public static function onPageContentSave( WikiPage &$wikiPage, User &$user, Content &$content, &$summary,
$isMinor, $isWatch, $section, &$flags, Status&$status
) {
// check, if the content model is wikitext to avoid adding wikitext to pages, that doesn't handle wikitext (e.g.
// some JavaScript/JSON/CSS pages)
if ( $content->getModel() === CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ) {
// check the size of the _new_ content
if ( $content->getSize() <= 84 ) {
// getNativeData returns the plain wikitext, which this Content object represent..
$data = $content->getNativeData();
// ..so it's possible to simply add/remove/replace wikitext like you want
$data .= ":''This page is unnecessary since it has remained blank since creation'' '''Unless more content is added, this page should be marked for deletion.";
$data .= "[[Category:ForDeletion]]";
// the new wikitext ahs to be saved as a new Content object (Content doesn't support to replace/add content by itself)
$content = new WikitextContent( $data );
} else {
// this could be omitted, but would log a debug message to the debug log, if the page couldn't be checked for a smaller edit as 84 bytes.
// Maybe you want to add some more info (Title and/or content model of the Content object
wfDebug( 'Could not check for empty or small remaining size after edit. False content model' );
return true;
$wgHooks['PageContentSave'][] = 'ExtensionHooksClass::onPageContentSave';