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  • AaronLS  · 技术社区  · 14 年前

    下面是我的页面中的一项,它由包含两个并排div的div组成。其中第一项是大纲中某个条目的大纲编号,第二项是大纲中该条目的内容。控件的contentpanel div可以包含许多不同的内容,通常是一些文本与单个输入控件配对。对于文本框,我遇到了一个问题,即文本框的字体样式不是继承的,因此它的字体更大,因此行高更大,因此与文本框位于同一个分区中的文本使用的行高更大。但是,包含大纲编号文本的第一个分区中的行高较小,因此与文本框配对的跨度中的文本与大纲编号中的文本不对齐。我通过把两个凹坑的线高提高到22像素来解决这个问题。



    RadioButton radioButton = new RadioButton();
    radioButton.CssClass = "Controls_RadioButtonInput";


    /*The first three indent levels*/
      font-weight: bold;
      font-size: 12pt;
      font-weight: bold;
      font-size: 10pt;
      font-weight: normal;  
      font-size: 8pt;
    /*The div tag that contains each node*/
      clear: both;
      font-family: MS Sans Serif;
      font-weight: normal;
      /*font-size: 8pt;*/
      font-style: normal;
      line-height: 22px;
      border: 1px;
      margin: 3px;
    /*The div tag that contains the outline number*/
      float: left;
      line-height: 22px;
    /*The div tag that contains the content of a node, such as a label and textbox, a table, or any of the other controls we've implemented.*/
      float: left;
      line-height: 22px;
    /*Trying to fix a text alignment issue caused by large radio buttons*/
      height: 11px;


    <div style="margin-left: 60px;" class="Controls_NodePanel Controls_IndentLevel2" id="ID_1__10">
        <div class="Controls_OutlineNumberPanel" id="ID_1__10_0">
            <span id="ID_1__10_0_0">XIV.</span>
        <div class="Controls_ContentPanel" id="ID_1__10_1">
            <div id="ID_1__10_1_0">
                <span disabled="disabled" class="Controls_RadioButtonInput">
                    <input type="radio" disabled="disabled" value="ID_1__10_1_0_0" name="a" id="ID_1__10_1_0_0">
                <span id="ID_1__10_1_0_1">
                    text here for radio button selection


    <div style="margin-left: 60px;" class="Controls_NodePanel Controls_IndentLevel2" id="ID_1__6">
        <div class="Controls_OutlineNumberPanel" id="ID_1__6_0">
            <span id="ID_1__6_0_0" style="line-height: 22px;">non0005</span>
        <div class="Controls_ContentPanel" id="ID_1__6_1">
            <div id="ID_1__6_1_0">
                <span disabled="disabled" class="Controls_RadioButtonInput" style="line-height: 22px;">
                    <input type="radio" disabled="disabled" value="ID_1__6_1_0_0" name="a" id="ID_1__6_1_0_0">
                <span id="ID_1__6_1_0_1" style="line-height: 22px;">
                    Competitive HC Only [Competitive 4% and/or 9% Housing Credits]
    1 回复  |  直到 14 年前
  •  1
  •   womp    14 年前

    尝试使内部跨距与分隔符(22px)具有相同的线高度,然后设置 vertical-align 成为 middle .