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sparse_vector template class: How do I clean it up?

  •  2
  • Neil G  · 技术社区  · 14 年前

    I'm not sure if this is a good question or not — please close it if not.

    I set out to write (using boost::coordinate_vector as a starting point) a sparse_vector template class that efficiently implements a vector-like interface, but is sparse. It implements all the usual vector operations and a fast sparse iterator that iterates over the set elements. It also has a fast version of rotate . 我需要这个类,因为我有一个一写一读的用例,我使用了其中的很多 sparse_vectors .

    I have no experience writing template classes, so I know that there are things that I could be doing better. How can I improve this class?

    // sparse_vector is a sparse version of std::vector.  It stores index-value pairs, and a size, which
    // represents the size of the sparse_vector.
    #include <algorithm>
    #include <ostream>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <vector>
    #include <boost/iterator.hpp>
    #include <boost/iterator/iterator_adaptor.hpp>
    #include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp>
    #include <boost/iterator/reverse_iterator.hpp>
    #include <boost/optional.hpp>
    #include <glog/logging.h>
    template<typename T>
    class sparse_vector {
        typedef T value_type;
        typedef T* pointer;
        typedef T& reference;
        typedef const T& const_reference;
        typedef size_t size_type;
        struct ElementType {
            ElementType(size_type i, T const& t): index(i), value(t) {}
            ElementType(size_type i, T&& t): index(i), value(move(t)) {}
            ElementType(size_type i): index(i) {}  // allows lower_bound to work
            ElementType(ElementType const&) = default;
            size_type index;
            value_type value;
        typedef std::vector<ElementType> array_type;
        typedef typename array_type::difference_type difference_type;
        typedef const T* const_pointer;
        typedef sparse_vector<T> self_type;
        typedef typename array_type::const_iterator const_subiterator_type;
        typedef typename array_type::iterator subiterator_type;
        struct IndexCompare {
            bool operator()(ElementType const& a, ElementType const& b) { return a.index < b.index; }
        // Construction and destruction
        inline sparse_vector(): size_(0), sorted_filled_(0), data_() {
                storage_invariants(); }
        explicit inline sparse_vector(size_type size): size_(size), sorted_filled_(0), data_() {
                storage_invariants(); }
        inline sparse_vector(const sparse_vector<T> &v):
            size_(v.size_), sorted_filled_(v.sorted_filled_), data_(v.data_) {
                storage_invariants(); }
        inline sparse_vector(sparse_vector<T>&& v):
            size_(v.size_), sorted_filled_(v.sorted_filled_), data_(move(v.data_)) {
                storage_invariants(); }
        sparse_vector(const optional<T> &o): size_(1), sorted_filled_(0) {
                if (o) {
                    append_element(0, *o);
                    sorted_filled_ = 1;
        sparse_vector(const std::vector<T> &v):
            size_(v.size()), sorted_filled_(0) {
                for (auto it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it)
                    append_element(it - v.begin(), *it);
                sorted_filled_ = v.size();
        sparse_vector(const sparse_vector<optional<T>> &sv):
            size_(sv.size()), sorted_filled_(0) {
                for (auto it = sv.sparse_begin(); it != sv.sparse_end(); ++it)
                    if (*it)
                        append_element(it.index(), **it);
                sorted_filled_ = data_.size();
        sparse_vector(size_type size, vector<pair<size_type, T>> init_list):
            size_(size), sorted_filled_(0) {
                for (auto it = init_list.begin(); it != init_list.end(); ++it)
                    append_element(it->first, it->second);
                // require that the list be sorted?
                // sorted_filled_ = data_.size();
        /*template<class AE>
            inline sparse_vector(const sparse_vector<AE> &ae):
                size_(ae().size()), sorted_filled_(ae.nnz()), data_() {
                    for (auto it = ae.sparse_begin(); it != ae.sparse_end(); ++it) {
                        (*this)[it.index()] = static_cast<T>(*it);
        // Conversion operators
        // Copy sparse_vector to a vector filling in uninitialized elements with T()
        operator std::vector<T>() {
            std::vector<T> retval(size_);
            for (auto it = data_.begin(); it != data_.end(); ++it)
                retval[it.index()] = *it;
            return retval; 
        // Copy sparse_vector to a vector filling in uninitialized elements with a default value.
        void CopyToVector(std::vector<T>* v, T const& default_value = T()) {
            size_type last_index = 0;
            for (auto it = sparse_begin(); it != sparse_end(); ++it) {
                for (size_type i = last_index; i < it.index(); ++i) {
                    (*v)[i] = default_value;
                (*v)[it.index()] = *it;
                last_index = it.index() + 1;
        // Accessors
        inline size_type size() const {
            return size_;
        inline size_type nnz_capacity() const {
            return data_.capacity();
        inline size_type nnz() const {
            return data_.size();
        // Resizing
        inline void resize(size_type size, bool preserve = true) {
            if (preserve) {
                sort();    // remove duplicate elements.
                subiterator_type it(lower_bound(data_.begin(), data_.end(), size, IndexCompare()));
                data_.erase(it, data_.end());
            } else {
            size_ = size;
            sorted_filled_ = nnz();
        // Reserving
        inline void reserve(size_type non_zeros, bool preserve = true) {
