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  • Chad  · 技术社区  · 14 年前

    I'm creating a web crawling application that I want the 'average' user to be able to use. I'm concerned that a web crawling application is probably just too complex for most users though because users need to:

    1. Understand URL structure (domain, path, etc...).
    2. Understand crawling 'depth'.
    3. 了解文件扩展名并能够设置“过滤器”来缩小它们的爬行范围以获得更好的性能(否则它们会对程序感到沮丧)。
    4. 了解在页面中找到URL的位置(图像SRC、链接、纯文本URL等…)。

    What can I do to help users get quickly acquainted with my program? Or even better, what can I do so the program is intuitive enough that users just 'get it'? I know this seems pretty broad, but if you can confine your answers to web crawlers

    3 回复  |  直到 14 年前
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  •   Community CDub    7 年前

    Just because a web crawler is complex in implementation, doesn't mean it has to be complex to use. Only offer what is really necessary, use sensible defaults for the rest. That will get you 80% of use cases, and then rely on the other 20% being more willing for have a deeper understanding.

    1. 他们为什么要理解这一点?取决于预期的使用情况,但我会假设大多数的使用情况下爬行一个完整的网站,所以只需要域。
    2. Gert G 's suggestion of a slider with extending folder structure was a good one. This doesn't have to be dynamic with the site in question, just an illustration of what it means.
    3. Forget exposing file extensions, instead offer common types of file with icons, possibly even grouping them (e.g. all common image types, jpg, png, gif, go into one 'images' type). Only give raw file extension settings under an advanced config section, those that need it will understand it.
    4. 我真的不明白他们为什么需要理解这一点?当然,这是爬虫的工作。
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  •   Gert Grenander Keiron Lowe    14 年前


    • 创建一个交互式用户界面(例如,深度滑块,显示移动滑块时打开的文件夹和子文件夹的小图片)
    • 避免杂乱。将设置划分为逻辑选项卡。
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  •   Computerish    14 年前