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  • Darthwolff  · 技术社区  · 7 年前


    123456\u this\u is\u a\u fun\u test\u v01。压敏电阻

    685954\u this\u more\u is\u a\u fun\u test\u v01\u clean。压敏电阻


    这是\u a\u fun\u test\u 123456。压敏电阻

    此\u more\u is\u a\u fun\u test\u clean\u 685954。压敏电阻


    tell application "Finder"
    --grab the selected files and put them into a variable
    set F to selection
     end tell
    -- This will be the character used to rejoin pieces
    -- of the filename after breaking them apart
    set the text item delimiters to "_"
     repeat with g in F -- Loop through the file list
    -- Get the filename
    tell application "System Events" to get name of g
    -- Eliminate the version number component of the filename
    set r to do shell script ¬
        "echo " & quoted form of result & ¬
        " | egrep -o '[^_\\.]+'" & ¬
        " | egrep -iv 'v\\d+'"
    -- Assemble the other components in the new order
    get {paragraphs 2 thru -2, paragraph 1} of r
    get (result as text) & ".mov"
    -- Rename the file to the new name
    tell application "System Events" to set name of g to result
    end repeat
    2 回复  |  直到 7 年前
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  •   CJK    7 年前

    我在这个AppleScript中添加了注释,解释了脚本的每个部分的作用。就目前而言,它的设计是从内部运行 脚本编辑器 ,但它可以很容易地调整为 自动机 工作流。

    Copy-n-将脚本粘贴到 脚本编辑器 . 代替 /路径/到/文件夹 包含文件夹的路径 .压敏电阻 文件已定位(保留引号)。使用完整路径,即。 /用户/CK/电影 而不是 ~/电影 . 按 Cmd命令 + K 编译脚本,并检查预运行语法错误等。当字体改变,脚本看起来打印得很漂亮时,点击 Cmd命令 + R 执行它。

        tell application "System Events" to get the files in folder ¬
            "/Path/To/Folder" whose name extension is "mov"
        set F to the result -- The list of .mov files that need renaming
        -- This will be the character used to rejoin pieces
        -- of the filename after breaking them apart
        set the text item delimiters to "_"
        repeat with g in F -- Loop through the file list
            -- Get the filename
            tell application "System Events" to get name of g
            -- Eliminate the version number component of the filename
            set r to do shell script ¬
                "echo " & quoted form of result & ¬
                " | egrep -o '[^_\\.]+'" & ¬
                " | egrep -iv 'v\\d+'"
            -- Assemble the other components in the new order
            get {paragraphs 2 thru -2, paragraph 1} of r
            get (result as text) & ".mov"
            -- Rename the file to the new name
            tell application "System Events" to set name of g to result
        end repeat
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  •   Darthwolff    7 年前

    通过一点google Fu和大量查看您的代码,我将其用于选定的文件。谢谢你的帮助

    tell application "Finder"
    set F to selection
    end tell
    set the text item delimiters to "_"
    repeat with g in F -- Loop through the file list
    -- Get the filename
    tell application "Finder" to get name of g
    -- Eliminate the version number component of the filename
    set r to do shell script ¬
        "echo " & quoted form of result & ¬
        " | egrep -o '[^_\\.]+'" & ¬
        " | egrep -iv 'v\\d+'"
    -- Assemble the other components in the new order
    get {paragraphs 2 thru -2, paragraph 1} of r
    get (result as text) & ".mov"
    -- Rename the file to the new name
    tell application "Finder" to set name of g to result
    end repeat
    tell application "System Events"
    display dialog "Selected files have been renamed!"
    end tell