            if (preserve)
                sort();    // remove duplicate elements.
            sorted_filled_ = nnz();
        // Element support
        // find_element returns a pointer to element i or NULL -- it never creates an element
        inline pointer find_element(size_type i) {
            return const_cast<pointer> (const_cast<const self_type&>(*this).find_element(i)); }
        inline const_pointer find_element(size_type i) const {
            const_subiterator_type it(lower_bound(data_.begin(), data_.end(), i, IndexCompare()));
            if (it == data_.end() || it->index != i)
                return NULL;
            return &it->value;
        // find_element_optional returns a boost::optional<T>
        inline boost::optional<value_type> find_element_optional(size_type i) const {
            CHECK_LT(i, size_);
            const_subiterator_type it(lower_bound(data_.begin(), data_.end(), i, IndexCompare()));
            if (it == data_.end() || it->index != i)
                return boost::optional<value_type>();
            return boost::optional<value_type>(it->value);
        // Element access
        // operator[] returns a reference to element i -- the const version returns a reference to
        // a zero_ element if it doesn't exist; the non-const version creates it in that case.
        inline const_reference operator[] (size_type i) const {
            CHECK_LT(i, size_);
            const_subiterator_type it(lower_bound(data_.begin(), data_.end(), i, IndexCompare()));
            if (it == data_.end() || it->index != i)
                return zero_;
            return it->value;
        inline reference operator[] (size_type i) {
            CHECK_LT(i, size_);
            subiterator_type it(lower_bound(data_.begin(), data_.end(), i, IndexCompare()));
            if (it == data_.end() || it->index != i)
                return insert_element(i, value_type/*zero*/());
                return it->value;
        // Element assignment
        inline void append_element(size_type i, const_reference t) {
            data_.emplace_back(i, t);
        inline void append_element(size_type i, T&& t) {
            data_.emplace_back(i, move(t));
        inline void sorted_append_element(size_type i, const_reference t) {
            // must maintain sort order
            if (data_.size() > 0)
                CHECK_LT(data_.back().index, i);
            data_.emplace_back(i, t);
            sorted_filled_ = data_.size();
        /* This function is probably not useful.
         * inline void sparse_pop_back() {
            // ISSUE invariants could be simpilfied if sorted required as precondition
            CHECK_GT(data_.size(), 0);
            sorted_filled_ = (std::min)(sorted_filled_, data_.size());
        inline reference insert_element(size_type i, const_reference t) {
            DCHECK(find_element(i) == NULL);  // duplicate element
            append_element(i, t);
            return data_.back().value;
        // Element clearing
        // TODO(neil): consider replacing size_type functions with iterator functions
        // replaces elements in the range [i, i] with "zero" (by erasing them from the map)
        inline void clear_element(size_type i) {
            subiterator_type it(lower_bound(data_.begin(), data_.end(), i, IndexCompare()));
            if (it == data_.end() || it->index != i)
        // replaces elements in the range [first, last) with "zero" (by erasing them from the map)
        inline void clear_elements(size_type first, size_type last) {
            CHECK_LE(first, last);
            subiterator_type it_first(lower_bound(data_.begin(), data_.end(), first, IndexCompare()));
            subiterator_type it_last(lower_bound(data_.begin(), data_.end(), last, IndexCompare()));
            sorted_filled_ -= it_last - it_first;
            data_.erase(it_first, it_last);
        // Zeroing
        inline void clear() { data_.clear(); sorted_filled_ = 0; storage_invariants(); }
        // Comparison
        inline bool operator==(const sparse_vector &v) const {
            if (this == &v)
                return true;
            if (size_ != v.size_)
                return false;
            auto it_this = sparse_begin();
            for (auto it = v.sparse_begin(); it != v.sparse_end(); ++it) {
                if (it_this == sparse_end()
                    || it_this.index() != it.index()
                    || *it_this != *it)
                    return false;
            return true;
        // Assignment
        inline sparse_vector& operator=(const sparse_vector &v) {
            if (this != &v) {
                size_ = v.size_;
                sorted_filled_ = v.sorted_filled_;
                data_ = v.data_;
            return *this;
        inline sparse_vector &assign_temporary(sparse_vector &v) {
            return *this;
        template<class AE>
            inline sparse_vector& operator=(const sparse_vector<AE> &ae) {
                self_type temporary(ae);
                return assign_temporary(temporary);
        // Swapping
        inline void swap(sparse_vector &v) {
            if (this != &v) {
                std::swap(size_, v.size_);
                std::swap(sorted_filled_, v.sorted_filled_);
        inline friend void swap(sparse_vector &v1, sparse_vector &v2) { v1.swap(v2); }
        // Sorting and summation of duplicates
        inline bool sorted() const { return sorted_filled_ == data_.size(); }
        inline void sort() const {
            if (!sorted() && data_.size() > 0) {
                // sort new elements and merge
                std::sort(data_.begin() + sorted_filled_, data_.end(), IndexCompare());
                std::inplace_merge(data_.begin(), data_.begin() + sorted_filled_, data_.end(),
                // check for duplicates
                size_type filled = 0;
                for(size_type i = 1; i < data_.size(); ++i) {
