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  • Shawn  · 技术社区  · 14 年前

    我试图在两个标签的堆栈中转换一组两个单选按钮,一个是蓝色,一个是灰色,分别表示选中的单选按钮和未选中的单选按钮。单击此堆栈将更改哪些标签为蓝色(以及选中了哪些单选按钮)。它工作得很好,但当两个标签的宽度不一样时,它会以一种丑陋的方式崩溃。了解我的意思的最好方法是尝试我在您自己的服务器上制作的测试页或导航 here 查看正在运行的页面。


    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
            <title>word stacks</title>
            <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
            <style type="text/css">
                    line-height: 2em;   /* Prevents the stackBottom from overlaping the second line of text found in the stack container, should there be a second line. */
                    position: relative; /* Needed to give the absolutely positionned stackBottom a positionned reference. */
                    vertical-align: .5em;   /* Raise the stackTop half a line */
                    background: transparent;    /* Needed so the background doesn't cover the stackTop nor the line below, if any. */
                    position: absolute; /* Positionned absolutely in reference to the stack */
                    left: 0;    /* Bring the stackBottom directly under the stackTop */
                    top: 0; /* For some reason, this is needed to bring the stackBottom under the stackTop. */
                /* The following is extra */
                .stackSelected  /* Represents the chosen  value */
                    color: #009;
                .stackUnselected    /* Represents the other option */
                    color: #777;
                    cursor: pointer;
                    margin: 3em;
                function createWordStack($name, $value1, $value2)
                    // Set default values (by default, $value1 is checked and not $value2)
                    $firstChecked = "checked=\"checked\" ";
                    $secondChecked = "";
                    if(isset($_POST[$name]))    // One value was chosen
                        if($_POST[$name] == $value2)    // Not default value
                            $firstChecked = "";
                            $secondChecked = "checked=\"checked\" ";
                        // else fall back to default value
                    // else fall back to default value
                    // Write out the html
                    echo("<span class=\"stack\">
                            <label for=\"" . $name . "\">
                                <input type=\"radio\" name=\"" . $name . "\" value=\"" . $value1 . "\" " . $firstChecked . "/>" . $value1 . "
                            <label for=\"" . $name . "\">
                                <input type=\"radio\" name=\"" . $name . "\" value=\"" . $value2 . "\" " . $secondChecked . "/>" . $value2 . "
            <script type="text/javascript">
                // It is recommended to use this function only if stacks have been created with the php function createStack and if these stacks are contained in an element of class stackContainer
                function makeStacks()
                    var forms = document.getElementsByTagName("form");  // Find all forms
                    var nb_forms = forms.length;
                    for(var i = 0; i < nb_forms; ++i)
                        if(forms[i].className.indexOf("stackContainer") != -1)  // If it's a stackContainer
                            var spans = forms[i].getElementsByTagName("span");  // Find all spans
                            var nb_spans = spans.length;
                            for(var j = 0; j < nb_spans; ++j)
                                if(spans[j].className.indexOf("stack") != -1)   // If it's a stack
                                    var labels = spans[j].getElementsByTagName("label");    // Find all labels
                                    var nb_labels = labels.length;
                                    if(nb_labels == 2)  // Only works with two labels!
                                        labels[0].className += " stackTop";
                                        labels[1].className += " stackBottom";
                                        for(var k = 0; k < nb_labels; ++k)
                                            var inputs = labels[k].getElementsByTagName("input");   // Find all inputs
                                            var nb_inputs = inputs.length;
                                            if(nb_inputs == 1 && inputs[0].type == "radio") // Only works with one radio button per label!
                                                inputs[0].style.display = "none";   // Hide radio button
                                                labels[k].className += (inputs[0].checked)?" stackSelected":" stackUnselected";
                                    // add onclick listener to invert which radio button is checked and invert which label appears on top
                                    spans[j].onclick = function()
                                        var labels = this.getElementsByTagName("label");    // Find all labels
                                        // We already know that there are only two labels, from earlier!
                                        for(var l = 0; l < 2; ++l)
                                            // Invert className from stackTop to stackBottom (or vice-versa)
                                                labels[l].className = labels[l].className.replace(/stackSelected/, "stackUnselected");
                                            else if(labels[l].className.match(/stackUnselected/))
                                                labels[l].className = labels[l].className.replace(/stackUnselected/, "stackSelected");
