Country Month New_users Returning_users Active_users Sum_byyear Sum_bycoun
Angola 2020-06-01 5 0 5 17 47
Angola 2020-09-01 6 2 8 17 47
Angola 2020-10-01 3 1 4 17 47
Angola 2021-01-01 9 7 16 30 47
Angola 2021-03-01 5 3 8 30 47
Angola 2021-05-01 5 1 6 30 47
South Africa 2020-06-01 40 9 49 157 814
South Africa 2020-09-01 65 13 78 157 814
South Africa 2020-10-01 20 10 30 157 814
South Africa 2021-01-01 47 37 84 657 814
South Africa 2021-03-01 224 66 290 657 814
South Africa 2021-05-01 206 77 283 657 814
Country Month Users Count Sum_by_year Sum_by_country
Angola 2020-06-01 New_users 5 17 47
Angola 2020-06-01 Returning_users 0 17 47
Angola 2020-06-01 Active_users 5 17 47
Angola 2020-09-01 New_users 6 17 47
Angola 2020-09-01 Returning_users 2 17 47
Angola 2020-09-01 Active_users 8 17 47
Angola 2020-10-01 New_users 3 17 47
Angola 2020-10-01 Returning_users 1 17 47
Angola 2020-10-01 Active_users 4 17 47
Angola 2021-01-01 New_users 9 30 47
Angola 2021-01-01 Returning_users 7 30 47
Angola 2021-01-01 Active_users 16 30 47
Angola 2021-03-01 New_users 5 30 47
Angola 2021-03-01 Returning_users 3 30 47
Angola 2021-03-01 Active_users 8 30 47
Angola 2021-05-01 New_users 5 30 47
Angola 2021-05-01 Returning_users 1 30 47
Angola 2021-05-01 Active_users 6 30 47
Ghana 2020-06-01 New_users 40 157 814
Ghana 2020-06-01 Returning_users 9 157 814
Ghana 2020-06-01 Active_users 49 157 814
Ghana 2020-09-01 New_users 65 157 814
Ghana 2020-09-01 Returning_users 13 157 814
Ghana 2020-09-01 Active_users 78 157 814
Ghana 2020-10-01 New_users 20 157 814
Ghana 2020-10-01 Returning_users 10 157 814
Ghana 2020-10-01 Active_users 30 157 814
Ghana 2020-09-01 Active_users 78 157 814
Ghana 2021-01-01 New_users 47 657 814
Ghana 2021-01-01 Returning_users 37 657 814
Ghana 2021-01-01 Active_users 84 657 814
Ghana 2021-03-01 New_users 224 657 814
Ghana 2021-03-01 Returning_users 66 657 814
Ghana 2021-03-01 Active_users 283 657 814
Ghana 2021-05-01 New_users 206 657 814
Ghana 2021-05-01 Returning_users 77 657 814
Ghana 2021-05-01 Active_users 283 657 814
reshape (df, dir = "long", sep = ","
idvar = "Country",
varying= c("Month"))
Error in guess (varying):
Failed to guess time-varying variables from their names
df%>%pivot_longer (Country, names_to = c(".value", "User"), names_pattern = "(.*)(\\d+)")
Error in 'stop_vctrs()':
!Can't recycle '..1' (size 656) to match '...3' (size 0)