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  • Rehaan Ahmad  · 技术社区  · 6 年前




    def bptt(x2, y2, iteration):
    x = cp.asarray(x2)
    y = cp.asarray(y2)
    global connected_weights
    global main_kernel
    global bias_i
    global bias_f
    global bias_c
    global bias_o
    global bias_y
    global learning_rate
    # Perform forward prop
    prediction, pre_sigmoid_prediction, hidden_prediction, i, f, a, c, o, h = forward_prop(x)
    loss = calculate_loss(prediction, y)
    print("LOSS BEFORE: ")
    # Calculate loss with respect to final layer
    dLdy_2 = loss_derivative(prediction, y)
    # Calculate loss with respect to pre sigmoid layer
    dLdy_1 = cp.multiply(sigmoid_derivative(pre_sigmoid_prediction), dLdy_2)
    # Calculate loss with respect to last layer of lstm
    dLdh = cp.zeros([T + 1, channels_hidden, M, N])
    dLdh[T - 1] = cp.reshape(cp.matmul(cp.transpose(connected_weights), dLdy_1.reshape(1, M * N)), (channels_hidden, M, N)) # reshape dLdh to the appropriate size
    dLdw_0 = cp.matmul(dLdy_1.reshape(1, M*N), hidden_prediction.transpose(1,0))
    # Calculate loss with respect to bias y
    dLdb_y = dLdy_1
    #--------------------fully connected------------------
    bias_y = bias_y - learning_rate*dLdb_y
    connected_weights = connected_weights - learning_rate*dLdw_0
    # Initialize corresponding matrices
    dLdo = cp.zeros([T, channels_hidden, M, N])
    dLdc = cp.zeros([T + 1, channels_hidden, M, N])
    dLda = cp.zeros([T, channels_hidden, M, N])
    dLdf = cp.zeros([T, channels_hidden, M, N])
    dLdi = cp.zeros([T, channels_hidden, M, N])
    dLdI = cp.zeros([T, channels_hidden+ channels_img, M, N])
    dLdW = cp.zeros([4*channels_hidden, channels_img + channels_hidden, kernel_dimension, kernel_dimension])
    # Initialize other stuff
    dLdo_hat = cp.zeros([T, channels_hidden, M, N])
    dLda_hat = cp.zeros([T, channels_hidden, M, N])
    dLdf_hat = cp.zeros([T, channels_hidden, M, N])
    dLdi_hat = cp.zeros([T, channels_hidden, M, N])
    # initialize biases
    dLdb_c = cp.empty([channels_hidden, M, N])
    dLdb_i = cp.empty([channels_hidden, M, N])
    dLdb_f = cp.empty([channels_hidden, M, N])
    dLdb_o = cp.empty([channels_hidden, M, N])
    for t in cp.arange(T - 1, -1, -1):
        dLdo[t] = cp.multiply(dLdh[t], tanh(c[t]))
        dLdc[t] += cp.multiply(cp.multiply(dLdh[t], o[t]), (cp.ones((channels_hidden, M, N)) - cp.multiply(tanh(c[t]), tanh(c[t]))))
        dLdi[t] = cp.multiply(dLdc[t], a[t])
        dLda[t] = cp.multiply(dLdc[t], i[t])
        dLdf[t] = cp.multiply(dLdc[t], c[t - 1])
        dLdc[t - 1] = cp.multiply(dLdc[t], f[t])
        dLda_hat[t] = cp.multiply(dLda[t], (cp.ones((channels_hidden, M, N)) - cp.multiply(a[t], a[t])))
        dLdi_hat[t] = cp.multiply(cp.multiply(dLdi[t], i[t]), cp.ones((channels_hidden, M, N)) - i[t])
        dLdf_hat[t] = cp.multiply(cp.multiply(dLdf[t], f[t]), cp.ones((channels_hidden, M, N)) - f[t])
        dLdo_hat[t] = cp.multiply(cp.multiply(dLdo[t], o[t]), cp.ones((channels_hidden, M, N)) - o[t])
        dLdb_c += dLda_hat[t]
        dLdb_i += dLdi_hat[t]
