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  • Snark  · 技术社区  · 14 年前




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    type sym = Xa | Xb | Xc          // The terminal symbols 
    type word = sym list             // A string of terminals
    type gen = int -> sym list seq   // Generate words up to the given length
    /// Passes the previous symbol to a generator, after checking the length.
    let (+>) : sym  -> (sym -> gen) -> gen = 
        fun x g l -> if l<=0 then Seq.empty 
                             else seq { for xs in g x (l-1) -> x :: xs }
    let nil _ = seq { yield [] }                    // Generate just the empty word            
    let (|||) xs ys l = Seq.append (xs l) (ys l)    // Union of two generators
    let notAccepted _ = Seq.empty                   // Don't generate anything
    let tryAll g = Xa +> g ||| Xb +> g ||| Xc +> g  // Run g starting with any sym
    // Generators for non-terminals.  Each takes the previous symbol as an argument,
    // and generates a (possibly empty) sequence of lists of symbols.
    let rec gR = function Xa ->  Xb +> gS ||| Xc +> gR  ||| nil  
                        | Xc ->  Xb +> gS                        | _ -> notAccepted
        and gS = function Xb ->  Xa +> gR                        | _ -> notAccepted
    let genTop = tryAll gR  // The top level generator begins with gR with any sym
    let words = genTop 4    // Generate words up to length 4
    // val words : seq<sym list> 
    //           = seq [[Xa; Xb; Xa]; [Xa; Xc; Xb; Xa]; [Xa]; [Xc; Xb; Xa]]