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  •  3
  • sd70  · 技术社区  · 6 年前

    我想用alpha视频在另一个视频上混合一个视频。这是我的密码。它工作得很好,但问题是这段代码根本没有效率,这是因为 /255 零件。速度慢,存在滞后问题。


    import cv2
    import numpy as np
    def main():
        foreground = cv2.VideoCapture('circle.mp4')
        background = cv2.VideoCapture('video.MP4')
        alpha = cv2.VideoCapture('circle_alpha.mp4')
        while foreground.isOpened():
            fr_foreground = foreground.read()[1]/255
            fr_background = background.read()[1]/255     
            fr_alpha = alpha.read()[1]/255
            cv2.imshow('My Image',cmb(fr_foreground,fr_background,fr_alpha))
            if cv2.waitKey(1) == ord('q'): break
    def cmb(fg,bg,a):
        return fg * a + bg * (1-a)
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    3 回复  |  直到 6 年前
  •  6
  •   Dan MaÅ¡ek    6 年前

    让我们先解决几个明显的问题- foreground.isOpened() 即使在视频结束后,也将返回true,因此您的程序将在该点崩溃。 解决方案有两个方面。首先,测试所有3个 VideoCapture 创建实例后,立即使用以下方法:

    if not foreground.isOpened() or not background.isOpened() or not alpha.isOpened():
        print "Unable to open input videos."

    这将确保所有的门都被正确打开。下一部分是如何正确处理视频的结尾。这意味着要么检查 read() ,这是表示成功的布尔标志,或测试帧是否 None

    while True:
        r_fg, fr_foreground = foreground.read()
        r_bg, fr_background = background.read()
        r_a, fr_alpha = alpha.read()
        if not r_fg or not r_bg or not r_a:
            break # End of video

    此外,你似乎没有打电话 cv2.destroyAllWindows() --the () 缺少。这并不重要。

    为了帮助调查和优化这一点,我添加了一些详细的计时,使用 timeit 模块和一对方便功能

    from timeit import default_timer as timer
    def update_times(times, total_times):
        for i in range(len(times) - 1):
            total_times[i] += (times[i+1]-times[i]) * 1000
    def print_times(total_times, n):
        print "Iterations: %d" % n
        for i in range(len(total_times)):
            print "Step %d: %0.4f ms" % (i, total_times[i] / n)
        print "Total: %0.4f ms" % (np.sum(total_times) / n)

    并修改了 main() 函数来测量每个逻辑步骤所花费的时间——读取、缩放、混合、显示、等待键。为此,我将除法拆分为单独的语句。我还做了一个小小的修改,使它在Python 2中可以工作。x也是( /255 被解释为整数除法并产生错误的结果)。

    times = [0.0] * 6
    total_times = [0.0] * (len(times) - 1)
    n = 0
    while True:
        times[0] = timer()
        r_fg, fr_foreground = foreground.read()
        r_bg, fr_background = background.read()
        r_a, fr_alpha = alpha.read()
        if not r_fg or not r_bg or not r_a:
            break # End of video
        times[1] = timer()
        fr_foreground = fr_foreground / 255.0
        fr_background = fr_background / 255.0
        fr_alpha = fr_alpha / 255.0
        times[2] = timer()
        result = cmb(fr_foreground,fr_background,fr_alpha)
        times[3] = timer()
        cv2.imshow('My Image', result)
        times[4] = timer()
        if cv2.waitKey(1) == ord('q'): break
        times[5] = timer()
        update_times(times, total_times)
        n += 1
    print_times(total_times, n)

    当我以1280x800 mp4视频作为输入运行此程序时,我注意到它确实非常缓慢,而且在我的6核机器上只使用了15%的CPU。各节的时间安排如下:

    Iterations: 1190
    Step 0: 11.4385 ms
    Step 1: 37.1320 ms
    Step 2: 39.4083 ms
    Step 3: 2.5488 ms
    Step 4: 10.7083 ms
    Total: 101.2358 ms


