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  • bluesmonk  · 技术社区  · 6 年前

    假设我有一个拥有10000部电影的数据集 https://bpaste.net/show/05fa224794e4 ,数据集的ERCT为

    tt0111161   The Shawshank Redemption (1994) 1994     9.2    619479  142 mins.   Crime|Drama
    tt0110912   Pulp Fiction (1994) 1994     9.0    490065  154 mins.   Crime|Thriller
    tt0137523   Fight Club (1999)   1999     8.8    458173  139 mins.   Drama|Mystery|Thriller
    tt0133093   The Matrix (1999)   1999     8.7    448114  136 mins.   Action|Adventure|Sci-Fi
    tt1375666   Inception (2010)    2010     8.9    385149  148 mins.   Action|Adventure|Sci-Fi|Thriller
    tt0109830   Forrest Gump (1994) 1994     8.7    368994  142 mins.   Comedy|Drama|Romance
    tt0169547   American Beauty (1999)  1999     8.6    338332  122 mins.   Drama
    tt0499549   Avatar (2009)   2009     8.1    336855  162 mins.   Action|Adventure|Fantasy|Sci-Fi
    tt0108052   Schindler's List (1993) 1993     8.9    325888  195 mins.   Biography|Drama|History|War
    tt0080684   Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)   1980     8.8    320105  124 mins.   Action|Adventure|Family|Sci-Fi
    tt0372784   Batman Begins (2005)    2005     8.3    316613  140 mins.   Action|Crime|Drama|Thriller
    tt0114814   The Usual Suspects (1995)   1995     8.7    306624  106 mins.   Crime|Mystery|Thriller
    tt0102926   The Silence of the Lambs (1991) 1991     8.7    293081  118 mins.   Crime|Thriller
    tt0120338   Titanic (1997)  1997     7.4    284245  194 mins.   Adventure|Drama|History|Romance


    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    headers = ['imdbID', 'title', 'year', 'score', 'votes', 'runtime', 'genres'] 
    movies = pd.read_csv("imdb_top_10000.txt", sep="\t", header=None, names=headers, encoding='UTF-8')
    one_hot_encoding = movies["genres"].str.get_dummies(sep='|')
    movies = pd.concat([movies, one_hot_encoding], axis=1)
    movies_top_250 = movies.sort_values('score', ascending=False).head(250)


    • 我们想从前250个最佳收视率的作品中找出最好的三个流派
    • 这些类型电影的平均
    • 此外,我们还想找出这组影片中三个最差评级类型的平均分


    pd.pivot_table(movies_top_250, values=['votes', 'Action', 'Adult'], index='title', aggfunc=np.sum).sort_values('votes', ascending=False)
                                                        Action  Adult   votes
    The Shawshank Redemption (1994)                          0      0  619479
    The Dark Knight (2008)                                   1      0  555122
    Pulp Fiction (1994)                                      0      0  490065
    The Godfather (1972)                                     0      0  474189
    Fight Club (1999)                                        0      0  458173
    The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ri...       1      0  451263
    The Matrix (1999)                                        1      0  448114
    The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (...       1      0  428791
    Inception (2010)                                         1      0  385149
    The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)             1      0  383113
    Forrest Gump (1994)                                      0      0  368994



    Action                                                   5.837500
    Action|Adventure                                         6.152381
    Action|Adventure|Animation|Comedy|Family|Fantasy         7.500000
    Action|Adventure|Animation|Family|Fantasy|Sci-Fi         6.100000
    Action|Adventure|Biography|Crime|History|Western         6.300000
    Action|Adventure|Biography|Drama|History                 7.700000

    Genre          mean_score  votes_sum
    Action           7.837500     103237
    Adventure        6.152381     103226
    Animation        5.500000     103275
    2 回复  |  直到 6 年前
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  •   manuelmatas    6 年前

    你可以用这个 单线

    movies = \
        .groupby('genre').agg({'score':['mean'], 'votes':['sum']})
                  score    votes
                   mean      sum
    Action     8.425714  7912508
    Adventure  8.430000  7460632
    Animation  8.293333  1769806
    Biography  8.393750  2112875
    Comedy     8.341509  3166269


    主要问题是多重性 True one_hot_encoding 过程胜过体裁。一部电影可以指定一种或多种类型。因此,不能按类型正确使用聚合方法。另一方面,使用 genres field as is将溶解您在问题中显示的多种性别结果:

    Action                                                   5.837500
    Action|Adventure                                         6.152381
    Action|Adventure|Animation|Comedy|Family|Fantasy         7.500000
    Action|Adventure|Animation|Family|Fantasy|Sci-Fi         6.100000
    Action|Adventure|Biography|Crime|History|Western         6.300000
    Action|Adventure|Biography|Drama|History                 7.700000

    split expand ,您可以创建多个数据帧,然后对它们进行堆栈。例如,具有2种类型的电影将出现在2个结果数据帧中,其中每个数据帧表示分配给每个类型的电影。最后,在解析之后,您可以使用多个函数按性别进行聚合。我将逐步解释:


