%%cython -a --cplus
import numpy as np
import cv2
import skimage.morphology as skm
import cython
from libcpp.queue cimport queue
cimport numpy as np
#Richard's Fuse Transform
cpdef void FuseTransform(unsigned char [:, :] image):
# set the variable extension types
cdef int c, x, y, nx, ny, width, height, neighbours
cdef queue[int] q
# grab the image dimensions
height = image.shape[0]
width = image.shape[1]
cdef int dx[8]
cdef int dy[8]
#Offsets to neighbouring cells
dx[:] = [-1,-1,0,1,1,1,0,-1]
dy[:] = [0,-1,-1,-1,0,1,1,1]
#Find seed cells: those with only one neighbour
for y in range(1, height-1):
for x in range(1, width-1):
if image[y,x]==0: #Seed cells cannot be blank cells
neighbours = 0
for n in range(0,8): #Looks at all neighbours
nx = x+dx[n]
ny = y+dy[n]
if image[ny,nx]>0: #This neighbour has a value
neighbours += 1
if neighbours==1: #Was there only one neighbour?
q.push(y*width+x) #If so, this is a seed cell
#Starting with the seed cells, gobble up the lines
while not q.empty():
c = q.front()
y = c//width #Convert flat index into 2D x-y index
x = c%width
image[y,x] = 0 #Gobble up this part of the fuse
neighbour = -1 #No neighbours yet
for n in range(0,8): #Look at all neighbours
nx = x+dx[n] #Find coordinates of neighbour cells
ny = y+dy[n]
#If the neighbour would be off the side of the matrix, ignore it
if nx<0 or ny<0 or nx==width or ny==height:
if image[ny,nx]>0: #Is the neighbouring cell active?
if neighbour!=-1: #If we've already found an active neighbour
neighbour=-1 #Then pretend we found no neighbours
break #And stop looking. This is the end of the fuse.
else: #Otherwise, make a note of the neighbour's index.
neighbour = ny*width+nx
if neighbour!=-1: #If there was only one neighbour
q.push(neighbour) #Continue burning the fuse
#Read in image
img = cv2.imread('part.jpg')
#Convert image to grayscale
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
#Apply Otsu's method to eliminate pixels of intermediate colour
ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(gray,0,255,cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
#Apply the Fuse Transform
skh_dilated = skelhuman.copy()