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  • cup  · 技术社区  · 6 年前

    package require Tk
    variable dict_config
    set dict_config [dict create]
    dict set dict_config config_single_step { 0 "Single step" "Single step"  "Run" }
    dict set dict_config config_load    { 0 "Load"    "No load on startup"  "Load oad on startup" }
    dict set dict_config config_news   { 0 "News"   "No news" "News Feed" }
    # Callback to set the value
    proc SetValue { ix val } {
        puts "Setting $ix to $val"
        variable dict_config
        set list_item [dict get $dict_config $ix]
        dict set dict_config $ix [lreplace $list_item 0 0 $val]
    proc todo {} {
        puts "Coming soon to a screen near you"
    proc DisplayOptions { dict_config } {
        set row 0
        dict for { ix list_item } $dict_config {
            # Extract data from the list
            set lab [lindex $list_item 1]
            set zero [lindex $list_item 2]
            set one [lindex $list_item 3]
            incr row
            # set dummy variable so the radio buttons respond correctly.
            set $ix [lindex $list_item 0]
            upvar 0 $ix debvar
            # Create widgets
            label .lab_$row -text $lab
            radiobutton .zero_$row -text $zero -variable debvar -value 0 -command "SetValue $ix 0"
            radiobutton .one_$row -text $one -variable debvar -value 1 -command "SetValue $ix 1"
            if { $debvar == 0 } {
                .zero_$row select
            } else {
                .one_$row select
            # Layout widgets
            grid .lab_$row -sticky e -row $row -column 0
            grid .zero_$row -sticky w -row $row -column 1
            grid .one_$row -sticky w -row $row -column 2
        incr row
        grid [button .butSave -text "Save" -command "todo"] -row $row -column 0    
    # Let the user change them
    DisplayOptions $dict_config


            # Extract data from the list
            set lab [lindex $list_item 1]
            set zero [lindex $list_item 2]
            set one [lindex $list_item 3]
            incr row
            # set dummy variable so the radio buttons respond correctly.
            set r_$row [lindex $list_item 0]
            # Create widgets
            label .lab_$row -text $lab
            radiobutton .zero_$row -text $zero -variable r_$row -value 0 -command "SetValue $ix 0"
            radiobutton .one_$row -text $one -variable r_$row -value 1 -command "SetValue $ix 1"
            if { r_$row == 0 } {
                .zero_$row select
            } else {
                .one_$row select
            # Layout widgets
            grid .lab_$row -sticky e -row $row -column 0
            grid .zero_$row -sticky w -row $row -column 1
            grid .one_$row -sticky w -row $row -column 2


    2 回复  |  直到 6 年前
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  •   Schelte Bron    6 年前



    实际上,最好使用一个不同的(更简单的)局部变量,因为 if { r_$row == 0 } 将始终为false,并且获取一个名称被构造为r_u$row的变量的值过于复杂。

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  •   L. Alejandro M.    6 年前

    问题出在“shared”变量中 德瓦 . 你忘了对每一行应用相同的方法,在这种方式下,你可以做例如。。。

            # set dummy variable so the radio buttons respond correctly.
            set $ix [lindex $list_item 0]
            upvar 0 $ix debvar_$row;# <-- Here add the row number
            # Create widgets
            label .lab_$row -text $lab
            ;#<-- Below these two lines are changed too 
            radiobutton .zero_$row -text $zero -variable debvar_$row -value 0 -command "SetValue $ix 0"
            radiobutton .one_$row -text $one -variable debvar_$row -value 1 -command "SetValue $ix 1"
            ;#<-- Finally you must use a way of dereferencing in order to use each debvar
            if { [set debvar_$row] == 0 } {
                .zero_$row select
            } else {
                .one_$row select
