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传递数组,然后使用OrderBy vs Sort-更改原始数组[重复]

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  • niki b  · 技术社区  · 7 年前

    为什么 ArrayCalledWithOrderBy ArrayCalledWithSort


    public static void ArrayCaller()
       var arr = new string[] { "pink", "blue", "red", "black", "aqua" };
       DisplayArray(arr, "Before method calls");
       DisplayArray(arr, "After method call using orderby");
       DisplayArray(arr, "After method call using sort");
    public static void ArrayCalledWithOrderBy(string[] arr)
        // this does not change the original array in the calling method. Why not?
        arr = (arr.OrderBy(i => i).ToArray()); 
        DisplayArray(arr, "After orderby inside method");
    public static void ArrayCalledWithSort(string[] arr)
        // this changes the original array in the calling method. 
        // Because it is using the same reference? 
        // So the above code for orderby does not?
        DisplayArray(arr, "After sort inside method");
    public static void DisplayArray(string[] arr, string msg)
        for (int i=0; i<arr.Length; i++)
            Console.Write($"{arr[i]} ");
        Console.WriteLine($" - {msg}");
    // OUTPUT
    //pink blue red black aqua  - Before method calls
    //aqua black blue pink red  - After orderby inside method
    //pink blue red black aqua  - After method call using orderby
    //aqua black blue pink red  - After sort inside method
    //aqua black blue pink red  - After method call using sort
    3 回复  |  直到 7 年前
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  •   Sweeper    7 年前

    数组是引用类型,因此当您将数组传递给方法时。它的 被路过 .

    您应该知道 arr

    public static void ArrayCalledWithOrderBy(string[] arr)
        arr = (arr.OrderBy(i => i).ToArray()); 
        DisplayArray(arr, "After orderby inside method");


    var arr=new string[]{“pink”、“blue”、“red”、“black”、“aqua”};



    arr = (arr.OrderBy(i => i).ToArray()); 

    arr公司 OrderBy 创建已排序的新数组。原始数组没有变异。

    Array.Sort arr公司

    var arr = new string[] { "pink", "blue", "red", "black", "aqua" };
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  •   Cole Tobin Matt    7 年前


    arr = (arr.OrderBy(i => i).ToArray()); 

    您正在创建一个新数组并将其分配给 arr arr公司 为了使其他功能可以使用它,您需要使用 ref keyword :

    public static void ArrayCalledWithOrderBy(ref string[] arr)
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  •   jerry    7 年前

    public static void ArrayCalledWithOrderBy(string[] origin)
           var arr = (origin.OrderBy(i => i).ToArray());
           //isEqual flag is false
           var isEqual = Object.ReferenceEquals(arr, origin);
          DisplayArray(arr, "After orderby inside method");