                                        // Change which of the radios is checked
                                        var inputs = labels[0].getElementsByTagName("input");   // Find all inputs from first label
                                        // We already know that there is a single label and that it is a radio, from earlier!
                                        if(!inputs[0].checked)  // If this one is not checked, check it to change which of the radios is checked
                                            inputs[0].checked = true;
                                            var inputs = labels[1].getElementsByTagName("input");   // Find all inputs from second label
                                            // We already know that there is a single label and that it is a radio, from earlier!
                                            if(!inputs[0].checked)  // If this one is not checked, check it to change which of the radios is checked
                                                inputs[0].checked = true;
                                            // else there is something wrong as none of the radios are checked!
                window.onload = makeStacks;
            <h1>Word stacks</h1>
            <h2>How it works</h2>
                <li>PHP transforms<br />
                    <code>&lt;?php createWordStack("name","one","two"); ?&gt</code><br />
                    into<br />
    &lt;span class="stack"&gt;
        &lt;label for="name"&gt;
            &lt;input type="radio" name="name" value="one" /&gt;one
        &lt;label for="name"&gt;
            &lt;input type="radio" name="name" value="two" checked="checked" /&gt;two
                    javascript hides the radio buttons, applies class declarations to the labels and adds an onclick event listener to the<br />
                        &lt;span class="stack"&gt;
            <h2 id="example">Example</h2>
            <form action="<?php echo($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "#example"); ?>" class="stackContainer" method="post">
                <p>Choose between <?php createWordStack("name","one","two"); ?> options.</p>
                <input type="submit" value="Test that the radio buttons hidden behind this still work" />
                <?php print_r($_POST); ?>
            <form class="stackContainer">
                <h2>Known issues</h2>
                    This technique
                    <?php createWordStack("no_matter","absolutely does not","does"); ?>
                    look good with two different sizes of `words`,
                    <?php createWordStack("no_matter2","no matter","although this depends"); ?>
                    in which order they appear. If looks better when the longer word is above the other though. Plus, the way it breaks makes it unreadable when the longer word is on the bottom if the remainder of the text needs to span many lines.
                    Another problem is when the bottom word
                    <?php createWordStack("no_matter3","is","isn't"); ?>
                    longer than the top word but actually consists of a single word. It cannot wrap and therefore interferes with the following text.
                    <?php createWordStack("no_matter4","It really becomes unusable and quite ugly if the top word happens to wrap and span over two or more lines. Of course, the first know issue shown above is enough to understand that THIS known issue doesn't mean a thing if it is the bottom that is too long as it will span over many lines no matter what since it is limited by the width of the shorter word above..","It still works"); ?>
                    .. and so, all in all, it is better to avoid long words altogether.
                    Now, just to illustrate what I am saying above.. 
                    <?php createWordStack("no_matter5","Look at this shit!","It really becomes unusable and quite ugly if the top word happens to wrap and span over two or more lines. Of course, the first know issue shown above is enough to understand that THIS known issue doesn't mean a thing if it is the bottom that is too long as it will span over many lines no matter what since it is limited by the width of the shorter word above.."); ?>
                    .. and so, all in all, it is better to avoid long words altogether.
                    At least, the next paragraph
                    <?php createWordStack("no_matter6","isn't","is"); ?>
                    pushed down too far.
                    <?php createWordStack("no_matter7","It works","It doesn't work"); ?>
                    when I put the stackBottom BEFORE the stackTop, so I could also call them stackChosen and stackAlternate and just change the className in order to choose one or the other. This is what the javascript used to do when you click on the stack: if the label is of class stackTop, it changes it to stackBottom, and vice-versa. Now, only the colour is changed..

    所以问题是:我将如何着手解决测试页面中解释的已知问题? 对不起,我知道这不是问问题的方式,但我只是不知道该怎么说。我做了很多努力使这个测试页面尽可能清晰。


    1 回复  |  直到 14 年前
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  •   Guillaume Esquevin    14 年前

    为堆栈底部使用positionabsolute打破了一切(浏览器不能考虑堆栈底部的宽度),这里有一个替代方法是使用inline bock


      display: inline-block; /* prevent the block options to induce line breaks in your text */
      line-height: 1; /* Have the 2 options verticaly close to each other */
      position: relative; /* Moves the lines to be in between*/
      top: 0.5em;
      white-space: nowrap; /* prevent line breaks */
      display: block; /* Stack the options on top of each other */