                    if (data_[filled].index != data_[i].index) {
                        if (filled != i) {
                            data_[filled] = data_[i];
                    } else {
                        CHECK(false);  // duplicates
                        // value_data_[filled] += value_data_[i];
                sorted_filled_ = filled;
                data_.erase(data_.begin() + filled, data_.end());
        // Back element insertion and erasure
        inline void push_back(const_reference t) {
            data_.emplace_back(size(), t);
            if (sorted_filled_ == data_.size())
        inline void pop_back() {
            CHECK_GT(size_, 0);
            clear_element(size_ - 1);
            if (sorted_filled_ == size_)
        // Iterator types
        template<typename base_type, typename iterator_value_type>
            class sparse_iterator_private
                : public boost::iterator_adaptor<
                  sparse_iterator_private<base_type, iterator_value_type>,  // Derived
                  base_type,                                                // Base
                  iterator_value_type,                                      // Value
                  boost::random_access_traversal_tag                        // CategoryOrTraversal
                  > {
                struct enabler {};  // a private type avoids misuse
                    : sparse_iterator_private<base_type, iterator_value_type>::iterator_adaptor_() {}
                explicit sparse_iterator_private(base_type&& p)
                    : sparse_iterator_private<base_type, iterator_value_type>::iterator_adaptor_(p) {}
                size_type index() const { return this->base()->index; }
                iterator_value_type& value() const { return this->base()->value; }
                friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
                iterator_value_type& dereference() const { return this->base()->value; }
        template<typename container_type, typename iterator_value_type>
            class iterator_private
            : public boost::iterator_facade<
              iterator_private<container_type, iterator_value_type>,    // Derived
              iterator_value_type,                                      // Value
              boost::random_access_traversal_tag,                       // CategoryOrTraversal
              iterator_value_type&,                                     // Reference
              difference_type                                           // Difference
              > {
                  struct enabler {};  // a private type avoids misuse
                  iterator_private(): container_(NULL), index_(0) {}
                  iterator_private(container_type* container, size_type index)
                      : container_(container), index_(index) {}
                  iterator_private(iterator_private const& other)
                      : container_(other.container_), index_(other.index_) {}
                  iterator_private& operator=(iterator_private const& other) {
                      container_ = other.container_;
                      index_ = other.index_;
                  container_type& container() const { return *container_; }
                  size_type index() const { return index_; }
                  iterator_value_type& value() const { return dereference(); }
                  /* TODO(neil): how do you make this work?
                     template<typename U>
                     sparse_iterator_private<U> subsequent_sparse_iterator() {
                     return sparse_iterator_private<T>(lower_bound(container_.data_.begin(),
                     index_, IndexCompare()));
                  friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
                  iterator_value_type& dereference() const { return (*container_)[index_]; }
                  bool equal(iterator_private<container_type, iterator_value_type> const& other) const {
                      return index_ == other.index_ && container_ == other.container_; }
                  void increment() { ++index_; }
                  void decrement() { --index_; }
                  void advance(int n) { index_ += n; }
                  difference_type distance_to(iterator_private<container_type,
                                              iterator_value_type> const& other) {
                      return index_ - other.index_; }
                  container_type*       container_;
                  size_type             index_;
        typedef sparse_iterator_private<typename array_type::iterator, value_type> sparse_iterator;
        typedef sparse_iterator_private<
            typename array_type::const_iterator, const value_type> const_sparse_iterator;
        typedef iterator_private<sparse_vector, value_type> iterator;
        typedef iterator_private<const sparse_vector, const value_type> const_iterator;
        typedef boost::reverse_iterator<sparse_iterator> reverse_sparse_iterator;
        typedef boost::reverse_iterator<const_sparse_iterator> const_reverse_sparse_iterator;
        typedef boost::reverse_iterator<iterator> reverse_iterator;
        typedef boost::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator;
        // Element lookup
        // inline This function seems to be big. So we do not let the compiler inline it.    
        sparse_iterator sparse_find(size_type i) {
            return sparse_iterator(lower_bound(data_.begin(), data_.end(), i, IndexCompare()));
        // inline This function seems to be big. So we do not let the compiler inline it.    
        const_sparse_iterator sparse_find(size_type i) const {
            return const_sparse_iterator(lower_bound(data_.begin(), data_.end(), i, IndexCompare()));
        // the nth non-zero element
        const_sparse_iterator nth_nonzero(size_type i) const {
            CHECK_LE(data_.size(), i);
            return const_sparse_iterator(data_.begin() + i);
