# New Outlook object
$ol = new-object -comobject "Outlook.Application";
# MAPI namespace
$mapi = $ol.getnamespace("mapi");
# Folder/Inbox
$folder = $mapi.Folders.Item('name@email.com').Folders.Item('Inbox')
# Sort by the Received Time
$contents = $folder.Items | sort ReceivedTime
# Get the first element in the array, convert to JSON, and then output to fileecho $contents[0] | convertTo-Json | Out-File C:\Users\ME\outlook_1.json -Encoding UTF8
有更好的方法吗?我在Powershell 5.1上。
# New Outlook object
$ol = new-object -comobject "Outlook.Application";
# MAPI namespace
$mapi = $ol.getnamespace("mapi");
# Folder/Inbox
$folder = $mapi.Folders.Item('name@email.com').Folders.Item('Inbox')
# Sort by the Received Time
$contents = $folder.Items | sort ReceivedTime
$i = 1foreach($item in $contents){
if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($item))){
echo $item | convertTo-Json | Out-File Out-File C:\Users\ME\outlook_1.json -Encoding UTF8-Encoding UTF8
# New Outlook object
$ol = new-object -comobject "Outlook.Application";
# MAPI namespace
$mapi = $ol.getnamespace("mapi");
$folder = $mapi.Folders.Item('name@gmail.com').Folders.Item('Inbox')
# Get the items in the folder
$contents = $folder.Items
# Sort the items in the folder by the metadata, in this case ReceivedTime
# Get the first item in the sorting; in this case, you will get the oldest item in your inbox.
$item = $contents.GetFirst()
echo $item
# If instead, you wanted to get the newest item, you could do the same thing but do $item = $contents.GetLast()