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  • Jessica Warren  · 技术社区  · 6 年前


    我尝试过(在Microsoft SQL server中)

    select *, 
    case when 'Hershys' in (Col1, Ccol2) then 1 else 0 as case1,
    case when 'TWIX' in (Col1, Col2) then 1 else 0 as case2,
    case when 'M&M' in (Col1, Col2) then 1 else 0 as case3
    into #candyflags_t1
    from table 
       select * from #candyflags_t1
       where case1 > 0 and case2> 0 and case3 > 0


        |  ID     |    Col1    | Col2    |
        | L123    |   TWIX     |         |       
        | L123    |  Hershys   |         |
        | L123    |            |   m&ms  |
        | F143    |            |   m&ms  |
        | F143    |   Snickers | gummies |


    1 回复  |  直到 6 年前
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  •   Gordon Linoff    6 年前

    你可以用 group by having . 如果您想要所有三个品牌的ID:

    select id
    from table t cross apply
         (values (col1), (col2)) v(col)
    where col in ('Hershys', 'TWIX', 'M&M')
    group by id
    having count(distinct col) = 3;

    cross apply 是取消激活数据的一种方便方法,因此您可以处理一列而不是两列。