        // Forward iterators
        inline sparse_iterator sparse_begin() { return sparse_find(0); }
        inline sparse_iterator sparse_end() { return sparse_find(size_); }
        inline const_sparse_iterator sparse_begin() const { return sparse_find(0); }
        inline const_sparse_iterator sparse_end() const { return sparse_find(size_); }
        inline iterator begin() { return iterator(this, 0); }
        inline iterator end() { return iterator(this, size()); }
        inline const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(this, 0); }
        inline const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(this, size()); }
        // Reverse iterators
        inline reverse_sparse_iterator sparse_rbegin() {
            return reverse_sparse_iterator(sparse_end()); }
        inline reverse_sparse_iterator sparse_rend() {
            return reverse_sparse_iterator(sparse_begin()); }
        inline const_reverse_sparse_iterator sparse_rbegin() const {
            return const_reverse_sparse_iterator(sparse_end()); }
        inline const_reverse_sparse_iterator sparse_rend() const {
            return const_reverse_sparse_iterator(sparse_begin()); }
        inline reverse_iterator rbegin() {
            return reverse_iterator(end()); }
        inline reverse_iterator rend() {
            return reverse_iterator(begin()); }
        inline const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const {
            return const_reverse_iterator(end()); }
        inline const_reverse_iterator rend() const {
            return const_reverse_iterator(begin()); }
        // Mutating algorithms
        // like vector::erase (erases the elements from the container and shrinks the container)
        inline void erase(iterator const& first, iterator const& last) {
            clear_elements(first.index(), last.index());
            subiterator_type it_first(lower_bound(data_.begin(), data_.end(),
                                                  first.index(), IndexCompare()));
            size_t n = last.index() - first.index();
            for (auto it = it_first; it != data_.end(); ++it)
                it->index -= n;
            size_ -= n;
        // like vector::insert (insert elements into the container and causes the container to grow)
        inline void insert(iterator const& index, size_type n) {
            subiterator_type it_first(lower_bound(data_.begin(), data_.end(),
                                                  index.index(), IndexCompare()));
            for (auto it = it_first; it != data_.end(); ++it)
                it->index += n;
            size_ += n;
        // Removes all "zero" elements
        void remove_zeros() {
            size_type filled = 0;
            for(size_type i = 0; i < data_.size(); ++i) {
                if (i == sorted_filled_) {
                    // Once we've processed sorted_filled_ items, we know that whatever we've filled so
                    // far is sorted.
                    CHECK_LE(filled, sorted_filled_);
                    // Since sorted_filled_ only shrinks here, and i only grows, we won't enter this
                    // condition twice.
                    sorted_filled_ = filled;
                if (data_[i].value != value_type/*zero*/()) {
                    if (filled != i) {
                        data_[filled] = data_[i];
            data_.erase(data_.begin() + filled, data_.end());
        void rotate(size_type first, size_type middle, size_type last) {
            CHECK_LT(first, middle);
            CHECK_LT(middle, last);
            subiterator_type it_first(lower_bound(data_.begin(), data_.end(),
                                                  first, IndexCompare()));
            subiterator_type it_middle(lower_bound(data_.begin(), data_.end(),
                                                   middle, IndexCompare()));
            subiterator_type it_last(lower_bound(data_.begin(), data_.end(),
                                                 last, IndexCompare()));
            for (auto it = it_first; it != it_middle; ++it)
                it->index += last - middle;
            for (auto it = it_middle; it != it_last; ++it)
                it->index -= middle - first;
            std::rotate(it_first, it_middle, it_last);
            // array remains sorted
        sparse_vector<value_type> concatenate(sparse_vector<value_type> const& other) const {
            sparse_vector<value_type> retval(size() + other.size());
            for (auto it = sparse_begin(); it != sparse_end(); ++it) {
                retval[it.index()] = *it;
            for (auto it = other.sparse_begin(); it != other.sparse_end(); ++it) {
                retval[it.index() + size()] = *it;
            return retval;
        void storage_invariants() const {
            CHECK_LE(sorted_filled_, data_.size());
            if (sorted())
                CHECK_EQ(sorted_filled_, data_.size());
                CHECK_LT(sorted_filled_, data_.size());
            if (!data_.empty())
                CHECK_LT(data_.back().index, size_);
            for (size_type i = 1; i < sorted_filled_; ++i)
                CHECK_GT(data_[i].index, data_[i - 1].index);
        size_type                                   size_;
        mutable typename array_type::size_type      sorted_filled_; 
        mutable array_type                          data_;
        static const value_type                     zero_;
    template<typename T>
    const typename sparse_vector<T>::value_type sparse_vector<T>::zero_ = T();
    template<typename T>
    ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const sparse_vector<T>& v) {
        os << "[" << v.size() << ": ";
        for (auto it = v.sparse_begin(); it != v.sparse_end(); ++it) {
            os << "(" << it.index() << ": " << it.value() << ") ";
        return os << "]";
    1 回复  |  直到 14 年前
  •  4
  •   stinky472    14 年前