    让我们看看我们使用的numpy数组的数据类型。 读取() 为我们提供具有 dtype 属于 np.uint8 --8位无符号整数。但是,浮点除法(如所写)将生成一个 数据类型 属于 np.float64 --64位浮点值。我们的算法并不需要这样的精度,所以我们最好只使用32位浮点运算——这意味着如果任何运算都是矢量化的,我们可能在相同的时间内完成两倍的计算。

    这里有两种选择。我们可以简单地将除数 np.float32 ,这将导致numpy给我们相同的结果 数据类型 :

    fr_foreground = fr_foreground / np.float32(255.0)
    fr_background = fr_background / np.float32(255.0)
    fr_alpha = fr_alpha / np.float32(255.0)


    Iterations: 1786
    Step 0: 9.2550 ms
    Step 1: 19.0144 ms
    Step 2: 21.2120 ms
    Step 3: 1.4662 ms
    Step 4: 10.8889 ms
    Total: 61.8365 ms

    或者我们可以将阵列 NP浮动32 首先,然后就地进行缩放。

    fr_foreground = np.float32(fr_foreground)
    fr_background = np.float32(fr_background)
    fr_alpha = np.float32(fr_alpha)
    fr_foreground /= 255.0
    fr_background /= 255.0
    fr_alpha /= 255.0


    Iterations: 1786
    Step 0: 9.0589 ms
    Step 1: 13.9614 ms
    Step 2: 4.5960 ms
    Step 3: 20.9279 ms
    Step 4: 1.4631 ms
    Step 5: 10.4396 ms
    Total: 60.4469 ms



    fr_foreground *= 1/255.0
    fr_background *= 1/255.0
    fr_alpha *= 1/255.0


    Iterations: 1786
    Step 0: 9.1843 ms
    Step 1: 14.2349 ms
    Step 2: 3.5752 ms
    Step 3: 21.0545 ms
    Step 4: 1.4692 ms
    Step 5: 10.6917 ms
    Total: 60.2097 ms


    foreground * alpha + background * (1.0 - alpha)

    我们可以观察到,要使数学有效,唯一需要在范围(0.0,1.0)内的值是 alpha

    如果我们只缩放alpha图像呢?此外,由于浮点乘法将升级为浮点,如果我们也跳过了类型转换呢?那就意味着 cmb() 必须返回 NPuint8 大堆

    def cmb(fg,bg,a):
        return np.uint8(fg * a + bg * (1-a))


        #fr_foreground = np.float32(fr_foreground)
        #fr_background = np.float32(fr_background)
        fr_alpha = np.float32(fr_alpha)
        #fr_foreground *= 1/255.0
        #fr_background *= 1/255.0
        fr_alpha *= 1/255.0


    Step 0: 7.7023 ms
    Step 1: 4.6758 ms
    Step 2: 1.1061 ms
    Step 3: 27.3188 ms
    Step 4: 0.4783 ms
    Step 5: 9.0027 ms
    Total: 50.2840 ms

    显然,步骤1和2要快得多,因为我们只做了三分之一的工作。 imshow 由于它不需要从浮点转换,因此速度也会加快。令人费解的是,读取速度也加快了(我想我们是在避免一些隐藏的重新分配,因为 fr_foreground fr_background 始终包含原始帧)。我们确实支付了额外的铸入成本 cmb() 但总的来说,这似乎是一场胜利——我们的时间是原来的一半。

