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  • hahakwok  · 技术社区  · 7 年前
    d1 <- data.frame(col_one = c(1,2,3),col_two = c(4, 5, 6))
    d2 <- data.frame(col_one = c(1, 1, 1), col_two = c(6, 5, 4))
    d3 <- data.frame(col_one = c(7, 1, 1), col_two = c(8, 5, 4))
    my.list <- list(d1, d2,d3)
    for (i in 1:3) {
      table<- lapply(my.list, function(data, count) {
        sql <-
              "select *,count(col_one) from data where col_one = ",
              count," group by col_one"
      count = i)


    [1] "select *,count(col_one) from data where col_one = 1 group by col_one"
    [1] "select *,count(col_one) from data where col_one = 1 group by col_one"
    [1] "select *,count(col_one) from data where col_one = 1 group by col_one"
    [1] "select *,count(col_one) from data where col_one = 2 group by col_one"
    [1] "select *,count(col_one) from data where col_one = 2 group by col_one"
    [1] "select *,count(col_one) from data where col_one = 2 group by col_one"
    [1] "select *,count(col_one) from data where col_one = 3 group by col_one"
    [1] "select *,count(col_one) from data where col_one = 3 group by col_one"
    [1] "select *,count(col_one) from data where col_one = 3 group by col_one"


    [1] "select *,count(col_one) from data where col_one = 1 group by col_one"
    [1] "select *,count(col_one) from data where col_one = 2 group by col_one"
    [1] "select *,count(col_one) from data where col_one = 3 group by col_one"



    d1 <- data.frame(col_one = c(1,2,3),col_two = c(4, 5, 6))
    d2 <- data.frame(col_one = c(3, 2, 1), col_two = c(6, 5, 4))
    d3 <- data.frame(col_one = c(7, 2, 1), col_two = c(8, 5, 4))
    my.list <- list(d1, d2,d3)
    #for (i in 1:3) {
      table<- lapply(seq_along(my.list), function(index) {
        sql <-
              "select *,count(col_one) from my.list where col_one = ",
              index," group by col_one"


    [1] "select *,count(col_one) from my.list where col_one = 1 group by col_one"
    [1] "select *,count(col_one) from my.list where col_one = 2 group by col_one"
    [1] "select *,count(col_one) from my.list where col_one = 3 group by col_one"


    d1 <- data.frame(col_one = c(1,2,3),col_two = c(4, 5, 6))
    d2 <- data.frame(col_one = c(1, 1, 1), col_two = c(6, 5, 4))
    d3 <- data.frame(col_one = c(7, 1, 1), col_two = c(8, 5, 4))
    my.list <- list(d1, d2,d3)
    table<- mapply(function(data, count) {
      sql <-
          "select *,count(col_one) from data where col_one = ",
          count," group by col_one"
    }, my.list, 1
    2 回复  |  直到 7 年前
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  •   Uwe    7 年前

    如果我理解正确,OP希望为 col_one 对于每个数据。中的帧 my.list ,即,他想知道值1、2或3在 第1列 在每个数据中。框架

    如中所述 my answer another question of the OP 根据建议 G. Grothendieck ,合并数据几乎总是更好。相框 相同的结构 在大数据中。而不是将它们单独列在一个列表中。顺便说一句,还有第三个 question ("how to loop the dataframe using sqldf?") 由OP请求帮助提供数据列表。框架。

    合并数据。大数据中的帧。表 rbindlist() 使用函数。请注意,添加的id列 df 标识原始数据。每行的框架。

    rbindlist(my.list, idcol = "df")
       df col_one col_two
    1:  1       1       4
    2:  1       2       5
    3:  1       3       6
    4:  2       1       6
    5:  2       1       5
    6:  2       1       4
    7:  3       7       8
    8:  3       1       5
    9:  3       1       4


    rbindlist(my.list, idcol = "df")[, count_col_one := .N, by = .(df, col_one)][]
       df col_one col_two count_col_one
    1:  1       1       4             1
    2:  1       2       5             1
    3:  1       3       6             1
    4:  2       1       6             3
    5:  2       1       5             3
    6:  2       1       4             3
    7:  3       7       8             1
    8:  3       1       5             2
    9:  3       1       4             2

    data.table 语句统计中每个单独值的出现次数 第1列 对于每个 df公司 使用特殊符号 .N 并按分组 df公司 第1列 .

    在这个问题中,OP只要求计算 第1列 . 如果确实要这样做,则需要删除7的值。这可以通过过滤结果来实现:

    rbindlist(my.list, idcol = "df")[, count_col_one := .N, by = .(df, col_one)][
      col_one %in% 1:3]
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  •   dmi3kno    7 年前

    您需要迭代 data counts 同时在里面 tidyverse 我建议使用purr::map2(),但在base R中,您可以简单地执行以下操作:'

    table<- mapply(function(data, count) {
        sql <-
            "select *,count(col_one) from data where col_one = ",
            count," group by col_one"
      }, my.list, 1:3
    [1] "select *,count(col_one) from data where col_one = 1 group by col_one"
    [1] "select *,count(col_one) from data where col_one = 2 group by col_one"
    [1] "select *,count(col_one) from data where col_one = 3 group by col_one"