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  • BCS  · 技术社区  · 15 年前

    union/find or Disjoint-set 数据结构有很好的运行时间(有效 O(1) )对于单螺纹的情况。然而,在多线程情况下,它的有效性/性能是什么?我 它是完全有效的,即使没有锁定或除了原子指针大小的写入之外的任何原子操作。

    首先,我假设指针大小的写入是原子的。从这一点上说,你可以安全地运行 find 在多个线程中执行函数,因为只有将发生的更新都设置为相同的值。如果你允许 找到 函数返回调用时为真的答案(与返回时相反)不难证明 s和一个单曲 union 可以同时运行;参数 s不变而 找到 根从不更新。

    至于剩下的情况(几个 联盟



    A = find(a)  // union 1
    B = find(b)  // union 1
    X = find(x)  //   union 2 (x == a) -> (X == A) -> (X.par aliases A.par)
    Y = find(y)  //   union 2
    X.par = Y    //   union 2
    A.par = B    // union 1

    这可以用 CAS :

    while(!CAS(A == A.par, B)) A = find(A); 
    2 回复  |  直到 4 年前
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  •   Ionel Bratianu    15 年前

    可用于此结构的同步类型与 Readers-writers problem


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  •   Eph    8 年前


    // atomic_compare_and_exchange(unsigned int *data, unsigned int new_value, unsigned int comparator)
    // "The result used to be the root of v once"
    static unsigned int GetSet(volatile unsigned int *H_RESTRICT set, const unsigned int v)
      unsigned int next;
      unsigned int root = v;
      unsigned int prev = v;
      while (root != (next = set[root]))
        /* Update set[prev] to point to next instead of root.
          * If it was updated by some other thread in the meantime, or if this
          * is the first step (where set[prev]==next, not root), ignore. */
        atomic_compare_and_exchange(set + prev, next, root);
        prev = root;
        root = next;
      /* Update the path to the root */
      return root;
    // FALSE == "They used not to be in the same set"
    // TRUE == "They are in the same set, and will be forever"
    static HBOOL IsInSameSet(volatile unsigned int *H_RESTRICT set, unsigned int v1, unsigned int v2)
        v1 = GetSet(set, v1);
        v2 = GetSet(set, v2);
      } while (set[v1] != v1 || set[v2] != v2);
      return v1 == v2;
    static void Union(volatile unsigned int *H_RESTRICT set, unsigned int v1, unsigned int v2)
      unsigned int result;
        v1 = GetSet(set, v1);
        v2 = GetSet(set, v2);
        if (v1 == v2)
          /* Already same set. This cannot be changed by a parallel operation. */
        if (v1 < v2)
          /* Make sure we connect the larger to the smaller set. This also avoids
           * cyclic reconnections in case of race conditions. */
          unsigned int tmp = v1;
          v1 = v2;
          v2 = tmp;
        /* Make v1 point to v2 */
        result = atomic_compare_and_exchange(set + v1, v2, v1);
      } while (result != v1);