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  • Guss  · 技术社区  · 15 年前



    1. 没有外部库或与外部库冲突的内容(排除从外部库复制和粘贴)。
    2. 最小化——我不希望支持代码比几行代码大,也不希望开发人员每次定义新的类或方法时都需要大量的样板。
    3. 应该允许动态扩展父对象,以便子对象看到更改(原型)。
    4. 应允许构造函数链接。
    5. 应该考虑 super 类型调用。
    6. 还是应该感觉到javascript的味道。


    function Shape(x,y) {
      this.x = x;
      this.y = y;
      this.draw = function() {
        throw new Error("Arbitrary shapes cannot be drawn");
    function Square(x,y,side) {
      this.x = x;
      this.y = y;
      this.side = side;
      this.draw = function() {
        gotoXY(this.x,this.y); lineTo(this.x+this.side, this.y); ...
    Square.prototype = new Shape();



    6 回复  |  直到 9 年前
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  •   Christoph    10 年前

    我建议使用以下模式 clone function 要从原型继承而不是从实例继承:

    function Shape(x, y) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
    Shape.prototype.draw = function() {
        throw new Error('Arbitrary shapes cannot be drawn');
    function Square(x,y,side) {
        Shape.call(this, x, y); // call super constructor
        this.side = side;
    // inherit from `Shape.prototype` and *not* an actual instance:
    Square.prototype = clone(Shape.prototype);
    // override `draw()` method
    Square.prototype.draw = function() {
        gotoXY(this.x,this.y); lineTo(this.x+this.side, this.y); // ...


    SuperClass.prototype.aMethod.call(this, arg1, arg2);

    与一些 syntactic sugar ,您可以使JS看起来像一种基于类的经典语言:

    var Shape = Class.extend({
        constructor : function(x, y) {
            this.x = x;
            this.y = y;
        draw : function() {
            throw new Error('Arbitrary shapes cannot be drawn');
    var Square = Shape.extend({
        constructor : function(x, y, side) {
            Shape.call(this, x, y);
            this.side = side
        draw : function() {
            gotoXY(this.x,this.y); lineTo(this.x+this.side, this.y); // ...
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  •   Andrzej Doyle    15 年前

    道格拉斯·克罗克福德在这两方面都有很好的文章 classical prototypal 在javascript中继承,这应该是很好的起点。

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  •   bobince    15 年前



    Function.prototype.subclass= function() {
        var c= new Function(
            'if (!(this instanceof arguments.callee)) throw(\'Constructor called without "new"\'); '+
            'if (arguments[0]!==Function.prototype.subclass._FLAG && this._init) this._init.apply(this, arguments); '
        if (this!==Object)
            c.prototype= new this(Function.prototype.subclass._FLAG);
        return c;
    Function.prototype.subclass._FLAG= {};

    使用 new Function() 是一种避免在子类()上形成不必要的闭包的方法。你可以换个漂亮点的 function() {...} 表达,如果你愿意。


    var Shape= Object.subclass();
    Shape.prototype._init= function(x, y) {
        this.x= x;
        this.y= y;
    Shape.prototype.draw= function() {
        throw new Error("Arbitrary shapes cannot be drawn");
    var Square= Shape.subclass();
    Square.prototype._init= function(x, y, side) {
        Shape.prototype._init.call(this, x, y);
        this.side= side;
    Square.prototype.draw= function() {
        gotoXY(this.x, this.y);
        lineTo(this.x+this.side, this.y); // ...

    猴子修补一个内置的(功能)是有点可疑的,但它让人读起来很愉快,而且没有人愿意这样做。 for...in 在函数上。

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  •   Don Kirkby    9 年前

    我在研究这个问题时发现的最常见的模式是 Mozilla Developer Network . 我更新了他们的示例,以包含对超类方法的调用,并在警报消息中显示日志:

    // Shape - superclass
    function Shape() {
      this.x = 0;
      this.y = 0;
    // superclass method
    Shape.prototype.move = function(x, y) {
      this.x += x;
      this.y += y;
      log += 'Shape moved.\n';
    // Rectangle - subclass
    function Rectangle() {
      Shape.call(this); // call super constructor.
    // subclass extends superclass
    Rectangle.prototype = Object.create(Shape.prototype);
    Rectangle.prototype.constructor = Rectangle;
    // Override method
    Rectangle.prototype.move = function(x, y) {
      Shape.prototype.move.call(this, x, y); // call superclass method
      log += 'Rectangle moved.\n';
    var log = "";
    var rect = new Rectangle();
    log += ('Is rect an instance of Rectangle? ' + (rect instanceof Rectangle) + '\n'); // true
    log += ('Is rect an instance of Shape? ' + (rect instanceof Shape) + '\n'); // true
    rect.move(1, 1); // Outputs, 'Shape moved.'
    1. 在您提出这个问题的五年中,似乎对继承的浏览器支持有所改善,所以我认为您不需要外部库。
    2. 这是我见过的最简单的技术,我不知道你是否认为这个样板太多了。
    3. 它根据需要使用原型,因此向父对象添加新方法也应该向子对象提供这些方法。
    4. 您可以在示例中看到构造函数链接。
    5. 示例中也有超类型调用。
    6. 我不确定它是否感觉像javascript,你必须自己决定。
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  •   Hoa Nguyen    12 年前


        var people = function (info) {
        var that = {};
        // private
        var name = info.name;
        var age = info.age;
        // getter and setter
        that.getName = function () {
            return name;
        that.setName = function (aName) {
            name = aName;
        that.getAge = function () {
            return age;
        that.setAge = function (anAge) {
            age = anAge;
        return that;
    var student = function (info) {
        // super
        var that = people(info);
        // private
        var major = info.major;
        that.getMajor = function () {
            return major;
        that.setMajor = function (aMajor) {
            major = aMajor;
        return that;
    var itStudent = function (info) {
        // super
        var that = student(info);
        var language = info.language;
        that.getLanguage = function () {
            return language;
        that.setLanguage = function (aLanguage) {
            language = aLanguage;
        return that;
    var p = person({name : "Alex", age : 24});
    console.debug(p.age); // undefined
    console.debug(p.getAge()); // 24
    var s = student({name : "Alex", age : 24, major : "IT"});
    console.debug(s.getName()); // Alex
    console.debug(s.getMajor()); // IT
    var i = itStudent({name : "Alex", age : 24, major : "IT", language : "js"});
    console.debug(i.language); // Undefined
    console.debug(i.getName()); // Alex
    console.debug(i.getMajor()); // IT
    console.debug(i.getLanguage()); // js
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  •   Fabian    15 年前


    更新 :对不起,我忘了:您仍然需要用 superior 方法以获得对超级方法的良好访问。可能不太适合你。

    var makeShape = function (x, y) {
        that = {};
        that.x = x;
        that.y = y;
        that.draw = function() {
            throw new Error("Arbitrary shapes cannot be drawn");
        return that;
    var makeSquare = function (x, y, side) {
        that = makeShape(x, y);
        that.side = side;
        that.draw = function() {
            gotoXY(that.x,that.y); lineTo(that.x+that.side, that.y); ...
        return that;