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  • Syntax Error ine  · 技术社区  · 6 年前

    2 但没有进入 1 mdline 列,基于唯一的 mmatter 专栏?

    这里是SQL小提琴: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!18/8c17e/2

    SELECT top 1000
    FROM [desc]
    WHERE [mmatter] IN (
        SELECT [mmatter]
        FROM [desc]
        GROUP BY [mmatter]
         HAVING COUNT(distinct [mdline]) > 1
    order by mmatter


    | mdindex | mmatter       | mdline | mddesc                  |
    | 142     | X30539.000021 | 1      | Avocet, pied            |
    | 143     | X30539.000021 | 2      | Margay                  |
    | 111     | X30820.004199 | 1      | African buffalo         |
    | 112     | X30820.004199 | 2      | Siskin, pine            |
    | 113     | X30820.004199 | 3      | African jacana          |
    | 114     | X30820.0042   | 2      | Caracara, yellow-headed |
    | 115     | X30820.0042   | 3      | Whip-tailed wallaby     |
    | 116     | X30820.0042   | 4      | Greater rhea            |
    | 120     | X30820.004202 | 1      | Nuthatch, red-breasted  |
    | 121     | X30820.004202 | 2      | Arctic tern             |
    | 122     | X30820.004202 | 3      | Tyrant flycatcher       |
    | 123     | X30820.004203 | 1      | Plover, three-banded    |
    | 124     | X30820.004203 | 2      | Tortoise, radiated      |
    | 129     | X30820.004204 | 2      | Laughing dove           |
    | 130     | X30820.004204 | 3      | Iguana, marine          |


    | 114 | X30820.0042   | 2 | Caracara, yellow-headed |
    | 115 | X30820.0042   | 3 | Whip-tailed wallaby     |
    | 116 | X30820.0042   | 4 | Greater rhea            |
    | 129 | X30820.004204 | 2 | Laughing dove           |
    | 130 | X30820.004204 | 3 | Iguana, marine          |

    请注意,此结果集中的行没有 mdline公司


        ( SELECT top 1000
        FROM [desc]
        WHERE [mmatter] IN (
            SELECT [mmatter]
            FROM [desc]
            GROUP BY [mmatter]
             HAVING COUNT(distinct [mdline]) > 1
            order by mmatter
    WHERE mdline not like '1'
    2 回复  |  直到 6 年前
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  •   Zohar Peled    6 年前

    您可以通过添加 not exists 致您的where条款:

    SELECT [mdindex]
    FROM [table1] t0
    WHERE [mmatter] IN (
        SELECT [mmatter]
        FROM [table1]
        GROUP BY [mmatter]
        HAVING COUNT(distinct [mdline]) > 1
        SELECT 1
        FROM [table1] t1
        WHERE t0.mmatter = t1.mmatter
        AND t0.mdline = 1
    ORDER BY mmatter
  •  0
  •   Yogesh Sharma    6 年前

    exists &安培; not exists :

    select t1.*
    from table1 t1
    where not exists (select 1 
                      from table1 t2
                      where t2.mmatter = t1.mmatter and t2.mdline = 1 
                      ) and
           exists (select 1 
                   from table1 t2
                   where t2.mmatter = t1.mmatter and t2.mdline <> t1.mdline