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  • user8305079  · 技术社区  · 7 年前

    我试图修改我的面向对象编程概念。在学习这个基本的C++示例时 here this-> this 关键字。令人惊讶的是,两者都有效( this this

    #include <iostream>      // for cout and cin
    class Cat                   // begin declaration of the class
      public:                    // begin public section
        Cat(int initialAge);     // constructor
        Cat(const Cat& copy_from); //copy constructor
        Cat& operator=(const Cat& copy_from); //copy assignment
        ~Cat();                  // destructor
        int GetAge() const;            // accessor function
        void SetAge(int age);    // accessor function
        void Meow();
     private:                   // begin private section
        int itsAge;              // member variable
        char * string;
     // constructor of Cat,
    Cat::Cat(int initialAge)
      itsAge = initialAge;
      string = new char[10]();
    //copy constructor for making a new copy of a Cat
    Cat::Cat(const Cat& copy_from) {
       itsAge = copy_from.itsAge;
       string = new char[10]();
       std::copy(copy_from.string+0, copy_from.string+10, string);
    //copy assignment for assigning a value from one Cat to another
    Cat& Cat::operator=(const Cat& copy_from) {
       itsAge = copy_from.itsAge;
       std::copy(copy_from.string+0, copy_from.string+10, string);
    Cat::~Cat()                 // destructor, just an example
        delete[] string;
    // GetAge, Public accessor function
    // returns value of itsAge member
    int Cat::GetAge() const
       return itsAge;
    // Definition of SetAge, public
    // accessor function
     void Cat::SetAge(int age)
       // set member variable its age to
       // value passed in by parameter age
       itsAge = age;
    // definition of Meow method
    // returns: void
    // parameters: None
    // action: Prints "meow" to screen
    void Cat::Meow()
       cout << "Meow.\n";
    // create a cat, set its age, have it
    // meow, tell us its age, then meow again.
    int main()
      int Age;
      cout<<"How old is Frisky? ";
      Cat Frisky(Age);
      cout << "Frisky is a cat who is " ;
      cout << Frisky.GetAge() << " years old.\n";
      cout << "Now Frisky is " ;
      cout << Frisky.GetAge() << " years old.\n";
      return 0;

    所以我的问题是,我们应该还是不应该使用 此上下文中的关键字(设置成员变量的值时)?谢谢

    编辑: 个人偏好 here

    2 回复  |  直到 7 年前
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  •   Vlad from Moscow    7 年前

    this 通常用于自文档,以区分类的非静态成员和局部变量。

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  •   user207421    7 年前


    // constructor of Cat,
    Cat::Cat(int initialAge)
      itsAge = initialAge;
      string = new char[10]();

    // constructor of Cat,
    Cat::Cat(int itsAge)
    : itsAge(itsAge),
    string(new char[10])


    //copy constructor for making a new copy of a Cat
    Cat::Cat(const Cat& copy_from) {
       itsAge = copy_from.itsAge;
       string = new char[10]();
       std::copy(copy_from.string+0, copy_from.string+10, string);


    Cat::Cat(const Cat& copy_from)
    : itsAge(copy_from.itsAge),
    string(new char[10])
       std::copy(copy_from.string, copy_from.string+sizeof string, string);


    //copy assignment for assigning a value from one Cat to another
    Cat& Cat::operator=(const Cat& copy_from) {
       itsAge = copy_from.itsAge;
       std::copy(copy_from.string+0, copy_from.string+10, string);


    Cat& Cat::operator=(const Cat& copy_from)
       this->itsAge = copy_from.itsAge;
       std::copy(copy_from.string, copy_from.string + sizeof string, string);


    // Definition of SetAge, public
    // accessor function
    void Cat::SetAge(int age)
       // set member variable its age to
       // value passed in by parameter age
       itsAge = age;


    void Cat::SetAge(int itsAge)
       this->itsAge = itsAgege;

    • 尽可能使用成员初始化列表
    • 为参数使用与其要进入的成员相同的名称,以节省标识符并提高清晰度
    • this->