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  • deschen  · 技术社区  · 2 年前


    df <- data.frame(group  = c(1, 2, 2, 2),
                     start  = c(2, 7, 7, 7),
                     stop   = c(8, 7, 8, 9),
                     unstop = c(10, 7, 9, 10))


    df |>
      group_by(group) |> 
      mutate(n_rows = n(),
             split_weeks = case_when(n_rows == 1 ~ str_c(start:stop, collapse = ","),
                                     n_rows  > 1 & row_number() == 1 ~ str_c(c(start:stop, unstop:lead(stop)), collapse = ","),
                                     TRUE ~ "fail"))
    Error in `mutate()`:
    ! Problem while computing `split_weeks = case_when(...)`.
    ℹ The error occurred in group 1: group = 1.
    Caused by error in `unstop:lead(stop)`:
    ! NA/NaN argument
    Run `rlang::last_error()` to see where the error occurred.


    我想这和 lead 函数,因为如果我删除该部分,我“只会收到警告,但至少会得到一个结果。”。


    # A tibble: 4 × 6
    # Groups:   group [2]
      group start  stop unstop n_rows split_weeks  
      <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>  <int> <chr>        
    1     1     2     8     10      1 2,3,4,5,6,7,8
    2     2     7     7      7      3 7,8          
    3     2     7     8      9      3 fail         
    4     2     7     9     10      3 fail         
    2 回复  |  直到 2 年前
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  •   Jon Spring    2 年前

    这里有一个替代方案,可以产生所需的输出(至少在这种情况下)@安迪·巴克斯特(Andy Baxter)很好地解释了原版失败的原因;即使case_使用第一个case的结果,第二个case抛出一个错误,因此操作失败。你可以通过使用 lead(stop, default = 0) 或者 coalesce(lead(stop), SOMETHING) ,当没有“下一个”值时,这两者都会产生一个可计算的结果(如果没有意义/不需要)。

    df |>
      group_by(group) |> 
      mutate(n_rows = n()) %>%
      mutate(split_weeks = case_when(
        n_rows == 1 ~ str_c(start:stop, collapse = ","),
        n_rows  > 1 & row_number() == 1 ~ str_c(unstop:(lead(stop, default = 0)), collapse = ","),
        # n_rows  > 1 & row_number() == 1 ~ str_c(unstop:(coalesce(lead(stop), unstop)), collapse = ","), # Alternative
        TRUE ~ "fail"))


    # A tibble: 4 × 6
    # Groups:   group [2]
      group start  stop unstop n_rows split_weeks  
      <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>  <int> <chr>        
    1     1     2     8     10      1 2,3,4,5,6,7,8
    2     2     7     7      7      3 7,8          
    3     2     7     8      9      3 fail         
    4     2     7     9     10      3 fail   
  •  1
  •   Andy Baxter    2 年前

    我认为当你要求R找到一个 lead a)在表行末尾之外,或b)在组之外。您可以将默认值0传递给它,该值永远不会被使用,并且会抑制错误,但由于函数试图连接每个 start:stop unstop:lead(stop) 每组所有行的值:

    df <- data.frame(group  = c(1, 2, 2, 2),
                     start  = c(2, 7, 7, 7),
                     stop   = c(8, 7, 8, 9),
                     unstop = c(10, 7, 9, 10))
    df |>
      group_by(group) |>
        n_rows = n(),
        split_weeks = case_when(
          n_rows == 1 ~ str_c(start:stop, collapse = ","),
          n_rows  > 1 &
            row_number() == 1 ~ str_c(c(start:stop, unstop:lead(stop, default = 0)), collapse = ","),
          TRUE ~ "fail"
    #> Warning in start:stop: numerical expression has 3 elements: only the first used
    #> Warning in start:stop: numerical expression has 3 elements: only the first used
    #> Warning in start:stop: numerical expression has 3 elements: only the first used
    #> Warning in start:stop: numerical expression has 3 elements: only the first used
    #> Warning in unstop:lead(stop, 0): numerical expression has 3 elements: only the
    #> first used
    #> Warning in unstop:lead(stop, 0): numerical expression has 3 elements: only the
    #> first used
    #> # A tibble: 4 × 6
    #> # Groups:   group [2]
    #>   group start  stop unstop n_rows split_weeks  
    #>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>  <int> <chr>        
    #> 1     1     2     8     10      1 2,3,4,5,6,7,8
    #> 2     2     7     7      7      3 7,7          
    #> 3     2     7     8      9      3 fail         
    #> 4     2     7     9     10      3 fail


    • 查找组外的lead值(默认设置为避免最后一行出现错误)
    • 查找组中的行数和行号
    • 再解组!
    • 按行计算,使R只关注该行中的值
    • 执行串联

    结果就是这样,虽然不知道为什么 7,7,8 被放入该单元格(有意义,因为它连接了7到7和7到8):

    df |> 
      mutate(lead_stop = lead(stop, default = 0)) |>
      group_by(group) |>
        n_rows = n(),
        rownum = row_number()) |>
      ungroup() |>
      rowwise() |>
        split_weeks = case_when(
          rownum > 1 ~ "fail",
          n_rows == 1 ~ str_c(start:stop, collapse = ","),
          n_rows  > 1 & rownum == 1 ~ str_c(c(start:stop, unstop:lead_stop), collapse = ","),
          TRUE ~ "fail"
    #> # A tibble: 4 × 8
    #> # Rowwise: 
    #>   group start  stop unstop lead_stop n_rows rownum split_weeks  
    #>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>     <dbl>  <int>  <int> <chr>        
    #> 1     1     2     8     10         7      1      1 2,3,4,5,6,7,8
    #> 2     2     7     7      7         8      3      1 7,7,8        
    #> 3     2     7     8      9         9      3      2 fail         
    #> 4     2     7     9     10         0      3      3 fail

    于2022年5月7日由 reprex package (v2.0.1)