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  • sventevit  · 技术社区  · 15 年前


    if object_id('tempdb..#temp') is not null drop table #temp 
    create table #temp (Id int identity(1,1), Date datetime)
    insert into #temp (Date)
    select '2009-10-05 08:01:00' union all
    select '2009-10-05 08:22:00' union all
    select '2009-10-05 08:23:00' union all
    select '2009-10-05 08:24:00' union all
    select '2009-10-05 09:30:00' union all
    select '2009-10-05 11:01:00' union all
    select '2009-10-05 11:05:00' union all
    select '2009-10-05 11:52:00' union all
    select '2009-10-05 12:01:00' union all
    select '2009-10-05 12:05:00' union all
    select '2009-10-05 12:07:00' union all
    select '2009-10-05 12:09:00' union all
    select '2009-10-05 12:20:00' union all
    select '2009-10-05 12:30:00' union all
    select '2009-10-05 12:40:00' union all
    select '2009-10-05 12:50:00' union all
    select '2009-10-05 12:55:00' union all
    select '2009-10-05 13:30:00' union all
    select '2009-10-05 13:35:00' union all
    select '2009-10-05 13:40:00' union all
    select '2009-10-05 14:01:00'
    -- I want to get this data
    select '08:00 - 09:00', 4 union all
    select '09:00 - 10:00', 1 union all
    select '10:00 - 11:00', 0 union all
    select '11:00 - 12:00', 3 union all
    select '12:00 - 13:00', 9 union all
    select '13:00 - 14:00', 3 union all
    select '14:00 - 15:00', 1
    1 回复  |  直到 15 年前
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  •   Ed Harper    15 年前


    ;WITH rangeCTE
            SELECT  MIN(DATE) minDate
                    ,MAX(DATE) maxDate
            FROM #temp
            SELECT CAST(CONVERT(CHAR(14),minDate,121) + '00:00' AS DATETIME) AS timeStart
                   ,DATEADD(hh,1,CAST(CONVERT(CHAR(14),minDate,121) + '00:00' AS DATETIME)) AS timeEnd
                   ,1 AS timeID
            FROM rangeCTE
            UNION ALL
            SELECT DATEADD(hh,1,timeStart)
                   ,timeID + 1
            FROM timeListCTE
            WHERE timeStart <= (SELECT maxDate FROM rangeCTE)
    SELECT tl.timeStart
           ,SUM(CASE WHEN t.Date IS NOT NULL 
                      THEN 1
                      ELSE 0
    FROM      timeListCTE        AS tl
    LEFT JOIN #temp              AS t
    ON        t.DATE >= tl.timeStart
    AND       t.DATE <  tl.timeEnd
    GROUP BY tl.timeStart