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  • Melad Basilius  · 技术社区  · 5 年前

    我正在为一个场景编写一个测试用例,在这个场景中,客户可以将内容上传到数据库中。在这个测试用例中,我假设内容缺失,所以 RuntimeException(PAYLOAD_NOT_FOUND) 将被扔进 catch 块I将构造虚拟内容并继续另一个执行路径。

    为了模拟丢失的内容,我正在模拟getContent getter

            new MockUp<CustomerContentDto>() {
                public String getContent() {
                    throw new RuntimeException(PAYLOAD_NOT_FOUND);

    到目前为止还不错,我需要打电话解决的问题 public String getContent() 每次构造完模拟内容后,我都会抛出模拟内容 new RuntimeException(PAYLOAD_NOT_FOUND); 有没有办法在某个执行点后停用该模拟?

        public void uploadContent_PayloadMissing_uploadError() throws DaoException, URISyntaxException, IOException,MessageTaskException {
        final String sameAccounts = "some info...";
        new MockUp<CustomerContentDto>() {
            public String getContent() {
                throw new RuntimeException(PAYLOAD_NOT_FOUND);
        // i need to mock getContent() befor this call
        new Verifications() {{
            CustomerContentDto customerContentDto;
            iCustomerContentDao.setApproved(anyLong, anyString, null);
            minTimes = 1;
            maxTimes = 1;
            iCustomerContentDao.uploadContent(customerContentDto = withCapture());
            maxTimes = 1;
            // i need to deactivate the mock getContent() befor this call
            Assert.assertEquals(customerContentDto.getContent(), "111\n\n\"Content is missing a Payload tag\"");
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