class Foo<P = { fn : (e: string)=> void }> extends React.Component<P>{}
let foo = () => (
<Foo fn={e=> e}/> {/* e is any */}
// Do not change { __default?:true } to DefaultGenericParameter it only works with the former for some reason
type IfDefaultParameter<C, Default, NonDefault> = C extends { __default?:true } ? Default : NonDefault
type DefaultGenericParameter = { __default? : true; }
export type InferredProps<C extends React.ReactType> =
C extends React.ComponentType<infer P> ? P :
C extends keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements ? JSX.IntrinsicElements[C] :
// The props for Foo, will extract props from the generic parameter passed in
type FooProps<T extends React.ReactType = React.ComponentClass<{ fn: (s: string )=> void }>> = InferredProps<T> & {
other?: string
// Actual component class
class _Foo<P> extends React.Component<P>{}
// The public facing constructor
const Foo : {
new <P extends React.ReactType & {__default?: true} = React.ComponentClass<{ fn: (s: string )=> void }> & DefaultGenericParameter>(p: P) :
IfDefaultParameter<P, _Foo<FooProps>, _Foo<FooProps<P>>>
} = _Foo as any;
let foo = () => (
<Foo fn={e=> e}/> {/* e is string */}
<Foo<React.ComponentClass<{ fn: (s: number )=> void }>> fn={e=> e}/> {/* e is number */}
export type AvatarProps<C extends AnyComponent = AnyComponent> = StandardProps<
PassthruProps<C, 'div'>,
> & {
alt?: string;
childrenClassName?: string;
component?: C;
imgProps?: React.HtmlHTMLAttributes<HTMLImageElement>;
sizes?: string;
src?: string;
srcSet?: string;
type IfDefaultParameter<C, Default, NonDefault> = C extends { __default?:true } ? Default : NonDefault
type DefaultGenericParameter = { __default? : true; }
declare const Avatar : {
new <C extends AnyComponent & DefaultGenericParameter = 'div' & DefaultGenericParameter>(props: C)
: IfDefaultParameter<C, React.Component<AvatarProps<'div'>>, React.Component<AvatarProps<C>>>
const AvatarTest = () => (
{/* e is React.MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement>*/}
<Avatar onClick={e => log(e)} alt="Image Alt" src="example.jpg" />
{/* e is {/* e is React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>*/}*/}
<Avatar<'button'> onClick={e => log(e)} component="button" alt="Image Alt" src="example.jpg" />
<Avatar<React.SFC<{ x: number }>>
component={props => <div>{props.x}</div>} // props is props: {x: number;} & {children?: React.ReactNode;}
x={3} // ok
// IS NOT allowed:
// onClick={e => log(e)}
alt="Image Alt"