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  • CrimsonOcean75  · 技术社区  · 2 年前

    所以我有一些代码,给出了三个语法错误,但它运行良好,几乎就像语法错误是化妆品或其他东西。在一个使用Google cloud vision API的大型项目中,我可能会提供更多诊断问题所需的代码,但我认为它非常容易解析,我认为可能很容易看到整个方法,从而知道什么是重要的

    (出错的代码基本上是从google vision API示例中提取的,但我确实需要对其进行一些调整,所以可能这就是问题所在,但它是有效的,所以我感到困惑)

    (同样值得注意的是,问题可能出在visual studio代码上,而不是代码本身)

    def检测对象线(路径): “”“本地化本地图像中的对象。”。

    def detect_object_cord(path): 
        """Localize objects in the local image.
        path: The path to the local file.
        client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient(credentials=GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS)
        f = 1
        with open(path, 'rb') as image_file: 
            content = image_file.read()
        image = vision.Image(content=content)#content=content
        objects = client.object_localization(image=image).localized_object_annotations
        print('Number of objects found: {}'.format(len(objects)))
        for object_ in objects:
            print('\n{} (confidence: {})'.format(object_.name, object_.score)) 
            for vertex in object_.bounding_poly.normalized_vertices:
                if FaceCount == 1:
                    if f<= 4:
                        cordAryX.append(vertex.x  )
                        cordAryY.append(vertex.y  )
                if FaceCount == 2:
                    if f<= 8 and f> 4:
                        cordAryX.append(vertex.x  )
                        cordAryY.append(vertex.y  )
                if FaceCount == 3:
                    if f<= 12 and f > 8:
                        cordAryX.append(vertex.x  )
                        cordAryY.append(vertex.y  )
                if FaceCount == 4:
                    if f<= 16 and f > 12:
                        cordAryX.append(vertex.x  )
                        cordAryY.append(vertex.y  )
                if FaceCount == 5:
                    if f<= 20 and f > 16:
                        cordAryX.append(vertex.x  )
                        cordAryY.append(vertex.y  )
                if FaceCount == 6:
                    if f<= 24 and f > 20:
                        cordAryX.append(vertex.x  )
                        cordAryY.append(vertex.y  )
                if FaceCount == 7:
                    if f<= 28 and f > 24:
                        cordAryX.append(vertex.x  )
                        cordAryY.append(vertex.y  )
                if FaceCount == 8:
                    if f<= 32 and f > 28:
                        cordAryX.append(vertex.x  )
                        cordAryY.append(vertex.y  )
                if FaceCount == 9:
                    if f<= 36 and f > 32:
                        cordAryX.append(vertex.x  )
                        cordAryY.append(vertex.y  )
                if FaceCount == 10:
                    if f<= 40 and f > 36:
                        cordAryX.append(vertex.x  )
                        cordAryY.append(vertex.y  )
                f = f+1
        print('user selection was: ' + FaceChoice)
        print('x: ', end='')
        print('y: ', end='')

    这三行的错误都是“SyntaxError:invalid syntax”,错误行是:






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  •   CrimsonOcean75    2 年前

    我想出来了,它列在这篇帖子里( SyntaxError : Invalid syntax jedi ) 如果在VisualStudio代码中出现错误,那么基本上只需禁用然后重新启用包。对我来说很有魅力。