public void showFirstSix() { PreparedStatement takeFields = null; ResultSet rs = null; String sqlTakeFields = "SELECT * FROM VirtualProductTable WHERE VirtualProductTable MATCH name=? ORDER BY rank DESC"; try { takeFields = this.newSearchModel.connection.prepareStatement(sqlTakeFields); takeFields.setString(1, nameSearch.getText()); rs = takeFields.executeQuery(); } catch (SQLException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } // gets a sorted list of matching products, next we just need to print them out entry by entry // // we'll traverse every row in the result set, and print all needed values before moving to the next row // try { // first entry String id = rs.getString(2); String name = rs.getString(3); String description = rs.getString(4); String price = rs.getString(5); String length = rs.getString(6); String width = rs.getString(7); String height = rs.getString(8); String dateAdded = rs.getString(9); Blob image = rs.getBlob(14); id1.setText(id); name1.setText(name); description1.setText(description); dateAdded1.setText(dateAdded); price1.setText(price); length1.setText(length); width1.setText(width); height1.setText(height); image1.setImage((Image) image); // second entry rs.next(); id = rs.getString(2); name = rs.getString(3); description = rs.getString(4); price = rs.getString(5); length = rs.getString(6); width = rs.getString(7); height = rs.getString(8); dateAdded = rs.getString(9); image = rs.getBlob(14); id2.setText(id); name2.setText(name); description2.setText(description); dateAdded2.setText(dateAdded); price2.setText(price); length2.setText(length); width2.setText(width); height2.setText(height); image2.setImage((Image) image); ... } catch (SQLException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } }
我真正的问题似乎发生在第一个try块中,紧接着 rs = takeFields.executeQuery() - 我用一些 System.out.println(rs.isClosed()) 和 System.out.println(takeFields.isClosed()) 在上述查询之后,并确认准备好的语句takeFields实际上仍然处于打开状态,但结果集rs在查询执行后立即关闭。
rs = takeFields.executeQuery()
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query); while (rs.next()) { //read record }
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query); if(! rs.next()) { return; } //read first reacord if(! rs.next()) { return; } //read second reacord