在一个缓冲区中填充至少1024个来自您的PCM的点(确保它的2次幂),然后将其输入到一些FFT API调用中…这将返回给你它的频域等效…将文档钉在使用的离散傅立叶变换API调用上…奈奎斯特极限的查找概念…掌握频率箱的概念…随时掌握每个缓冲区的采样数和您的PCM音频的采样率。
func discrete_time_fourier_transform(aperiodic_audio_wave []float64, flow_data_spec *Flow_Spec) ([]discrete_fft, float64, float64, []float64) {
min_freq := flow_data_spec.min_freq
max_freq := flow_data_spec.max_freq
// https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkGsMWi_j4Q
// Discrete Fourier Transform - Simple Step by Step
var complex_fft []complex128
complex_fft = fft.FFTReal(aperiodic_audio_wave) // input time domain ... output frequency domain of equally spaced freqs
number_of_samples := float64(len(complex_fft))
nyquist_limit_index := int(number_of_samples / 2)
all_dft := make([]discrete_fft, 0) // 20171008
0th term of complex_fft is sum of all other terms
often called the bias shift
var curr_real, curr_imag, curr_mag, curr_theta, max_magnitude, min_magnitude float64
max_magnitude = -999.0
min_magnitude = 999.0
min_magnitude = 999.0
all_magnitudes := make([]float64, 0)
curr_freq := 0.0
incr_freq := flow_data_spec.sample_rate / number_of_samples
for index, curr_complex := range complex_fft { // we really only use half this range + 1
// if index <= nyquist_limit_index {
if index <= nyquist_limit_index && curr_freq >= min_freq && curr_freq < max_freq {
curr_real = real(curr_complex) // pluck out real portion of imaginary number
curr_imag = imag(curr_complex) // ditto for im
curr_mag = 2.0 * math.Sqrt(curr_real*curr_real+curr_imag*curr_imag) / number_of_samples
curr_theta = math.Atan2(curr_imag, curr_real)
curr_dftt := discrete_fft{
real: 2.0 * curr_real,
imaginary: 2.0 * curr_imag,
magnitude: curr_mag,
theta: curr_theta,
if curr_dftt.magnitude > max_magnitude {
max_magnitude = curr_dftt.magnitude
if curr_dftt.magnitude < min_magnitude {
min_magnitude = curr_dftt.magnitude
// ... now stow it
all_dft = append(all_dft, curr_dftt)
all_magnitudes = append(all_magnitudes, curr_mag)
curr_freq += incr_freq
return all_dft, max_magnitude, min_magnitude, all_magnitudes
现在你有了一个数组,其中数组的每个元素都是这个频率仓的大小…每个频率箱由上述var incr_freq…使用最小和最大震级标准化震级…它准备好输入一个x,y图给你光谱图的可视化。