    For someone with little experience writing class templates, you've created something fairly sophisticated. Unfortunately I can't do a in-depth analysis at the moment: it would take too much time giving the amount of code presented and the generality of the question. I can only briefly respond to an overview.

    For a start, sorting mutable data on operator[] const and begin/end methods is kind of scary. This class won't be thread-safe even for concurrent read access. Dealing with multiple threads is probably beyond the scope of this class, but this behavior is very peculiar so it should probably be well-documented if the class is intended for very general-purpose use.

    Another alternative is to require the client sort the vector explicitly and use linear access methods to fetch data until this is done. This isn't quite as automagic as your solution, but it will make your class safer to use across threads for read-purposes.

    在我看来,很明显您没有在分析器的帮助下内联此代码。 Don't do this without the profiler's help. I'm not just spouting generalities here; I work with raytracers and profile code with vtune and parallel studio on a daily basis as part of my job and inlining code like this has a detrimental effect on performance. 最明显的情况是由于代码膨胀,但还有第二个不太明显的情况,大多数人似乎忽略了。

    Even for things like single line accessors, if you inline them all, you'll interfere with the optimizer's ability to make the best use of registers and other optimizations. Optimizing compilers work best on a function-by-function basis with small, well-written functions. They generally don't do as good a job at an inter-function level and if you start inlining everything, the result is akin to one big flat function accessing all kinds of data which even ICC (Intel's optimizing compiler) doesn't do such a great job at dealing with. For a start, the compiler can't read your mind, so inlining everything makes less-executed branches optimized equally as well as more commonly executed ones (basically compromising the compiler's ability to optimize the common branches).


    As for public interface, I can see that the whole point of this is to implement contiguity and reduce memory and access times (using std::vector for the backend), but given its nature, I think you would do better to provide an interface similar to map<int, T> . The push_back and pop_back behavior, for instance, is rather confusing. Consider an alternative with insert and erase methods only and a non-const operator[] which can create new indices (keys), or do this at least as a first step. You could provide an insert method which only takes const_reference which chooses an available index to be assigned and returns it (it could just be size() - 1 if you don't care about gaps).

    From an implementation standpoint, the code seems straightforward enough. I don't have much to suggest there other than 'de-inlining' your code.

    Since it appears as though speed is one of the motivating factors for creating this, here's a small tip. 而不是:

    inline void sort() const {
        if (!sorted() && data_.size() > 0) {

    Consider taking that initial 'if' out and don't inline this function. Put it outside of the class definition. You use sort for all kinds of read-only access cases but it's an exceptional case: most read access should be operating on already sorted data. When you have exceptional cases like this, your optimizing compiler will generally do a much better job if the function isn't inlined and you put your check outside:

    inline const_reference operator[] (size_type i) const {
        CHECK_LT(i, size_);
        if (need_sort() )

    Having done micro-optimizations on a daily basis and with the aid of a profiler, I can assure you that this will generally be faster on most optimizing compilers including latest versions of GCC, ICC, and MSVC. Roughly speaking, the reason is because your operator[] function will be doing less and accessing less memory as a result (no inlined sort to deal with which should only be executed in exceptional circumstances).

    Most importantly, I recommend that you grab a profiler and do some tests and see where your bottlenecks are with this.