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  • Boucherie  · 技术社区  · 6 年前

    我有一个PostgreSQL计算 roi 其中的几个值 select 100 * ((SUM(time_product)/SUM(rt_id_count))*SUM(rental_cost))/SUM(sale_count) 使用case语句作为嵌套查询来定义和计算。但是,如果其中任何值为空 rental_cost 它计算 投资回报率 作为 zero ,而这个零值将被卷进平均值中,并向下倾斜平均值。在总计算中,如何将这些零视为空?

    (我取出了一些嵌套查询,并用 [calculation] 在这个问题上;主要是因为它是一个很长的查询,我想过滤掉噪音,使整个结构更可见)

      (select 100 * ((SUM(time_product)/SUM(rt_id_count))*SUM(rental_cost))/SUM(sale_count)  FROM
      (select p2.id, p2.inventory_type, p2.working_value, COUNT(distinct p2.id),
      ----nested values calculated here
       (case p2.inventory_type 
          when 'set' then 
          [calculation A]
        else [calculation B] end) rental_cost,
        (case p2.inventory_type 
          when 'set' then 
          [caluculation A]
        else [calculation B]  end)   sale_count,
        (case p2.inventory_type 
          when 'set' then count(distinct rt.id)
          else 1 end 
          ) rt_id_count,
        (case p2.inventory_type 
          when 'set' then 
          [calculation ]  end)   time_total,
     [calculation]  time_product
      FROM warehouses w
        LEFT JOIN rfid_tags rt ON w.id = rt.location_id AND rt.location_type = 'Warehouse'
        LEFT JOIN products p2 ON rt.ancestor_product_id = p2.id 
        LEFT JOIN category_assignments ca  ON ca.product_id = p2.id
        LEFT JOIN categories c ON ca.category_id = c.id
        LEFT JOIN product_selections ps ON ps.rfid_tag_id = rt.id 
          c.id=categories.id AND ca.primary = true  AND w.id=warehouses.id
          AND (select count(ps.id) from product_selections ps where ps.rfid_tag_id=rt.id)>0
          and p2.working_value>0 
        AND rt.location_id=w.id
        group by p2.id, p2.inventory_type, p2.working_value, c.sale_price_percentage, c.rental_price_percentage) Z) roi
    1 回复  |  直到 6 年前
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  •   Kamil Gosciminski    6 年前

    使用 NULLIF 返回 NULL 如果两个参数相等:

    SELECT NULLIF(?, 0);

    哪里 ? 是你的计算。


    select nullif(100 * ((SUM(time_product)/SUM(rt_id_count))*SUM(rental_cost))/SUM(sale_count), 0)
    from ...