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如何使用Placement delete/new from a template重置类?

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  • KPexEA  · 技术社区  · 16 年前


    template <class T>
    void PoolClass<T>::ReleaseToPool(T *obj)
         obj->~T();   //call destructor
         obj->T::T(); //call constructor
         //also tried new (obj)T(); //but this doesn't seem to work either
         //then misc code to add a pointer to the object
         //to my list of available objects for re-use later


    2 回复  |  直到 16 年前
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  •   James Eichele Bernard Igiri    16 年前

    template <class T>
    void PoolClass<T>::ReleaseToPool(T *obj)
        obj->~T();                  //call destructor
        obj = new ((void *)obj)T(); //call constructor
        // add a pointer to the object to the list...
  •  2
  •   Michael Kohne    16 年前

    Boost有一个 Pool 图书馆用他们的而不是自己写可能更容易。