        dLdb_f += dLdf_hat[t]
        dLdb_o += dLdo_hat[t]
        dLdz_hat = cp.concatenate((dLdi_hat[t], dLdf_hat[t], dLda_hat[t], dLdo_hat[t]), axis = 0) 
        #determine convolution derivatives
        #here we will use the fact that in z = w * I, dLdW = dLdz * I
        temporary = cp.concatenate((x[t], h[t - 1]), axis=0).reshape(channels_hidden + channels_img, 1, M, N)
        dLdI[t] = cp.asarray(F.convolution_2d(dLdz_hat.reshape(1, 4*channels_hidden, M, N), main_kernel.transpose(1, 0, 2, 3), b=None, pad=1)[0].data) # reshape into flipped kernel dimensions
        dLdW += cp.asarray((F.convolution_2d(temporary, dLdz_hat.reshape(4*channels_hidden, 1, M, N), b=None, pad=1).data).transpose(1,0,2,3)) #reshape into kernel dimensions
        #gradient clipping
        if cp.amax(dLdW) > 1 or cp.amin(dLdW) < -1:
            dLdW = dLdW/cp.linalg.norm(dLdW)
        if cp.amax(dLdb_c) > 1 or cp.amin(dLdb_c) < -1:
            dLdb_c = dLdb_c/cp.linalg.norm(dLdb_c)
        if cp.amax(dLdb_i) > 1 or cp.amin(dLdb_i) < -1:
            dLdb_i = dLdb_i/cp.linalg.norm(dLdb_i)
        if cp.amax(dLdb_f) > 1 or cp.amin(dLdb_f) < -1:
            dLdb_f = dLdb_f/cp.linalg.norm(dLdb_f)
        if cp.amax(dLdb_o) > 1 or cp.amin(dLdb_o) < -1:
            dLdb_o = dLdb_o/cp.linalg.norm(dLdb_o)
        if cp.amax(dLdw_0) > 1 or cp.amin(dLdw_0) < -1:
            dLdw_0 = dLdw_0/cp.linalg.norm(dLdw_0)
        if cp.amax(dLdb_y) > 1 or cp.amin(dLdb_y) < -1:
            dLdb_y = dLdb_y/cp.linalg.norm(dLdb_y)
        print("dLdW on step: " + str(t) + " is this: " + str(dLdW[0][0][0][0]))
        #print(str(cp.amax(dLdw_0)) + " : " + str(cp.amin(dLdw_0)))
        #print(str(cp.amax(dLdW)) + " : " + str(cp.amin(dLdW)))
        #print(str(cp.amax(dLdb_c)) + " : " + str(cp.amin(dLdb_c)))
        dLdh[t-1] = dLdI[t][channels_img: channels_img+channels_hidden] 
        #.reshape(4*channels_hidden, channels_hidden+channels_img, kernel_dimension, kernel_dimension)
        #update weights with convolution derivatives
    #----------------------------adam optimizer code-----------------------------------
    #---------------------update main kernel---------
    main_kernel = main_kernel - learning_rate*dLdW
    #--------------------update bias c-----------------------
    bias_c = bias_c - learning_rate*dLdb_c
    #--------------------update bias i-----------------------
    bias_i = bias_i - learning_rate*dLdb_i
    #--------------------update bias f-----------------------
    bias_f = bias_f - learning_rate*dLdb_f
    #--------------------update bias c-----------------------
    bias_o = bias_o - learning_rate*dLdb_o
    prediction2, pre_sigmoid_prediction2, hidden_prediction2, i2, f2, a2, c2, o2, h2 = forward_prop(x)
    print("dLdW is: " + str(dLdW[0][0][0][0]))       
    loss2 = calculate_loss(prediction2, y)
    print("LOSS AFTER: ")
    print("backpropagation complete")
    1 回复  |  直到 6 年前
  •  1
  •   Rehaan Ahmad    6 年前


    dLdb_c = cp.empty([channels_hidden, M, N])
    dLdb_i = cp.empty([channels_hidden, M, N])
    dLdb_f = cp.empty([channels_hidden, M, N])
    dLdb_o = cp.empty([channels_hidden, M, N])
