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  • hbak  · 技术社区  · 6 年前


    设计一个算法并编写代码来寻找第一个共同祖先 数据结构。注意:这不一定是二叉搜索树。


          Node ans;
          //These are the target values/nodes (In case of values, I am assuming the are unique, no repeated values)
         Value targetValue1,targetValue2;
         Boolean checkExistance(Node n, Value v, Value q){
              if n == null 
                      return false;
              elif n.value == v || n.value == q
                      return true;
              checkLeft = checkExistance(n.left,targetValue1,targetValue1);
              checkRight = checkExistance(n.right,targetValue1,targetValue1);
              if checkLeft == checkRight == false
                      return false;
              elif checkLeft == checkRight == true
                      ans = n;
                      thow new Excpetion("Common Ancestor was Found");
              //it contains one of the node 
              return true;


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