    要继续,让我们摆脱 cmb() 函数,将其功能移动到 main() 并将其拆分,以衡量每项业务的成本。让我们也尝试重用 alpha.read() (因为我们最近看到 读取() 性能):

    times = [0.0] * 11
    total_times = [0.0] * (len(times) - 1)
    n = 0
    while True:
        times[0] = timer()
        r_fg, fr_foreground = foreground.read()
        r_bg, fr_background = background.read()
        r_a, fr_alpha_raw = alpha.read()
        if not r_fg or not r_bg or not r_a:
            break # End of video
        times[1] = timer()
        fr_alpha = np.float32(fr_alpha_raw)
        times[2] = timer()
        fr_alpha *= 1/255.0
        times[3] = timer()
        fr_alpha_inv = 1.0 - fr_alpha
        times[4] = timer()
        fr_fg_weighed = fr_foreground * fr_alpha
        times[5] = timer()
        fr_bg_weighed = fr_background * fr_alpha_inv
        times[6] = timer()
        sum = fr_fg_weighed + fr_bg_weighed
        times[7] = timer()
        result = np.uint8(sum)
        times[8] = timer()
        cv2.imshow('My Image', result)
        times[9] = timer()
        if cv2.waitKey(1) == ord('q'): break
        times[10] = timer()
        update_times(times, total_times)
        n += 1


    Iterations: 1786
    Step 0: 6.8733 ms
    Step 1: 5.2742 ms
    Step 2: 1.1430 ms
    Step 3: 4.5800 ms
    Step 4: 7.0372 ms
    Step 5: 7.0675 ms
    Step 6: 5.3082 ms
    Step 7: 2.6912 ms
    Step 8: 0.4658 ms
    Step 9: 9.6966 ms
    Total: 50.1372 ms



    我们可以在第一次迭代中预先分配必要的数组(使用 numpy.zeros_like ),在阅读第一组帧后:

    if n == 0: # Pre-allocate
        fr_alpha = np.zeros_like(fr_alpha_raw, np.float32)
        fr_alpha_inv = np.zeros_like(fr_alpha_raw, np.float32)
        fr_fg_weighed = np.zeros_like(fr_alpha_raw, np.float32)
        fr_bg_weighed = np.zeros_like(fr_alpha_raw, np.float32)
        sum = np.zeros_like(fr_alpha_raw, np.float32)
        result = np.zeros_like(fr_alpha_raw, np.uint8)


    我们还可以使用单个 努比。乘

    times = [0.0] * 10
    total_times = [0.0] * (len(times) - 1)
    n = 0
    while True:
        times[0] = timer()
        r_fg, fr_foreground = foreground.read()
        r_bg, fr_background = background.read()
        r_a, fr_alpha_raw = alpha.read()
        if not r_fg or not r_bg or not r_a:
            break # End of video
        if n == 0: # Pre-allocate
            fr_alpha = np.zeros_like(fr_alpha_raw, np.float32)
            fr_alpha_inv = np.zeros_like(fr_alpha_raw, np.float32)
            fr_fg_weighed = np.zeros_like(fr_alpha_raw, np.float32)
            fr_bg_weighed = np.zeros_like(fr_alpha_raw, np.float32)
            sum = np.zeros_like(fr_alpha_raw, np.float32)
            result = np.zeros_like(fr_alpha_raw, np.uint8)
        times[1] = timer()
        np.multiply(fr_alpha_raw, np.float32(1/255.0), fr_alpha)
        times[2] = timer()
        np.subtract(1.0, fr_alpha, fr_alpha_inv)
        times[3] = timer()
        np.multiply(fr_foreground, fr_alpha, fr_fg_weighed)
        times[4] = timer()
        np.multiply(fr_background, fr_alpha_inv, fr_bg_weighed)
        times[5] = timer()
        np.add(fr_fg_weighed, fr_bg_weighed, sum)
        times[6] = timer()
        np.copyto(result, sum, 'unsafe')
        times[7] = timer()
        cv2.imshow('My Image', result)
        times[8] = timer()
        if cv2.waitKey(1) == ord('q'): break
        times[9] = timer()
        update_times(times, total_times)
        n += 1


