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  • TrashMachine139  · 技术社区  · 2 年前

    namespace NS
        using System;
        using System.Collections;
        using System.Collections.Generic;
        using System.Linq;
        public class Accelerator 
            public string AccName { get; set; }    
        public class DeviceInfo
            public int Ram { get; set; }
            public List<Accelerator> Accelerator { get; set; }
        public class SolutionPods
            public DeviceInfo DeviceInfo { get; set; }
        public class Solution
            public List<SolutionPods> SolutionPods { get; set; }
        public class HelloWorld
            public static void Main(string[] args)
                var acc1 = new Accelerator { AccName = "accelerator Name" };
                List<Accelerator> accList1 = new List<Accelerator>();
                var devInfo1 = new DeviceInfo { Ram = 64, Accelerator = accList1 };
                var solComponet = new SolutionPods { DeviceInfo = devInfo1 };
                List<SolutionPods> SCList = new List<SolutionPods>();
                var solution = new Solution { SolutionPods = SCList };
                foreach (var solutionComponet in solution.SolutionPods)
                    var solutionInformation = solutionComponet.DeviceInfo;
                    foreach (var solutionProperty in solutionInformation.GetType().GetProperties())
                        var solutionValue = solutionProperty.GetValue(solutionInformation);
                        if (solutionValue is IList)
                            Console.WriteLine("IList found");
                            // System.Collections.Generic.List`1[NS.Accelerator]
                            /tmp/AFBHdRy49g.cs(64,43): error CS1579: foreach statement cannot operate on variables of type 'object' because 'object' does not contain a public instance definition for 'GetEnumerator'
                            foreach (var s in solutionValue)
                Console.WriteLine("Setup Complete");


    2 回复  |  直到 2 年前
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  •   StriplingWarrior    2 年前

    在C#中,一旦声明了变量,它就会保持其声明的类型。就你而言 var solutionValue 使用推断的类型 object Property.GetValue() 返回。


    if (solutionValue is IList)

    if (solutionValue is IList solutions)
       foreach (var s in solutions)
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  •   Ondrej Tucny    2 年前

    编译器执行 类型检查所提供的值是否(静态)为 IEnumerable . 一 object 不是。A. (IList)solutionValue 是的。

    if (solutionValue is IList list) // joining a type test and a cast
        foreach (var s in list) // here list is an IList