    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    headers = ['imdbID', 'title', 'year', 'score', 'votes', 'runtime', 'genres'] 
    movies = pd.read_csv("imdb_top_10000.txt", sep="\t", header=None, names=headers, encoding='UTF-8')


                 imdbID             title  year  score  votes   runtime genres
    7917  tt0990404  Chop Shop (2007)  2007    7.2   2104  84 mins.    NaN

    movies.loc[movies.genres.isnull(),"genres"] = "Drama"


    movies = movies.sort_values('score', ascending=False).head(250)

    2.使用split with expand从流派创建流派字段

    movies = movies.set_index(movies.columns.drop('genres',1).tolist())                                                                         
    imdbID    title                                 year score votes  runtime                  
    tt0111161 The Shawshank Redemption (1994)       1994 9.2   619479 142 mins.     Crime|Drama
    tt0068646 The Godfather (1972)                  1972 9.2   474189 175 mins.     Crime|Drama
    tt0060196 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966) 1966 9.0   195238 161 mins.         Western
    tt0110912 Pulp Fiction (1994)                   1994 9.0   490065 154 mins.  Crime|Thriller
    tt0252487 Outrageous Class (1975)               1975 9.0   9823   87 mins.     Comedy|Drama
    (250, 1)

    2.2. 按流派划分


    movies = movies.genres.str.split('|',expand=True)
                                                                                           0  \
    imdbID    title                                 year score votes  runtime              
    tt0111161 The Shawshank Redemption (1994)       1994 9.2   619479 142 mins.    Crime   
    tt0068646 The Godfather (1972)                  1972 9.2   474189 175 mins.    Crime   
    tt0060196 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966) 1966 9.0   195238 161 mins.  Western   
    tt0110912 Pulp Fiction (1994)                   1994 9.0   490065 154 mins.    Crime   
    tt0252487 Outrageous Class (1975)               1975 9.0   9823   87 mins.    Comedy   
                                                                                        1  \
    imdbID    title                                 year score votes  runtime               
    tt0111161 The Shawshank Redemption (1994)       1994 9.2   619479 142 mins.     Drama   
    tt0068646 The Godfather (1972)                  1972 9.2   474189 175 mins.     Drama   
    tt0060196 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966) 1966 9.0   195238 161 mins.      None   
    tt0110912 Pulp Fiction (1994)                   1994 9.0   490065 154 mins.  Thriller   
    tt0252487 Outrageous Class (1975)               1975 9.0   9823   87 mins.      Drama   


    movies = movies.stack()
    imdbID     title                                  year  score  votes   runtime     
    tt0111161  The Shawshank Redemption (1994)        1994  9.2    619479  142 mins.  0      Crime
                                                                                      1      Drama
    tt0068646  The Godfather (1972)                   1972  9.2    474189  175 mins.  0      Crime
                                                                                      1      Drama
    tt0060196  The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)  1966  9.0    195238  161 mins.  0    Western
    dtype: object



    # Multiple index to columns
    movies = movies.reset_index()
    # Name the new column for genre
    movies = movies.rename(columns={0:'genre'})
    # Only wanted fields to be aggregated
    movies = movies.loc[:,['genre','score','votes']]
         genre  score   votes
    0    Crime    9.2  619479
    1    Drama    9.2  619479
    2    Crime    9.2  474189
    3    Drama    9.2  474189
    4  Western    9.0  195238
    (662, 3)



    movies = movies.groupby('genres').agg({'score':['mean'], 'votes':['sum']})
                  score    votes
                   mean      sum
    Action     8.425714  7912508
    Adventure  8.430000  7460632
    Animation  8.293333  1769806
    Biography  8.393750  2112875
    Comedy     8.341509  3166269
    (21, 2)
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  •   shadowtalker    6 年前


    import io
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    colnames = ['imdbID', 'title', 'year', 'score', 'votes', 'runtime', 'genres']
    data_url = 'https://bpaste.net/raw/05fa224794e4'
    movies = pd.read_csv(data_url, sep="\t", header=None, names=colnames, encoding='UTF-8', index_col='imdbID')

    def arg_nlargest(x, n, use_index=True):
        if isinstance(x, pd.Series):
            x = x.values
        return np.argpartition(-x, n)[:n]


    top250_iloc = arg_nlargest(movies['score'], 250)
    movies250 = movies.iloc[top250_iloc]


    movies250_genre_inds = movies250["genres"].str.get_dummies(sep='|')

    genre_agg = {}
    for genre in movies250_genre_inds.columns:
        mask = movies250_genre_inds[genre].astype(bool)
        aggregates = movies250.loc[mask].agg({'score': 'mean', 'votes': 'sum'}) 
        genre_agg[genre] = aggregates.tolist()
    genre_agg = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(genre_agg, orient='index', columns=['score_mean', 'votes_sum'])
    genre3_iloc = arg_nlargest(genre_agg['score_mean'], 3)
    genre3 = genre_agg.iloc[genre3_iloc].sort_values('score_mean', ascending=False)