    Iterations: 1786
    Step 0: 7.0515 ms
    Step 1: 3.8839 ms
    Step 2: 1.9080 ms
    Step 3: 4.5198 ms
    Step 4: 4.3871 ms
    Step 5: 2.7576 ms
    Step 6: 1.9273 ms
    Step 7: 0.4382 ms
    Step 8: 7.2340 ms
    Total: 34.1074 ms



    基于 Silencer answer 我测量过 cv2.convertScaleAbs 也它实际上运行得更快一些:

    Step 6: 1.2318 ms

    这给了我另一个想法--我们可以利用 cv2.add 让我们指定目标数据类型,并进行饱和转换。这将允许我们将步骤5和6结合在一起。

    cv2.add(fr_fg_weighed, fr_bg_weighed, result, dtype=cv2.CV_8UC3)

    Step 5: 3.3621 ms


    在此基础上, cv2.subtract cv2.multiply 是进一步的候选人。我们需要使用4元素元组来定义标量(Python绑定的复杂性),并且需要显式定义乘法的输出数据类型。

        cv2.subtract((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0), fr_alpha, fr_alpha_inv)
        cv2.multiply(fr_foreground, fr_alpha, fr_fg_weighed, dtype=cv2.CV_32FC3)
        cv2.multiply(fr_background, fr_alpha_inv, fr_bg_weighed, dtype=cv2.CV_32FC3)


    Step 2: 2.1897 ms
    Step 3: 2.8981 ms
    Step 4: 2.9066 ms



    enter image description here

    在制品 在我写这篇文章时,请参阅评论以获取更多信息。

  •  1
  •   mainactual    6 年前

    如果它只是混合、渲染和遗忘,那么在GPU上执行它是有意义的。在许多其他工具中,VTK(可视化工具包)( https://www.vtk.org )我能帮你做这件事而不是 imshow .已从OpenCV 3D Visualizer模块了解VTK( https://docs.opencv.org/3.2.0/d1/d19/group__viz.html )所以不应该增加太多依赖性。

    此后,整个计算部分(不包括读取视频帧)归结为 cv2.mixChannels 像素数据传输到两个渲染器,在我的计算机上,对于1280x720视频,每次迭代大约5ms。

    import sys
    import cv2
    import numpy as np
    import vtk
    from vtk.util import numpy_support
    import time
    class Renderer:
        # VTK renderer with two layers
        def __init__( self ):
            self.layer1 = vtk.vtkRenderer()
            self.layer2 = vtk.vtkRenderer()
            self.renWin = vtk.vtkRenderWindow()
            self.renWin.SetNumberOfLayers( 2 )
            self.iren = vtk.vtkRenderWindowInteractor()
        def Render( self ):
    # set background image to a given renderer (resets the camera)
    # from https://www.vtk.org/Wiki/VTK/Examples/Cxx/Images/BackgroundImage
    def SetBackground( ren, image ):    
        bits = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk( image.ravel() )
        bits.SetNumberOfComponents( image.shape[2] )
        bits.SetNumberOfTuples( bits.GetNumberOfTuples()/bits.GetNumberOfComponents() )
        img = vtk.vtkImageData()
        img.GetPointData().SetScalars( bits );
        img.SetExtent( 0, image.shape[1]-1, 0, image.shape[0]-1, 0,0 );
        origin = img.GetOrigin()
        spacing = img.GetSpacing()
        extent = img.GetExtent()
        actor = vtk.vtkImageActor()
        actor.SetInputData( img )
        ren.AddActor( actor )
        camera = vtk.vtkCamera()
        xc = origin[0] + 0.5*(extent[0] + extent[1])*spacing[0]
        yc = origin[1] + 0.5*(extent[2] + extent[3])*spacing[1]
        yd = (extent[3] - extent[2] + 1)*spacing[1]
        d = camera.GetDistance()
        ren.SetActiveCamera( camera )
        return img
    # update the scalar data without bounds check
    def UpdateImageData( vtkimage, image ):
        bits = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk( image.ravel() )
        bits.SetNumberOfComponents( image.shape[2] )
        bits.SetNumberOfTuples( bits.GetNumberOfTuples()/bits.GetNumberOfComponents() )
        vtkimage.GetPointData().SetScalars( bits );
    r = Renderer()
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture('video.mp4')
    image = cv2.imread('hello.png',1)
    alpha = cv2.cvtColor(image,cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY )
    ret, alpha = cv2.threshold( alpha, 127, 127, cv2.THRESH_BINARY )
    alpha = np.reshape( alpha, (alpha.shape[0],alpha.shape[1], 1 ) )
    while ( 1 ):
        # read the data
        ret, mat = cap.read()
        if ( not ret ):
        #TODO ret, image = cap2.read() #(rgb)
        #TODO ret, alpha = cap3.read() #(mono)
        # alpha blend
        if ( overlay==[] ):
            overlay = np.zeros( [image.shape[0],image.shape[1],4], np.uint8 ) 
        cv2.mixChannels( [image, alpha], [overlay], [0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3] )
        if ( src1==[] ):
            src1 = SetBackground( r.layer1, mat )
            UpdateImageData( src1, mat )
        if ( src2==[] ):
            src2 = SetBackground( r.layer2, overlay )
            UpdateImageData( src2, overlay )
        # blending done
        t = time.time()-t;
        if ( c % 10 == 0 ):
            print 1000*t
        c = c+1;
  •  1
  •   Kinght 金    6 年前

