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对jboss web.xml的更改无效

  •  5
  • sixtyfootersdude  · 技术社区  · 14 年前


    <!-- Force SSL for entire site as described here: http://wiki.metawerx.net/wiki/ForcingSSLForSectionsOfYourWebsite -->
            <!-- defines resources to be protected (in this case everything)-->
                    <!-- name for the resource, can be anything you like -->
                    <!-- Question: is this referenced anywhere else? -->
                            Entire Application
                    <!-- protect the entire application -->
            <!-- defines protection level for protected resource -->
                    <!-- data cannot be observed or changed                                 -->
                    <!-- how it works in tomcat:                                            -->
                    <!--    if (set to integral or confidential && not using ssl)           -->
                    <!--            redirect sent to client, redirecting them to same url   -->
                    <!--            but using the port defined in the redirect port         -->
                    <!--            attribute in the <Connector> element of server.xml      -->
                    <!--            default is 443, so in other words user is redirected    -->
                    <!--            to same page using ssl.                                 -->
                    <!-- BUT it is differnt for JBOSS!!  See this link: http://wiki.metawerx.net/wiki/ForcingSSLForSectionsOfYourWebsite -->
            <!-- Client-side SSL certificate based authentication.  The cert is passed to the server to authenticate -->
            <!-- I am pretty sure that CLIENT-CERT should have a dash NOT an underscore see: http://www.mail-archive.com/tomcat-user@jakarta.apache.org/msg139845.html -->
            <!-- CLIENT-CERT uses a client's AND server's certificates.  See: http://monduke.com/2006/01/19/the-mysterious-client-cert/ -->



    web.xml确实会阻止用户使用http(下面的端口C)连接到web服务。但是,仍然允许用户连接到不强制用户进行身份验证的端口(端口B)。我认为用户应该能够连接到端口A(它有 clientAuth="true" )但我认为人们不应该连接到端口B(它有 clientAuth="false" )


      <Connector port="<A>" ... SSLEnabled="true"
           scheme="https" secure="true" clientAuth="true"
           keystoreFile="... .keystore"
           truststoreFile="... .keystore"
      <Connector port="<B>" ... SSLEnabled="true"
           scheme="https" secure="true" clientAuth="false"
           keystoreFile="... .keystore"
           keystorePass="pword" sslProtocol = "TLS" />
      <Connector port="<C>" ...
    2 回复  |  直到 11 年前
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  •   Arjan Tijms UML GURU    11 年前

    我假设港口 <C> 是HTTP,因为您已经配置了 <transport-guarantee> CONFIDENTIAL </transport-guarantee> 因此港口 <C & GT; 被封锁了。

    端口 <B> 是否使用满足 <运输保证>机密</运输保证> 因此不会阻塞。


    web.xml配置中缺少一些元素。您的Web资源没有任何授权限制。因此,当您从端口访问时 <B & GT; 即使您没有授权,您仍然有权访问资源,因为您没有对资源设置任何授权限制。

    你需要有 <security-role> 包含 <role-name> 可以访问此应用程序。

    <security-constraint> 对于 <web-resource-collection> 应该有 <auth-constraint> 告诉哪个 <角色名称& GT; 将限制访问和其他人。

    上面配置的角色是JavaEE角色。 容器(JBASS)需要被配置为将身份验证的角色映射到JavaEE角色。






    <!-- Force SSL for entire site as described here: http://wiki.metawerx.net/wiki/ForcingSSLForSectionsOfYourWebsite -->
            <!-- defines resources to be protected (in this case everything)-->
                    <!-- name for the resource, can be anything you like -->
                    <!-- Question: is this referenced anywhere else? -->
                            Entire Application
                    <!-- protect the entire application -->
                <description>Authorized Roles</description>
            <!-- defines protection level for protected resource -->
                    <!-- data cannot be observed or changed                                 -->
                    <!-- how it works in tomcat:                                            -->
                    <!--    if (set to integral or confidential && not using ssl)           -->
                    <!--            redirect sent to client, redirecting them to same url   -->
                    <!--            but using the port defined in the redirect port         -->
                    <!--            attribute in the <Connector> element of server.xml      -->
                    <!--            default is 443, so in other words user is redirected    -->
                    <!--            to same page using ssl.                                 -->
                    <!-- BUT it is differnt for JBOSS!!  See this link: http://wiki.metawerx.net/wiki/ForcingSSLForSectionsOfYourWebsite -->
            <!-- Client-side SSL certificate based authentication.  The cert is passed to the server to authenticate -->
            <!-- I am pretty sure that CLIENT-CERT should have a dash NOT an underscore see: http://www.mail-archive.com/tomcat-user@jakarta.apache.org/msg139845.html -->
            <!-- CLIENT-CERT uses a client's AND server's certificates.  See: http://monduke.com/2006/01/19/the-mysterious-client-cert/ -->
        <description>All authenticated users</description>



    认证: 验证用户是否是主题并授予用户某些主体;“您是谁”的行为。

    授权: 验证是否允许用户访问某个资源的行为;“您可以做什么”。

    <auth-method> 告诉你如何认证用户或者如何询问你是谁。如果用户没有客户端证书,则他是未经身份验证的用户。它不能告诉用户可以做什么。

    然而 <授权限制 是你可以做的。如果你放 <授权限制 ,则只有其中提到的角色才能访问相应的Web资源。您仍然可以拥有未经身份验证但被授权访问某些资源(如果资源未被约束到证书角色)的用户。

  •  1
  •   brabster    14 年前
