js 以下内容:

      import 'core-js/es6/symbol';
      import 'core-js/fn/symbol/iterator';
    • 在非常罕见的情况下,浏览器上的js引擎和android/ios设备之间存在差异