    我正在使用 OpenCV 4.00-pre Python 3.6

    1. 没有必要做三件事 xxx/255 操作。只为alpha好。
    2. 注意类型转换,首选 cv2.convertScaleAbs(xxx) 除了 np.uint8(xxx) np.copyto(xxx,yyy, "unsafe")
    3. 预先分配内存应该更好。

    我使用#2,即 cv2.convertScaleAbs 避免 underflow/overflow ,范围为[0255]。例如:

    >>> x = np.array([[-1,256]])
    >>> y = np.uint8(x)
    >>> z = cv2.convertScaleAbs(x)
    >>> x
    array([[ -1, 256]])
    >>> y
    array([[255,   0]], dtype=uint8)
    >>> z
    array([[  1, 255]], dtype=uint8)

    ##! 2018/05/09 13:54:34
    import cv2
    import numpy as np
    import time
    def cmb(fg,bg,a):
        return fg * a + bg * (1-a)
    def test2():
        cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
        ret, prev_frame = cap.read()
        foreground = cv2.VideoCapture('circle.mp4')
        background = cv2.VideoCapture('video.MP4')
        alphavideo = cv2.VideoCapture('circle_alpha.mp4')
        while cap.isOpened():
            ts = time.time()
            ret, fg = cap.read()
            alpha = fg.copy()
            bg = prev_frame
            ret, fg = foreground.read()
            ret, bg = background.read()
            ret, alpha = alphavideo.read()
            alpha = np.multiply(alpha, 1.0/255)
            blended = cv2.convertScaleAbs(cmb(fg, bg, alpha))
            te = time.time()
            dt = te-ts
            fps = 1/dt
            print("{:.3}ms, {:.3} fps".format(1000*dt, fps))
            cv2.imshow('Blended', blended)
            if cv2.waitKey(1) == ord('q'):
    if __name__ == "__main__":


    39.0ms, 25.6 fps
    37.0ms, 27.0 fps
    38.0ms, 26.3 fps
    37.0ms, 27.0 fps
    38.0ms, 26.3 fps
    37.0ms, 27.0 fps
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    37.0ms, 27.0 fps
    37.0ms, 27.0 fps
    37.0ms, 27.0 fps
    37.0ms, 27.0 fps
    38.0ms, 26.3 fps
    37.0ms, 27.0 fps
    37.0ms, 27.0 fps
    37.0ms, 27.0 fps
    37.0ms, 27.0 fps