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  • ggkmath  · 技术社区  · 14 年前



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  •   mtrw    14 年前


    • 创建理想的幅度谱(记住使其与直流电对称)
    • 反变换到时间域
    • 将块旋转一半
    • 应用汉恩窗口


    下面是一些Matlab/Octave代码示例。为了测试结果,我使用 freqz(h, 1, length(h)*10); .

    function [ht, htrot, htwin] = ArbBandPass(N, freqs)
    %# N = desired filter length
    %# freqs = array of frequencies, normalized by pi, to turn into passbands
    %# returns raw, rotated, and rotated+windowed coeffs in time domain
    if any(freqs >= 1) || any(freqs <= 0)
        error('0 < passband frequency < 1.0 required to fit within (DC,pi)')
    hf = zeros(N,1); %# magnitude spectrum from DC to 2*pi is intialized to 0
    %# In Matlabs FFT, idx 1 -> DC, idx 2 -> bin 1, idx N/2 -> Fs/2 - 1, idx N/2 + 1 -> Fs/2, idx N -> bin -1
    idxs = round(freqs * N/2)+1; %# indeces of passband freqs between DC and pi
    hf(idxs) = 1; %# set desired positive frequencies to 1
    hf(N - (idxs-2)) = 1; %# make sure 2-sided spectrum is symmetric, guarantees real filter coeffs in time domain
    ht = ifft(hf); %# this will have a small imaginary part due to numerical error
    if any(abs(imag(ht)) > 2*eps(max(abs(real(ht)))))
        warning('Imaginary part of time domain signal surprisingly large - is the spectrum symmetric?')
    ht = real(ht); %# discard tiny imag part from numerical error
    htrot = [ht((N/2 + 1):end) ; ht(1:(N/2))]; %# circularly rotate time domain block by N/2 points
    win = hann(N, 'periodic'); %# might want to use a window with a flatter mainlobe
    htwin = htrot .* win;
    htwin = htwin .* (N/sum(win)); %# normalize peak amplitude by compensating for width of window lineshape