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R: 带赋值的分组估计加权分位数

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  • socialscientist  · 技术社区  · 7 年前



    据我所知 survey svyby() svyquantile() 但后者返回指定分位数的值,而不是给定观察值的分位数。

    # Load survey package
    # Set seed for replication
    # Create data with value, group, weight
    dat <- data.frame(value = 1:6, 
                      group = rep(1:3,2), 
                      weight = abs(rnorm(6))
    # Declare survey design 
    d <- survey::svydesign(id =~1, data = dat, weights = weight) 
    # Do something to calculate the quantile and add it to the data

    这类似于这个问题,但不是由子组完成的: Compute quantiles incorporating Sample Design (Survey package)

    1 回复  |  直到 7 年前
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  •   socialscientist    7 年前

    我提出了一个解决方案。下面的语句序列 mutate() dplyr 由于功率 dplyr::bind_rows()

    # Set seed for replication
    # Create data with value, group, weight
    dat <- data.frame(value = 1:6, 
                      group = rep(1:3,2), 
                      weight = abs(rnorm(6))
    # Initialize list for storing group results
    # Setting the length of the list is quicker than
    # creating an empty list and growing it
    quantile_list <- vector("list", length(unique(dat$group)))
    # Initialize variable to indicate initial iteration
    iteration <- 0
    # estimate the decile of each respondent
    # in a large for-loop
    for(group in unique(dat$group)) {
    # Keep only observations for a given group
      temp <- dat %>% dplyr::filter(group == group)
      # Create subset with missing values
      temp_missing <- temp %>% dplyr::filter(is.na(value))
      # Create subset without missing values
      temp_nonmissing <- temp %>% dplyr::filter(!is.na(value))
      # Sort observations with value on value, calculate cumulative
      # sum of sampling weights, create variable indicating the decile
      # of responses. 1 = lowest, 10 = highest
      temp_nonmissing <- temp_nonmissing %>% 
                                dplyr::arrange(value) %>%
                                dplyr::mutate(cumulative_weight = cumsum(weight),
                                              cumulative_weight_prop = cumulative_weight / sum(weight),
                                              decile = dplyr::case_when(cumulative_weight_prop < 0.10 ~ 1,
                                              cumulative_weight_prop >= 0.10 & cumulative_weight_prop < 0.20 ~ 2,
                                              cumulative_weight_prop >= 0.20 & cumulative_weight_prop < 0.30 ~ 3,
                                              cumulative_weight_prop >= 0.30 & cumulative_weight_prop < 0.40 ~ 4,
                                              cumulative_weight_prop >= 0.40 & cumulative_weight_prop < 0.50 ~ 5,
                                              cumulative_weight_prop >= 0.50 & cumulative_weight_prop < 0.60 ~ 6,
                                              cumulative_weight_prop >= 0.60 & cumulative_weight_prop < 0.70 ~ 7,
                                              cumulative_weight_prop >= 0.70 & cumulative_weight_prop < 0.80 ~ 8,
                                              cumulative_weight_prop >= 0.80 & cumulative_weight_prop < 0.90 ~ 9 ,
                                              cumulative_weight_prop >= 0.90 ~ 10))
      # Increment the iteration of the for loop
      iteration <- iteration + 1
      # Join the data with missing values and the data without
      # missing values on the value variable into
      # a single data frame
      quantile_list[[iteration]] <- dplyr::bind_rows(temp_nonmissing, temp_missing)
    # Convert the list of data frames into a single dataframe
    out <- dplyr::bind_rows(quantile_list)
    # Show outcome