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  • SRack  · 技术社区  · 5 年前


    • orders
    • order_items ,其中一个来自:
    • products 桌子

    我编写了一个查询来选择 他们的 产品 type :

    SELECT orders.* FROM orders 
    INNER JOIN order_items ON order_items.order_id = orders.id   
    INNER JOIN products ON products.id = order_items.product_id     
    WHERE products.type = 'FooProduct'
    AND (
      NOT EXISTS (
        SELECT null
        FROM products
        INNER JOIN order_items ON order_items.product_id = products.id
        WHERE order_items.order_id = orders.id
        AND products.type != 'FooProduct'

    FooProduct s、 再次得到所有人的命令 BarProduct S

    食品 s、 或完全 棒产品 s(也称为这两种产品的混合,或其他产品类型)。

    全部的 食品 棒产品 .

    下面是一个小示例数据,我想从中返回带有ID 3和4的订单:

    - orders
    -- order_items
    id order_id product_id
     1        1          1
     2        1          1
     3        2          2
     4        2          2
     5        3          3
     6        3          4
     7        4          1
     8        4          2
    -- products
    id type
     1 'FooProduct'
     2 'BarProduct'
     3 'OtherProduct'
     4 'YetAnotherProduct'

    我尝试过这样做,把它作为一个潜台词,用下面的内容代替现有的 AND

    NOT HAVING COUNT(order_items.*) = (
      SELECT null
            FROM products
            INNER JOIN order_items ON  order_items.product_id = products.id
            WHERE order_items.order_id = orders.id
            AND products.type IN ('FooProduct', 'BarProduct')
    5 回复  |  直到 5 年前
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  •   Madhur Bhaiya    5 年前

    您可以使用 Having

    products.type IN ('FooProduct', 'BarProduct') 如果一个产品类型不是其中任何一个,则返回0。我们可以用 Sum() 函数,用于进一步过滤。

    SELECT orders.order_id 
    FROM orders 
    INNER JOIN order_items ON order_items.order_id = orders.id   
    INNER JOIN products ON products.id = order_items.product_id 
    GROUP BY orders.order_id 
    HAVING SUM(products.type IN ('FooProduct', 'BarProduct')) < COUNT(*)

    在这种情况下,您要寻找的订单只有 FooProduct 类型,则可以使用以下内容:

    SELECT orders.order_id 
    FROM orders 
    INNER JOIN order_items ON order_items.order_id = orders.id   
    INNER JOIN products ON products.id = order_items.product_id 
    GROUP BY orders.order_id 
    HAVING SUM(products.type <> 'FooProduct') = 0


    SELECT orders.order_id 
    FROM orders 
    INNER JOIN order_items ON order_items.order_id = orders.id   
    INNER JOIN products ON products.id = order_items.product_id 
    GROUP BY orders.order_id 
    HAVING SUM(products.type = 'FooProduct') = COUNT(*)
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  •   Gordon Linoff    5 年前

    可以使用聚合和 having 条款:

    SELECT o.*
    FROM orders o INNER JOIN
         order_items oi
         ON oi.order_id = o.id INNER JOIN
         products p
         ON p.id = oi.product_id   
    GROUP BY o.id  -- OK assuming `id` is the primary key
    HAVING SUM(p.type NOT IN ('FooProduct', 'BarProduct')) > 0;  -- at least one other product 

    HAVING SUM(p.type = 'FooProduct') < COUNT(*) AND
           SUM(p.type = 'BarProduct') < COUNT(*) 
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  •   kiks73    5 年前


    SELECT * FROM orders WHERE id NOT IN (
        SELECT orders.id FROM orders 
        INNER JOIN order_items ON order_items.order_id = orders.id   
        INNER JOIN products ON products.id = order_items.product_id     
        WHERE products.type = 'FooProduct'
        AND (
          NOT EXISTS (
            SELECT null
            FROM products
            INNER JOIN order_items ON order_items.product_id = products.id
            WHERE order_items.order_id = orders.id
            AND products.type != 'FooProduct'
    ) AND id NOT IN (
        SELECT orders.id FROM orders 
        INNER JOIN order_items ON order_items.order_id = orders.id   
        INNER JOIN products ON products.id = order_items.product_id     
        WHERE products.type = 'BarProduct'
        AND (
          NOT EXISTS (
            SELECT null
            FROM products
            INNER JOIN order_items ON order_items.product_id = products.id
            WHERE order_items.order_id = orders.id
            AND products.type != 'BarProduct'
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  •   Robert Lujo    5 年前

    我建议在joined subselect中使用count(distinct),如下所示:

    SELECT orders.*
    FROM orders 
    inner join (
        SELECT orderid, max(products.type) as products_type
        FROM order_items
        INNER JOIN products ON products.id = order_items.product_id
        GROUP BY orderid
        -- distinct count of different products = 1 
        --    -> all order items are for the same product type
        HAVING COUNT(distinct products.type ) = 1 
        -- alternative is:
        -- min(products.type )=max(products.type )
    ) as tmp on tmp.orderid=orders.orderid 
    WHERE 1=1
    -- if you want only single type product orders for some specific product
    and tmp.products_type = 'FooProduct'
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  •   Salman Arshad    5 年前

    找到订单的一个解决方案 所有产品都属于给定类型 这是:

    SELECT *
    FROM orders
    INNER JOIN order_items ON order_items.order_id = orders.id
    INNER JOIN products ON products.id = order_items.product_id
    WHERE orders.id IN (
        SELECT order_items.order_id
        FROM order_items
        INNER JOIN products ON products.id = order_items.product_id
        GROUP BY order_items.order_id
        HAVING COUNT(CASE WHEN products.type = 'FooProduct' THEN 1 END) = COUNT(*)

    稍微调整一下上面的命令 这是:

    HAVING COUNT(CASE WHEN products.type IN ('FooProduct', 'BarProduct') THEN 1 END) = COUNT(*)

    找到所有的命令在哪里 这是:

    HAVING COUNT(CASE WHEN products.type IN ('FooProduct', 'BarProduct') THEN 1 END) = COUNT(*)
    AND    COUNT(DISTINCT products.type) = 2

    DB Fiddle with tests