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  •  5
  • nsheff  · 技术社区  · 7 年前

    R message() warning() 函数为我的包用户生成输出。

    message("If you got to this point in the code, it means the matrix was empty. Calculation continues but you should consider re-evaluating an earlier step in the process")

    太棒了但对于风格,我也希望 代码行少于80个字符 ,因此它们非常适合窄屏幕、GitHub等。然后,如果消息发生变化,我可以使用IDE代码回流工具轻松地重新格式化消息。


    message("If you got to this point in the code, it means 
    the matrix was empty. Calculation continues but you should consider
     re-evaluating an earlier step in the process")


    If you got to this point in the code, it means 
    the matrix was empty. Calculation continues but you should consider
     re-evaluating an earlier step in the process

    所以我找到了一个方便的函数,叫做 strwrap() 这似乎解决了问题:

    message(strwrap("If you got to this point in the code, it means 
    the matrix was empty. Calculation continues but you should consider
     re-evaluating an earlier step in the process"))

    If you got to this point in the code, it means the matrix was empty. 
    Calculation continues but you should considerre-evaluating an earlier 
    step in the process



    message("If you got to this point in the code, it means ", 
    "the matrix was empty. Calculation continues but you should consider ",
    "re-evaluating an earlier step in the process")




    .nicemsg = function(...) {
        message(paste(strwrap(...), collapse="\n"))

    2 回复  |  直到 7 年前
  •  7
  •   Benjamin    7 年前

    使用来自 strwrap 使这成为可能

    message(strwrap(..., prefix = " ", initial = ""))


    message(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "", 
      "If you got to this point in the code, it means 
    the matrix was empty. Calculation continues but you should consider
     re-evaluating an earlier step in the process"))


    tidymess <- function(..., prefix = " ", initial = ""){
      message(strwrap(..., prefix = prefix, initial = initial))
  •  -3
  •   Andrew Brēza    7 年前

    \n 在字符串中。

    message("If you got to this point in the code,\nit means the matrix was empty.\nCalculation continues but you should consider re-evaluating\nan earlier step in the process")
    # If you got to this point in the code,
    # it means the matrix was empty.
    # Calculation continues but you should consider re-evaluating
    # an earlier step in the process