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将Lotus Notes数据库导入到Access/SQL中-那文档呢?

  •  1
  • Albert  · 技术社区  · 14 年前


    我认为我已经完成了大部分步骤(安装notessql-odbc驱动程序,设置与Lotus DB的ODBC连接,将数据导入Access),但我无法确定如何处理所有文档,例如:Lotus DB中的Word文件、PDF文档、Excel工作簿。



    1 回复  |  直到 12 年前
  •  2
  •   Ken Pespisa    14 年前



    下面是一个示例脚本,您可以将其放入代理中,从数据库中提取附件:(来自 http://www.notes411.com/dominosource/tips.nsf/0/4F1FF33C52F08D76802570C2003A2FD6!opendocument )

    Sub Initialize 
          Dim session As New NotesSession 
          Dim db As NotesDatabase 
          Dim collection As NotesDocumentCollection 
          Dim doc As NotesDocument 
          Set db = session.CurrentDatabase 
          Set collection = db.UnprocessedDocuments 
          Set doc = collection.GetFirstDocument() 
          While Not(doc Is Nothing) 
                Call extractMyAttachment( doc ) 
                Set doc = collection.GetNextDocument(doc) 
    End Sub 
    Function extractMyAttachment (doc) 
          Dim emb As Variant 
          Dim nid As String 
          nid = doc.NoteID 
          Dim rtitem As Variant 
          Set rtitem = doc.GetFirstItem( "Body" ) 
          Dim pathName As String, fileName As String, mydir As String, 
    newfilename As String 
          mydir = "Coda" 
          pathName$ = "P:\" & mydir 
          fileName$ = Dir$(pathName$, 16) 
          Dim boxType As Long, answer As Integer 
          boxType& = 36 
          If fileName$ = "" Then 
                answer% = Messagebox("Directory "& pathName$ &" does not exist, 
    would you like to create it ?", boxType&, "Create" & mydir & " on P:\ ?") 
                If answer% = 6 Then 
                      Mkdir pathname$ 
                      fileName$ = Dir$(pathName$, 16) 
                      If filename$ <> "" Then 
                            If ( rtitem.Type = RICHTEXT ) Then 
                                  Forall o In rtitem.EmbeddedObjects 
                                        If ( o.Type = EMBED_ATTACHMENT ) Then 
                                              newfilename$ = pathname$ & "\" & 
                                              Call o.ExtractFile (newfilename$ 
                                        End If 
                                  End Forall 
                            End If 
                      End If 
                End If 
                If ( rtitem.Type = RICHTEXT ) Then 
                      Forall o In rtitem.EmbeddedObjects 
                            If ( o.Type = EMBED_ATTACHMENT ) Then 
                                  newfilename$ = pathname$ & "\" & o.source 
                                  fileName$ = Dir$(NewFileName$, 0) 
                                  If fileName$ <> "" Then 
                                        answer% = Messagebox("File "& 
    NewFileName$ &" already exists, would you like to overwirite it ?", 
    boxType&, "Overwrite" & NewFileName$ & " ?") 
                                        If answer% = 6 Then 
                                              Call o.ExtractFile (newfilename$ 
                                        End If 
                                        Call o.ExtractFile (newfilename$ ) 
                                  End If 
                            End If 
                      End Forall 
                End If 
          End If 
    End Sub