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  • Stefano Potter  · 技术社区  · 6 年前

    我有一个叫做 ndvi 就像这样:

        Year  Running      NDVI
    0   1984        0  0.423529
    1   1984       48  0.664205
    2   1984      112  0.341656
    3   1985      367  0.477519
    4   1985      399  0.588417
    5   1986      434  0.669474
    6   1986      466  0.698148
    7   1987      469  0.566785
    8   1987      485  0.501238
    9   1988      805  0.399277
    10  1989     1140  0.666282
    11  1990     1492  0.606567
    12  1990     1540  0.505155
    13  1991     1876  0.597450
    14  1992     2180  0.280612
    15  1992     2276  0.498419
    16  1993     2563  0.413074
    17  1993     2579  0.547831
    18  1994     2915  0.345050
    19  1994     2931  0.460600


    import pandas as pd
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import statsmodels.api as sm
    from statsmodels.stats.outliers_influence import summary_table
    #run linear model
    ndvi_x = sm.add_constant(ndvi['Running'])
    ndvi_y = ndvi['NDVI']
    ndvi_regr = sm.OLS(ndvi_y, ndvi_x)
    ndvi_res = ndvi_regr.fit()
    # Get fitted values from model to plot
    ndvi_st, ndvi_data, ndvi_ss2 = summary_table(ndvi_res, alpha=0.05)
    ndvi_fitted_values = ndvi_data[:,2]
    #get confidence intervals
    ndvi_predict_mean_ci_low, ndvi_predict_mean_ci_upp = ndvi_data[:,4:6].T
    ndvi_CI_df = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['x_data', 'low_CI', 'upper_CI'])
    ndvi_CI_df['x_data'] = ndvi['Year']
    ndvi_CI_df['low_CI'] = ndvi_predict_mean_ci_low
    ndvi_CI_df['upper_CI'] = ndvi_predict_mean_ci_upp
    ndvi_CI_df.sort_values('x_data', inplace = True)
    #plot the data
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (11, 6), sharey = True)
    ax.scatter(ndvi['Year'], ndvi['NDVI'], color = 'black')
    ax.plot(ndvi['Year'], ndvi_fitted_values, lw = 2, color = 'k')
    ax.fill_between(ndvi_CI_df['x_data'], ndvi_CI_df['low_CI'], ndvi_CI_df['upper_CI'], color = 'gray', alpha = 0.4, label = '95% CI')

    enter image description here


    1 回复  |  直到 6 年前
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  •   Jan K    6 年前

    你在回归中的解释变量是 Running . 所以你的模型在这个变量中是线性的。但是,创建绘图时,X轴表示 Year