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  • Romain Valeri  · 技术社区  · 6 年前

    上下文 :随机句子生成器

    1)功能 generateSentence() 生成随机语句 作为字符串返回( 工程罚款 )

    2)功能 calculateStats() 输出唯一的 上述函数理论上可以生成字符串(也可以很好地工作 在里面 这个模型 ,所以请务必阅读免责声明,我不想浪费您的时间)

    3)功能 generateStructure() 单词列表 Dictionnary.lists 随着时间的推移不断增长


    function generateSentence() {
      var words = [];
      var structure = generateStructure();
      structure.forEach(function(element) {
      var fullText = words.join(" ");
      fullText = fullText.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + fullText.substring(1);
      fullText += ".";
      return fullText;
    var Dictionnary = {
      getElement: function(listCode) {
        return randomPick(Dictionnary.lists[listCode]);
      lists: {
        _location: ["here,", "at my cousin's,", "in Antarctica,"],
        _subject: ["some guy", "the teacher", "Godzilla"],
        _vTransitive: ["is eating", "is scolding", "is seeing"],
        _vIntransitive: ["is working", "is sitting", "is yawning"],
        _adverb: ["slowly", "very carefully", "with a passion"],
        _object: ["this chair", "an egg", "the statue of Liberty"],
    // returns an array of strings symbolizing types of sentence elements
    // example : ["_location", "_subject", "_vIntransitive"]
    function generateStructure() {
      var str = [];
      if (dice(6) > 5) {// the structure can begin with a location or not
      str.push("_subject");// the subject is mandatory
      // verb can be of either types
      var verbType = randomPick(["_vTransitive", "_vIntransitive"]);
      if (dice(6) > 5) {// adverb is optional
      // the structure needs an object if the verb is transitive
      if (verbType == "_vTransitive") {
      return str;
    // off-topic warning! don't mind the implementation here,
    // just know it's a random pick in the array
    function randomPick(sourceArray) {
      return sourceArray[dice(sourceArray.length) - 1];
    // Same as above, not the point, just know it's a die roll (random integer from 1 to max)
    function dice(max) {
      if (max < 1) { return 0; }
      return Math.round((Math.random() * max) + .5);


    function calculateStats() {// the "broken leg" function I'm trying to improve/replace
      var total = 0;
      // lines above : +1 to account for 'no location' or 'no adverb'
      var nbOfLocations = Dictionnary.lists._location.length + 1;
      var nbOfAdverbs = Dictionnary.lists._adverb.length + 1;
      var nbOfTransitiveSentences = 
        nbOfLocations *
        Dictionnary.lists._vTransitive.length *
        nbOfAdverbs *
      var nbOfIntransitiveSentences =
        nbOfLocations *
        Dictionnary.lists._vIntransitive.length *
      total = nbOfTransitiveSentences + nbOfIntransitiveSentences;
      return total;


    重要免责声明 这不是关于修复我发布的代码。这是一个模型,它的工作,因为它是。真正的问题是 “随着未来可能的结构的复杂性,以及列表的大小和多样性,对于这些类型的随机结构,什么是更好的计算策略,而不是我的笨拙。 计算器() 函数,很难维护,很可能处理天文大数*,而且容易出错?”


    1 回复  |  直到 6 年前
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  •   SirPeople    6 年前


    首先,我需要以某种方式保存一个给定的所有可能的句子结构。 Dictionary …也许我会创造一个 Language 对象,它有一个字典作为属性,我可以添加可能的句子结构(这部分可能会被优化,并找到生成所有可能的句子结构的更为过程化的方法,如规则引擎)。 你说的句子结构是什么意思 是吗?好吧,按照你的例子,我将把句子结构称为下一个:

    [ 'location', 'transitive-verb', 'adverb', 'object' ] < - Transitive sentence
    [ 'location', 'instransitive-verb', 'adverb' ] <- Intransitive sentence


    但是… 为什么我认为这可以改善你计算数据的方式? 因为通过使用map/reduce操作可以最小化每个句子的硬编码,并使其更具扩展性。

    所以… 怎样?


    // Somewhere in the code
    const structures = [
      [ 'location', 'transitive-verb', 'adverb', 'object' ],
      [ 'location', 'instransitive-verb', 'adverb' ] 
    // In this example I just passed it as an argument
    function calculateStats(structures) {
      const numberOfCombinations = structures.reduce((total, structure) => {
          // We should calculate the number of combinations a structure has
          const numberOfSentences = structure.reduce((acc, wordType) => {
              // For each word type, we access the list and get the lenght (I am not doing safety checks for any wordType)
              return acc + Dictionary.lists[wordType].length
          }, 0);//Initial accumulator
          return total + numberOfSentences;
      }, 0); // Initial accumulator
      return numberOfCombinations;

    因此,我们将使用遍历不同结构的能力,而不是对每个可能的组合进行硬编码,因此基本上只需要添加结构和 calculateStats 功能不应该增长。



    我可以自由地用ES6风格来写,如果reduce对你来说是个奇怪的动物, you can read more here 或者使用 lodash / ramda /不管怎样^^